Thursday, August 23, 2007

Remember the Tech Bubble ?

Yes , yes ! You are right . The tech bubble ... the one that burst ? Yes . Well let me tell you . In Malaysia , I can see many bubbles . Not one but many . Let me list down a few numerically .

1) Judiciary bubble

Judiciary bubbles existed even during Tun Dr Mahathir's era . Tun was said to be interfering with the judicial arm of Malaysia with his administration's executive powers . Read through your History textbooks in case you forgot the structure of democracy in Malaysia . It all heightened when Tun Salleh Abbas was removed as Chief Justice . Till today , Tun Salleh remains critical of the judiciary system . And now ? Under the administration of Pak Lah , we have issues that are more sensitive religiously and less political . The civil and syariah courts are trying to draw boundaries and guidelines . A bit of a mess ... but there exists a chance of a bubble burst .

2) Racial tension bubble

Now . This is dangerous you know . Remember the bloody riots of 13th May ? Professor Khoo claimed that it was a plot by the young Malays to overrule the older ones in UMNO . Textbooks and some other historians claim that it was because of the divide - and - rule formula by the British where the effects dragged deep into the administrative period of Tunku that resulted in racial bombs . I like YB Lim Kit Siang's book Time Bomb . Thank you YB Lim for giving me the book ( I wrote to DAP and YB Lim gladly supplied one copy to me ) . Don't try getting it from the market ... it is a really antique and old book written by YB Lim . Anyway ... we hear about Muslims defaulting religion , we hear about the Islamic Department fighting over the bodies of the departed with their family members , we hear racists remarks from leaders of each racial community .

We no longer see a tolerant Parti Perikatan . The Alliance Party . We no longer feel the struggles of our founding fathers . As far as politics goes , politicans are not friends to each other and each are on their own agenda . So yes ... a racial time bomb in the making .

3) Financial bubble

Lets see . We have the problems in Proton . Tengku Mahaleel and Tun Dr M claimed that they had RM 2 billion when Tengku was still in charge in Proton . But now we are in debts . We sold a ONE EURO firm called MV Augusta to Gevi Spa whose website I personally couldn't find . But guess what ? BMW bought a division of MV Augusta for about RM 300 million at least . So yes , we are good financiers and businessmen ! To me , this is scandalous . I love Proton alot . It is a grand idea that we can produce cars . And it is one focus of my policy if I run for office in future .

Next in line was Transmile . Wow . Amazing accounting report recipes . I would say this is ala Enron ?

Then we have the PKFZ's problem whereby a police report has been made with allegations of scandals involved . What's next I wonder ? Crap . Please don't tell me we need to bail out those companies involved in the tens or hundreds of billion ringgits in the few Economic Corridors we have planned in future ! No way no way !!

Oh yes . The Maika Holdings issue which never ends . I hope YB Kulasegaran can look into it and I believe he will and is already doing so . Don't hide anymore Maika . Seriously . You can run but you can't hide .

4) Political bubble

Oh yes . Altantuya's case ... bloggers vs Government ... the ever famous ( I wouldn't say notorious , Tan Sri Muhammad ) Raja Petra's deep throat information , evidence and allegations . What else ? Datuk Kayveas asking for more seats . Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting say Chinese are not 2nd class citizens ... Datuk Seri Najib says we are an Islamic state ... Tun Dr M said so ... but out of the blue Pak Lah took a neutral stand ....

What else ? KJ moving up to be head of UMNO chief ? UMNO PJ said no .... they want Datuk Seri Hishammudin . Then we have the great idea by someone to have Raja Nazrin Shah as our next PM !!

Daulat Tuanku . Ampun Tuanku . Allow me to comment on the Crown Prince from the state of Perak . An intelligent man . His words are influential , touches the people's heart , impressive and wise . Never have I read or heard about such a great man since our founding fathers . If given the chance , I would like to see my country led by this man one day !! We shall see how far Malaysia can go under Raja Nazrin .... if and only if ... you know ...

Nevertheless , I am proud to have the Prince of Perak being a wise man , well loved and accepted . And I am from Perak too !

5) Blogging bubble

Yeah . Soon we will have to line up at the NRD and register our blogs with our ICs and details and thumb prints and so on and so forth . Soon we will be regulated like the mainstream media .

Bubbles everyone . One day , it will go pop , pop pop !

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