Thursday, December 13, 2007

To The World , This is Malaysia

Of course the Royal Malaysian Police has done us proud once again ! Thanks to the marvellous Youtube , we can now put Malaysia on the roadmap and achieve our image as global partner with peaceful and harmonious society !

Hurray ! This is what we call Malaysia Truly Asia ! Indeed Malaysia is no different from the fist fighting MPs in Taiwan , from the demonstrators in Hong Kong and Korea as well as Japan , from the martial laws in Thailand and Myanmar !

Oh no no ... we are different . We are more "civilized" in that sense ... because our Royal Malaysian Police did us proud ! Malaysia .... Truly Asia .

I was sooooooooo proud to see Malaysia's image when I was reading through Jeffooi's blog. Let me give you the wonderful Malaysia's image links here ... courtesy of Youtube's users .

1. Mr Mustafa Ali , PAS Election Strategy Director at the compound of Malaysian Parliament . YB Kulasegaran repeatedly asked the policemen to show the court order.... well ... the policeman did flash a few pieces of A4 paper only ... haha ....

2. Wah ... this is so much like the SWAT team's actions .... where the barge in and drag some one out .... but normally I think these procedures are applied to a terrorist or a criminal or perhaps to save a victim at a hostage scene .... but applying these on a Tan Sri ? FYI , Tan Sri is a honorific title given only by the DYMM Yang di Pertuan Agong Malaysia . I repeat ... ONLY !

3. This can be a video evidence of the brutality of Malaysian Police where the person in custody of the Police was hit . The officer who did that should be sacked and charged in the Courts of Malaysia under the Federal Constitution on the basis of assault and perhaps abuse of power .

Yeah , well there are many more .... visit Jeff's blog to find out . I am so proud of you Malaysia ! The elections will come soon ... I have seen people setting up stalls at Pasar Malam showing videos like these .... so faham - fahamlah .....

Whatever you do these days , there are black and white evidences , there are videos . And these will not lie ... I remember what the Muslims always say ... Allah hu akbar !! The word means Allah is Great ...(If I'm not mistaken) ....

Although I am not a Muslim , I am always reminded by this word ... because it also means God is Great ....

Dear YAB Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi ....on July 28th 2006 . Your son-in-law was captured in picture and published in front page mainstream media together with approx 10,000 people held a demonstration with anger towards the United States . KJ stormed into the Asean Regional Forum while Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice was in there . How did that happen ? Our Malaysian Police and Federal Reserve Unit can prevent people from entering the Palace grounds but not the convention centre where Miss Rice was in with Secret Service also around I believe ?!?

Arrest your son-in-law too ! Be impartial ! Be fair to all Malaysians .... the Bersih walk was no different from your son-in-law's walk !! Bersih's was for democracy and a fair and just elections ! KJ was for the Palestinians and Lebanese ...

It is never too late to arrest your son-in-law now Pak Lah ! Just do it ! If you need a reminder ... let me help you ...

1 comment:

  1. wow, a SOPO. great to see peeps our age care abt the country.
