Sunday, March 02, 2008

In Canberra

I was on board MH 123 from KLIA to Sydney at 10.40 pm and arrived at 9.40am Australia time. Then, I filled up the declaration form crossing 'no' for all the stuff because I really am not bringing any food, any medicine, any soiled items, etc.

However, sadly, I was led to a counter for questioning and searching of my luggage !!! So of course I had to cooperate. I had a copy of The Star with me and the officer looked at an article of a drug ring busted.

And he asked me if anyone has ever asked me to do the same, if I have drugs etc. I was questioned and slowly examined - my intentions to Australia, how long I have been studying here, how do I like Australia, what are the items in my bag, who is paying for my education etc. It was way too long and I kept looking at my clock because I had a domestic flight to catch !

Thankfully I had sufficient time to go the Terminal 2 via bus after the questioning session and still have 20 minutes to wait for the plane from Sydney to Canberra via Virgin Blue. I was innocent and had nothing.

There were three of us (coz I saw two guys in front of me) who were searched and questioned at that moment. I guess it was a random thing. But everything went well between me and the officer. Luckily it wasn't any longer.

Otherwise I could have been late for my domestic flight ! The journey was tiring but I am now back in Canberra. Pals went out lunch with me and I am exhausted. I am beginning to dislike airline food and sick of flying a little.

But seriously, I had troubles of homesickness and other emotional issues. I miss my home, my parents and their voices and grumbles, my naughty sister and my dogs. But this time I have another sadness. I won't be able to see Sue Ann anymore till December when she comes back for holidays.

Sigh. I feel sad when I think of all these. Life must go on though but talk is easy. My feelings now are highly emotional. Cried when I said bye to Sue Ann, wept when I said bye to my family in KLIA, and had tears in eyes while in MAS plane and the Sydney Airport.

I do hope that my schedule will keep me busy and not think too much of other things though it might be hard for the meantime.

Elections in Malaysia is on the way this weekend ! Although physically I am not there, but I will be with you all the time online and updating myself !

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