Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Fight For Democracy ?

Time and time again , civilization has not showed us how good democracy as a whole in the nation is as compared to "democracy" in a single united party ruling the administration .

This of course is not a reference to the giant Barisan Nasional of Malaysia .

In Hong Kong , some people ( not all - just a handful ) are screaming the words "WE WANT DEMOCRACY" . To me , and I've just heard from a friend of mine Yu Jin , Hong Kong is the nearest model of economy to a "free economy" model .

It is the best possible example . And though the cost of living there is high , so are the wages , payrolls and lifestyle . Was trying to book some hotels in Hong Kong for my tour there this year , the prices are rocket high ! Though in Aussie Dollars in would seem like normal prices . Haha .

Anyway , the economy there is flourishing , everything there seems good . Government running the country well , no military oppression , no discrimination , no supreme crime rates . We all know that triads in Hong Kong are powerful , but crime rates are still low and Hong Kong is not only a land of peace and harmony , it is also a land of opportunities like America . It is where wealth spills like mad , business opportunities pop up for you and voila - you are rich !

Democracy in the sense of administration of Hong Kong ? I don't get it . Why not fight the powerful Li Ka Shing ? I once read a magazine - either Fortune or Business Week ... can't remember... an article in it said Li Ka Shing is so powerful in Hong Kong that he can decide to cut water supplies and electricity to Hong Kong anytime he wants !

He controls a huge chunk if not all of the ammenities in Hong Kong . He owns basically all the basic necessities of human survival in Hong Kong . And this includes telecommunications because without phones and internet , you will suffer these days . And of course I am talking about electricity and water . If he decides to threaten the HK people , boom !

So you see . Isn't Li Ka Shing a more dangerous man to the agenda of Hong Kong's future compared to the march of Democracy against the ruling of People's Republic of China by putting a puppet admin in Hong Kong ?

Puppet you may say . But the administration in Hong Kong basically runs Hong Kong by themselves quite well . Did President Hu or President Jiang ever ordered a Tsim Tsa Tsui police officer to shoot anyone they want ? No . Have they ever said ... we want the fuel price in HK to rise 500% tomorrow and we want a higher income tax rate at 70% ?

HK is not like the much needed democratic model in Myanmar . HK is not like Pakistan . HK is nowhere near a Junta rule . HK is HK with tourists flowing in , ships and containers carrying goods in and out , flourishing economy with a superb bunch of tycoons and life seems all right there .

Don't start arguing about poverty in HK with me . I've said before that poverty can never be eradicated in this world . It is because we have a benchmark for poverty levels and time after time , the US revise their poverty level calculations . And the results are always the same . Poverty exists . But that's not the point . HK ... a business district ... poverty is the reason for the march of democracy ? Rubbish !

Now . Why then the fight for democracy ? In Hong Kong , there are not many people holding office and running Hong Kong because it is under the administration of China . Hong Kong is like a state ... like Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia .

If indeed HK is given a full fledged independence , it will mean that there will be more positions in the upper office to be filled ...

Now now .... does this mean that the initiators of HK's quest for democracy are power hungry or the quest really came out deep down from their hearts ?

Are they willing to risk their life fortune , their lifes and their family for the sake of democracy ? I wonder . Every rational person will fight for something that they think is beneficial and worthwhile in return . So what do the people of HK who scream "WE WANT DEMOCRACY" want ?

Is the democratic model better ? Look at the United States , look at Malaysia and look at Japan . With democracy , there are many subpoenas issued , many scandals , many corruption and also "dictatorship within democracy" .

Within China itself , they have their own politics though they are run by a single party . It is democracy within a single party in a country . I believe . In Japan , democracy is unstable even within a single party .

Is HK willing to risk their future with possible political instability ? Some HK people scream out loud "LET US DECIDE OUR OWN FATE" . This message was loud and clear from all over HK aimed at Beijing . But then , what is it that you want to decide on ? It is not like HK's administration is sitting down doing nothing at all . It is not like the councils in HK , the legislative arm , the law enforcers and the public servants are sitting around and "yumcha" every day without bothering what's happening .

HK is all right now . They are flourishing , living their lives well . That is why I believe many of the Hong Kong artists and people joined the HK - China celebration a couple of months back . Nothing is bad under China currently except at some provinces where the air quality can choke us to death . Other than that , till today , I can't see the reason for the fight of democracy in HK against China .

Make no mistake . I am not a communist and I don't have anything against Li Ka Shing . I don't want Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz (DNA) shouting in Parliament tomorrow that I have the brains of a communist and I am a threat to the national security . Make no mistake DNA . I am somewhere a mix between pro democracy and communism . But my idea is , HK is safe and sound now with their current model . There is no need to change .

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