Sunday, March 09, 2008


I have never expected Perak and Selangor State Governments to fall under opposition. Yesterday night when I was looking at updates from NST that the opposition won 22 seats and needed a few more only to take over, I was stunned. And I forgot about my home state till 3.30am when I saw the results table that opposition was leading the Coalition by 7 to 1.

Damn! 5 states under opposition rule. Perak, Selangor, Penang, Kedah and Kelantan. I left Perak under BN rule, and if I return in June or November this year, it would be a new Barisan Rakyat government! Day after day when I read newspapers in Malaysia, I was optimistic with BN's chances in Kelantan. Tsk tsk, sad to say, even Dr Awang Adek - the Kelantan MB designate - lost to the ever popular Nasharuddin Isa!

I was expecting chaos because in the past when DAP wins alot, the Chinese are deemed as racists and there were signs of riots and uneasiness in Malaysia. However, this time around, sorry to say this to UMNO-MCA-MIC, MALAYSIANS consisting of Malays, Chinese and Indians have voiced out by supporting the oppositions' multiracial candidates as well!

In some seats, I can see that the challenger from the opposition defeated the BN incumbent of another race! Given that most of the time BN play by racial politics and place a candidate based on the highest number of race in that particular constituency, this would mean that if a Malay opposition candidate wins an Indian populated seat, even the Indians are supporting the Malay candidate!

So then, do we really care much if we are Malay, Chinese or Indians? I don't think the significance of this point bears much weight anymore. People are voting against the coalition due to many factors which I guess Pak Lah will analyse soon and let us know! Pak Lah should prepare and explain to us why the struggles of BN's founding fathers are no longer in the minds of voters. Pak Lah should also stress to the Coalition that their 'excellent' record in the history textbooks are no longer useful. Scare tactics of reoccurence of May 13 if we vote for the opposition will never work anymore.

In such a defeat, the first thing that came to my mind was Dr Mahathir's comments about Pak Lah's leadership. However, Pak Lah made it clear that the people did not vote against his leadership. So let us see in Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Penang and Kelantan.

Kedah - is BN trying to blame Datuk Mahdzir Khalid?

Perak - Datuk Seri Tajol Rosli not doing a good job? Maybe ... has been a retirees town since the birth of Perak. Er, Sultan Azlan and Raja Nazrin might be shocked to see a new Government.

Selangor - let me just say UMNO Youth will be smiling all the way when they see Dr Khir Toyo getting rid of and what does that mean? Promotions in UMNO Youth when Dr Khir is out and obsolete! But to me, Dr Khir has been a good leader I believe. Hmm ... a self declared developed state by BN is now under the Opposition. I remember the opposition slamming the Coalition on the developing-developed status of Selangor. I wonder if the new Government of Selangor will be happily shouting out "Selangor Dah Maju" like BN.

Penang - even before the elections, I believe many of the Malays, Chinese and Indians know Penang might fall under the Barisan Rakyat rule led by DAP Penang. I believe Lim Guan Eng will be the new CM. What then will happen to the monorail project? The 2nd Penang Bridge? The Rapid Penang will not be 'rapid' anymore? Hmm.

Kelantan - Dr Awang Adek lost his election bid earlier on the day. So, I guess it is expected that in the end, PAS will still rule. I hope Datuk Husam Musa gets to be the new Menteri Besar. I think he is quite good. UMNO was quite confident of winning Kelantan. But in the end, the Malays rejected UMNO's presence and sent them all packing with a trashing!

When I see these results, I guess someone has to be responsible. Should party component leaders resign? Should the BN leaders resign and make way for others? I just read from Rockybru that Dr Mahathir will be having a press conference at 11am in his residence. Watch what he will say. UMNO might need an EGM I guess.

Heavyweights like Datuk Seri Samy Vellu, Datuk Seri Shahrizat, Datuk Seri ZAM and Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon were rejected and it was surprising to see that even Nurul Izzah could win! As for Datuk Seri Samy Vellu, I guess the Indians are very unhappy. Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon should have been given a safe seat ... but it is too late now. Oh yes, the Taiping people rejected M Kayveas!

My dad was a Taiping boy and I think he expected it. Hmm. Given that so many state Governments, haha, Datuk-ships will not be given to Coalition people


  1. I'd rather live free in poverty than in luxury but in chains.

  2. Hehe..Datuk Khir Toyo a good leader? He imposes tax on people for collecting rainwater for god's sake!! The second country to do that after Bolivia, a god forsaken backward South American country.
