Thursday, January 10, 2008


My class for International Business started on Monday. And on that day, I was assigned to present a case study together with Arya (Indonesian senior) on INDONESIA : THE TROUBLED GIANT.

Well, two groups presented on the day. The rest will be all throughout the month. I was kept busy on Monday and Tuesday to research, read, compile and get it into proper slides. In the end, the presentation yesterday was good I feel ... at least that's what the lecturer said. Arya even gave a trivial quiz after the presentation .... and 3 packets of cassava was given out !

Haha ... Arya gave an extra pack to me and another to my Brazilian lecturer as well. No idea what cassava is ? It's actually our kacang putih ... the spicy ubi one .... but this taste really spicy.... just two pieces and I started looking for cold water !

I woke up this morning with a bad feeling all over my body. I felt feverish ... and I was coughing all day. Sigh ... not a good time to get sick ...

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