Friday, June 13, 2008

Dilemma in Thailand, Crisis in Malaysia

The People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) in Thailand leads the Opposition block in the Parliament of Thailand. The party is said to be closely linked to the Generals that ousted Thaksin from his post as PM in 2006.

In BangkokPost, protests were appearing in Thailand and familiar faces in PAD called upon the Generals to interfere in the political crisis.

Does that mean another coup? I hope Abhisit Vejjajiva can come out and resolve the tension and show to the people of Thailand that they are not a military party but a democratic one as clearly stated in its name, the People's Alliance for Democracy.

Stop the executives of PAD who are planning with the Generals for another coup. Enough is enough in Thailand. We have seen too many coups there.

Respect the monarchy and the constitution of Thailand. Generals are not above the law and they are not above the King of Siam. You should all act within your powers and respect the people's choices.

Anyway, if any of you read the interview transcripts with PM Hun Sen of Cambodia, you will find a lot of things there. Just a part caught my attention and PM Hun Sen's words are serious. Allow me to quote unquote the words of the PM of Cambodia :

First of all, I should reitierate that in Cambodia and Thailand, if any person is to be toppled, that person will be charged with corruption. Cambodia has only two stories. If anyone wants to be opposed, then that person will be charged with corruption and border irregularities. It is not unusual.

This sounds like a worrying thing in South East Asia especially Thailand and Cambodia. Politics in these two countries are not easy as the people face massive poverty issues where the current state of economy consists of inflationary pressure.

It is indeed interesting for me to diverge away from Malaysian politics for now into Thailand's and Cambodia's. I have no comments on the Datuk Ian Chin matter. I believe Matthias Chang's challenge to Datuk Ian Chin will be enough for now. Read it at .

And we shall hear the story from Tun one day.

Do not take the story just like that. But Malaysians will always be Malaysians. In Tun's words, the world loves conspiracies.

We now have the Pakatan Rakyat hammering BN for the oil increase and organizing mega demonstrations right in the heart of KL. Pakatan Rakyat is using the people's frustration and exploiting the situation well to topple the Government of Malaysa.

Erm. I personally do not want to see Malaysia turning herself into a country that lives on demonstrations. We want Malaysia to be peaceful and democratic. Use the proper channels. I do not mind demonstrations but there has to be limits. Freedom when given, will always be abused to a certain extent.

I have always loved to see some degree of Opposition in Malaysia to provide for check and support. However, if you live your life by exploiting the other party's matters and play it to your side, then how long will you last?

Did the people vote for Pakatan Rakyat because they love their policies or did they vote Pakatan Rakyat just because they were angry with Barisan Nasional?

Pakatan Rakyat sounds so "nice". On the voting cards, were they any Pakatan Rakyat logos? No. They were all individual parties - DAP, PKR and PAS versus Barisan Nasional.

The question thrown at the Opposition still remains. Are you all really sleeping on the same bed and using the same pillow? Or is it just a temporary united front to buy the hearts of the people?

Show us what you got, Pakatan Rakyat. And not show us what BN is doing to all of us. If I vote you into the Federal Government just because I dont like BN, how long do you think you can last, Pakatan Rakyat? The people will soon question - what is Pakatan Rakyat offering? Why did I vote for Pakatan Rakyat? Was it because they had great policies and leaders or was it because we were angry with BN?

If it was the latter, then Pakatan Rakyat will not sit in Putrajaya for long.

Wah wah. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said he will reverse the pricing levels of petrol in Malaysia back to the old one. How is that possible, Datuk Seri?

You found money? I know Tun always claim that we have enough money in the country. Even Tun comes out saying that a gradual reduction of subsidies would be better. And I read somewhere of a proposal that a schedule of petrol pricing should have been created with fixed dates of price changes. In other words, the Government should have set several dates over a period of time and implement gradual reduction of petrol subsidy.

That sounds like a good proposal and whoever came up with that idea should have been appointed as an advisor to the PM of Malaysia with a Ministerial status.

Anyway, I am very interested to hear the rationale and budgeting of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. How do you plan to do that? Or are you just singing the tunes of the people?

Come up in public and tell us how you plan to reverse the pricing of petrol. Pak Lah says it is inevitable given the world price of oil per barrel. Datuk Seri Anwar says Pakatan Rakyat will reverse it if they have the Federal Government in their hands soon.

Hmm. And the crossover of MPs from BN will continue as scheduled? Eh Datuk Seri Anwar, why wait till September? Did any fortune teller say that it is best for MPs to crossover in September? I am curious. Why September and not now? July? August?

Dilemma in Thailand, Crisis in Malaysia.

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