Thursday, March 13, 2008

Kejor Yeop Kejor !

Perak oooh Perak. What is going on? YB Lim Kit Siang and his DAP team in Perak will be boycotting the appointment of YB Pasir Panjang from PAS as the MB of Perak. As I read around the blogosphere and from the comments I received in my blog, people are starting to call DAP a chauvinist Chinese. There was a reader who even "reminded" me that the Perak MB post is only fixed for a Malay Muslim.

Now, I am no DAP guy. But allow me to defend Malaysia's 2nd most famous Uncle Lim (the most famous would be Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong). The statement by DAP says they respect the alliance of PKR-DAP and that either YB Jamaluddin of Behrang from PKR or YB Ngeh Koo Ham of DAP should be the MB.

Given the legislation in Perak that the MB has to be a Malay Muslim, by the notes of the official statement of DAP, I wouldn't be surprised that DAP will nod their heads, smile and attend the official ceremony of the appointment of YB Jamaluddin as the MB of Perak.

How then can we say that DAP stalwarts are racists, chauvinists? The term chauvinists seem to be a description of Chinese only. And more recently, Indians. What about the UMNO racists in the General Assembly? Were there any suspensions served to them or sacking? In MCA and MIC, if anyone plays the racial cards, wow ... they get slapped hard ! But in UMNO, Datuk Seri Najib will come up saying "We will not be airing the General Assembly live on air in future".

Haha. I am not saying DAP is a party for all. We all agree that they are not. But the case in Perak, there is a dilemma indeed. The Chinese and Indians there are supportive of PKR and DAP. They are wary of the motives, agendas and leadership of PAS in Perak.

Kelantan heroes like Datuk Husam Musa and Nasharuddin Mat Isa would have been welcomed with open arms in Perak. But not the current line up of PAS assemblyman in Perak that we have now.

So, the dilemma is this. If PAS gets the MB-ship instead of PKR, we can be ready to see that the supporters of DAP and PKR that consists of Malays, Chinese and Indians might vote for the Barisan Nasional candidates in the 13th General Election. Also, those Malays, Chinese and Indians sitting on the fence will also vote for the Barisan Nasional in the next term. This spells trouble for the Barisan Rakyat!

Let me remind you that we Perakians Malays and non Malays have never ever fought against Tan Sri Ramli Ngah Talib or Datuk Seri Tajol Rosli's legitimacy or grasp on the MB-ship of Perak. Never ever. So never ever label the Perakians Malays and non Malays as bodoh, chauvinists, racists or any bad smelly names!

It is just that politically for the opposition, it would have been wiser to have a PKR Malay MB that a PAS Malay MB at least for this new Government of Perak for this term. It would help to boost the confidence of the people in the opposition and perhaps in the next term, accept the leadership of PAS in Perak. With the official appointment of YB Pasir Panjang from PAS as the new MB of Perak and DAP Perak chief Ngeh Koo Ham as the Deputy MB of Perak, I would say that the opposition is in for a hard time in the 13th General Election in Perak. If instead YB Jamaluddin was appointed as the new MB of Perak and Ngeh Koo Ham as Deputy MB, the stability of politics in Perak would have been better and life can get on as usual.

For those of you who want UMNO, MCA and MIC under the umbrella of Barisan Nasional to win back Perak, feel free to cheer on the Barisan Rakyat of Perak! If everything goes well, the BN can wrest control of Perak in the next term.


  1. What's wrong with current PAS assemblymen in Perak? Or to be more specific,is there anything wrong with Ir Nizar?If the MB is from DAP,I'll welcome that decision because they deserve it.But majority of Msians are not up to that level yet.We are still cant get away from ethnic politic.

    Maybe if u read Nizar biodata u 'd have a different view.If u already did,up to u if u still want to stick to ur opinion.Referring to his biodata,I think he is more 'multiracial' and has more experiences with non-muslim, perhaps better than Husam.

    I would like to stress that PAS didn't ask for that post.It's just the sultan requested the three parties submit a name each and he will decide.I'm not sure whether there will be a 'Kerajaan PAS Perak' or 'Islamic state of Perak' if Nizar become the MB and most of the excos will be from DAP and NONE from PAS.The fact that the MB is from PAS doesn't make the state under PAS rule,it is still under the coalition government. Looking at what Nizar said and PAS Perak Commisioner press conference,PAS pretty much realises that fact.And please remember that the decision came from Sultan of Perak,whom i think the most educated sultan in our country.

    I also don't understand why the non-malays still have this skepticism about PAS.PAS today is not the same as PAS in 1980s.Not even the same as PAS in 1999.I still woder why the Indians in Parlimen Kota Raja voted for Dr Siti Mariah(PAS) and give her a 20,000plus majority although her opponent is from MIC. Even the Chinese in dun kota lama(kelantan) voted for PAS' Chinese muslim candidate, not the candidate from MCA.Maybe u want to find out why.

  2. sorry for the long's unfortunate i don't have my own blog.
