Sunday, March 23, 2008

Wow wee .....

I was just reading The Star's new article and I am surprised with such comments. The article I read was NGOs concerned 'over fate' of Perak Malays at

But it wasn't the plight of the Malays in Perak that made me chuckle. It was the following :

Datuk Kamilia Ibrahim, who represented Perak Wanita NGO, said the popular votes showed that more voters supported the Barisan instead of the Opposition.

She said the Barisan garnered some 333,000 votes compared to 282,000 that went to the opposition front.

Based on this, she said Barisan had a simple majority and should be allowed to form a minority government.

Erm ... somebody might want to tell her that she is making a fool of herself? Anyone have any stats on how good the opposition fared in terms of popular votes in all states and the Parliament seats?

Haha ... Datuk Kamilia .... let me tell you something all right? According to reports by Malaysiakini, the peninsula-wide popular votes of Barisan Nasional was only 49.79 percent! This means that according to your definition of simple majority and governance, the Opposition should rule the Peninsula! Yeah... remember to write a petition to DYMM Yang diPertuan Agong that the Opposition should rule Peninsula Malaysia okay, Datuk Kamilia?

Ridiculous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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