Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Thank you

Your suggestion of a possible team up of Tan Sri Muhyiddin and Ku Li seems fascinating. However, you do seem to contradict yourself a bit there. Your case of them challenging pak lah n najib for umno leadership is clearly against your earlier blog entry of "Ku Li for President of UMNO?" earlier u mentioned that pak lah do have his own supporters and now u are questioning that issue because umno mps arent united enough to show their loyalty towards pak lah? hmm... apparently your stand is quite subjective, only based upon tun mahathir's opinion. as recently tun praised tan sri's courage of speaking up, your opinion of tan sri immediately alter. hmm...

i believe tun mahathir cannot dictate the terms when appointing the next leader after his successor, pak lah. he shd understand that it is up to the umno as a whole to decide who would b the leader, not his own personal opinion!

don't get me wrong, i'm not an advent supporter of pak lah or any other politician. he has been quite ineffective in leading the country. change is req for the sake of the nation, however one muz always take note that it shd b incrementally as adopting a "big bang" approach does have its drawbacks. too much change in a short period of time hav negv effects on the country's stability n economy. political instability would eventually lose foreign investors to the nation thus leaving us all back to square one! bad leadership, bad economy and bad future

The above comment was written by an anonymous person. And I wish to clear whatever doubts you have of my blog entry with regards to your wordings "Your case of them challenging pak lah n najib for umno leadership is clearly against your earlier blog entry of "Ku Li for President of UMNO?" earlier u mentioned that pak lah do have his own supporters and now u are questioning that issue because umno mps arent united enough to show their loyalty towards pak lah? hmm... apparently your stand is quite subjective, only based upon tun mahathir's opinion. as recently tun praised tan sri's courage of speaking up, your opinion of tan sri immediately alter. hmm..."

My case of them challenging Pak Lah still remains. I suggested that they team up to challenge Pak Lah. Because that is the only team possible now. But Tengku Razaleigh did not acknowledge the "presence" of Tan Sri Muhyiddin for the fight. Only Tun did. And as I said, Tan Sri Muhyiddin is no hero in UMNO. He needs the backing of a superpower.

My opinion of Tan Sri has not changed. He is still suitable. But as I said, he badly needs a powerhouse of UMNO to support him. Tun voiced his support and praised Tan Sri. However, circumstances have changed. Tan Sri does not have the support of UMNO Member 0001 anymore. Why?

Because Tun left UMNO. His words still count, but Tun cannot meet UMNO members anymore for the meantime when he is outside UMNO. And my opinions of Tan Sri still remains the same. That he can challenge for higher levels. He needs a superpower.

And the only powerhouse left is just Tengku Razaleigh. Ku Li needs to make his offer on a running mate now. And Tan Sri Muhyiddin, for his sake, needs to grab the support of Ku Li. Otherwise, Tan Sri Muhyiddin will not move up.

I said Pak Lah and Najib have their supporters. And I did not question at all about UMNO MPs not united enough to show their loyalty. In fact if you read the news, UMNO MPs pledged their support. Read what I wrote carefully.

I question not the loyalty of UMNO MPs to Pak Lah. I am wondering the about the support of the whole UMNO party. Read what I wrote, before you attempt to hammer me. There were many branches of UMNO who wanted to press for an EGM. And we all know, the greatest influence of UMNO comes from UMNO Johor. Is UMNO Johor fully behind Pak Lah?

And please. I am a grown up mature person. I do not sing the songs of Tun Mahathir's words all the time. I can make my own decisions and thoughts. Pak Lah has his supporters. UMNO MPs except Datuk Mukhriz have pledged their loyalty. But these are just the words of the MPs. What about the members of UMNO? What about the Supreme Council of UMNO? What about the Supreme Council of Barisan Nasional?

I am questioning that. And what I write till now, have been consistent. I believe you need to be clear and read through what I wrote all these while.

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