Thursday, August 30, 2007

Merdeka !

50th anniversary of the Independence of Malaya falls on 31st August 2007 . Yes ... we got our Independence in the year 1957 . Since Independence , Malaysia has got through lots of tidal waves , sunny days or perhaps even tsunamis .

We have seen how many people helped chip in funds for Tunku to go to London to bring Independence . We have seen how the formation of the Social Contract through discussions among the 3 main races of Malaya led us to become a sovereign nation . We have seen how the New Economic Policy , the many Education policies , the development of Universities , the Multimedia Super Corridor effects as well as the balanced economy of trade , industry and agriculture led us all to where we are today .

However , of course through nation building , we had our fair share of problems . We had a bloody lesson on 13th May 1969 ... and I personally hope that was a lesson well learnt !

We had the Buy British Last ... which was good politics for Dr M because it required all Malaysians to "like and support" him at that moment ... it was also good image as we all showed the world we can be united and we are not easy pushovers .

We had the financial crisis and we rode through the storm of free fall in Asian economy . We had the tsunami smashing the Western coast of the Peninsular . We had many rides of smooth lanes and rough roads .

But let us forget about politics and our differences . Let us enjoy the day of 31st August . It is one special day for us . And we should heed the advice given by the Sultan of Selangor . Leave politics and our differences out on this day !!

In Bahasa Malaysia , allow me to quote Dr Mahathir's words spoken in 1991 which I find meaningful :

Kemerdekaan yang bermaksud hanya kebebasan tidak bermakna jika ianya tidak disertai dengan pembangunan dan kemajuan. Kemerdekaan hanya bermakna apabila rakyat turut sama menikmati pembangunan dalam erti kata sepenuhnya.Pembangunan yang dimaksudkan di sini ialah pembangunan daripada segi politik, ekonomi, sosial, moral, etika dan lain-lain yang menjadikan kehidupan lebih bahagia.Janganlah kita fikir bahawa kemerdekaan tetap akan membawa kebahagiaan kerana banyak negara-negara yang mencapai kemerdekaan selepas Perang Dunia Kedua, mengalami keadaan tidak stabil dan merosot prestasi mereka.

Let us also not forget the foundations laid down by our Bapa Kemerdekaan . Independence will only be achieved with the mutual understanding and cooperation among Malays , Chinese and Indians . Without the unity forged , without the bonding ... where are we heading to ? We decide our own future , we decide how our future will look like , how we imagine it to be in another 50 years when Malaysia becomes a century old .

Unity is the key to success . To me , I pray and hope that my theory of Dynasty of Racism will not be inherited by my generation . Allow it to fade and die as soon as possible . To date , politicians have been pounding the drums of racism ... each trying to be loud to gain support of their respective base . Only the Sultan of Selangor and the Raja Muda of Perak are seen working hard to keep us united and strong .

Heeding the advice of the Sultan of Selangor , I shall refrain from any other comments . To shout out loud the words "Merdeka!Merdeka!Merdeka!" are pointless if we do not feel it deep down inside us . Close your eyes and feel the freedom ... think about our ancestors' hardships and sufferings while under the occupation of foreign forces.... here we are today sitting comfortably in our seats and cosy home free from all !

Merdeka my friends . That is the feeling of Merdeka .

Good nite :)

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