Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Politics Forced Bias Attitude Even In The Name of Patriotism

The following is an article by YB Lim Kit Siang

I started my speech on the supplementary estimates this morning calling on MPs to stand up for seven shouts of “Merdeka” to uphold the Malaysian Constitution as the country is still celebrating the 50th Merdeka Anniversary.

Only DAP MPs stood up, with me shouting “Merdeka” and the DAP MPs responding “Secular Malaysia” seven times.

Not a single Barisan Nasional (BN) MP, whether Umno, MCA, MIC or Gerakan stood up to shout “Merdeka”.

In my speech, I said I had called for seven shouts of “Merdeka” for two purposes: firstly, to demonstrate that the loyalty and patriotism of DAP MPs to the country is second to none to anyone from Barisan Nasional in Parliament, whether minister, deputy minister or parliamentary secretary.

Secondly, to highlight the ‘farce” of patriotism staged by certain BN MPs last Wednesday who disgraced Parliament and demeaned the 50th Merdeka anniversary celebrations just to score cheap political points against Opposition MPs.

The BN MP for Jasin, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof growled from his seat that my seven shouts of Merdeka in Parliament was “cheapening” its meaning. I must thank him for helping me to illustrate my point about the “farce” of patriotism staged by him and other BN MPs in Parliament last Wednesday.

The more I read , the more frustrated I get . It is clearly shown that BN MP's practise patriotism on a bias basis . When BN MPs raised to shout Merdeka and DAP MPs did not , wow .... we can hear shoutings throughout the Parliament that DAP is unpatriotic . But when DAP leads , and BN did not follow , BN is innocent and DAP is cheapo !???

My God ! I have always been highly defensive and supportive of Malaysia . Without any second of my time have I ever thought of hating Malaysia and I even convinced many people that Malaysia is in fact good including Sue Ann . I convinced some of them that we should not avoid the problems in Malaysia and go back to cure the "cancer" .

But seeing bias practises even in the name of patriotism ..... I asked myself ... is all hope lost ?

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