Thursday, February 21, 2008

KJ ? Guan Eng ? Nurul Izzah ?

Let me begin with explaining why I am such a big fan of Tun Dr Mahathir. Some of my close pals are even saying that I am too crazy over Tun's vision, leadership and policies. But let me explain a little and from there, I will move on to what I think of today's landscape in politics. Now, part of the reason why I respect Tun Dr M was because during the time he was a PM, he introduced the Look East Policy. When he did that, he led the country by example and sent his son ( or sons ... I don't really remember ) to Japan to further his studies. If I am not mistaken, it was Datuk Mukhriz who wanted to study Music but was sent to Japan to study. If I am wrong, maybe Encik Sufi or some of my readers who know can correct me.

And when Tun was still a Datuk Seri and a PM of Malaysia, he clearly told the UMNO machinery that they can nominate his children for General Elections or for any Government posts but he will never appoint or allow them to be on the candidates list at all. That was Tun's policy on his children's political future and it remained that way till he retired! Tun's style was in stark contrast with the Lee Dynasty in Singapore where Lee Kuan Yew and Lee Hsien Loong had the tiny island under the Lee family's rule for so many decades. However, we are seeing a change in Malaysia's landscape this time around and we will be having several mini dynasties here though not as great as the Lee family's political grip.

Today, we read many blogs and hear comments from individuals across the country slamming Pak Lah for Khairy's "invisible hand" in the Government, Federal and States politics, UMNO and the General Elections.

But when we look at our actions and words, we fight for human rights, rule of law and better freedom in this country. So why then are we restricting Khairy from progressing ? Some of us say he is "dirty" and he is using the influence of his father in law, the "most powerful" PM in history of Malaysia based on elections record. If that is the case, and widely believed to be so, then KJ should be stopped and given a reality check of himself. And I personally am wary and worried of KJ's actions, influence and power all these while.

To stop at KJ will be bias to everyone and unfair to KJ. Look around us. We have the Lims in DAP ! YB Lim Kit Siang and perhaps the future YB Lim Guan Eng ... hmm ... isn't the case in DAP similar to the case in UMNO's Pak Lah and KJ ?

Ask yourself this. If DAP wins the Parliament with a 2/3 majority (which is totally impossible for now), and both father and son won their parliamentary seats, will they both not be members of the Cabinet ? I am sure YB Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng will appoint themselves to strategic and powerful portfolios.

Not only DAP my dear friends. We might even see a Anwar-Izzah Parti Keadilan Rakyat dynasty too ! Nurul Izzah, daughter of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is expected to contest in Lembah Pantai against the incumbent Datuk Seri Shahrizat, a Minister.

Anwar Ibrahim is widely rumoured to contest in April in a seat which PKR wins this time. He is barred from contesting the 12th GE till April. And whoever wins the Parliamentary seats for PKR, Anwar will choose the constituency and make the MP step down. This will pave the way for a by-election for Anwar to contest as the new candidate.

So, again, assuming PKR wins the Parliament with a 2/3 majority, will we not see a Anwar-Izzah Cabinet of Malaysia ? We might even see a Anwar-Azizah-Izzah Cabinet !

What is happening to Malaysia ? I am not sure if Lim Si Pin and Lim Keng Yaik will both be on the Gerakan list this time so I won't comment on Gerakan's side of father and son political grip now. But I would like to praise Tun Dr Ling Leong Sik and Tun Dr Mahathir. Their children rose to power only after they stepped down and retired from Government and politics, thus avoiding a "dynasty" which we frequently see these days.

Ladies and gentlemen, we might be seeing the remake of imperial powers and politics of olden China right here in Malaysia. Remember to get your tickets and popcorn and sit tight in your couch for a brand new season of politics in Malaysia !

1 comment:

  1. I have commented before - Malaysian politics are family based.

    UMNO - Father & Son-in-Law Party
    DAP - Father & Son Party
    MCA - The Brothers' Party
    MIC - Samy's Party
    PKR - Husband & Wife Party
