Thursday, August 02, 2007

The Budget Constraint

Yes yes . Budget constraints are all ringing in the heads of 2nd year Econs students . We hear this all the time . But let me tell you . This is not all . I took Maths Econs A and I have seen even time constraints . Haha . For all you know , in honours level we might see multiple constraints that need to be calculated .

Well . My webcam failed me . It is not supported by Windows Vista . So I will be buying a Microsoft Lifecam (which cost me a bomb in Australia) .

But I've tried bidding at Ebay . Lost 5 auction bids . Hmm . Will keep trying . Otherwise maybe mom will have to get it from Malaysia for me .

Now . Do we all not remember once Pak Lah's economic budget plans ? I still remember during my Perdana Scholarship interview in Putrajaya , JPA's office (I'm in the top 5 shortlisted people but if I'm not mistaken , it ended just there ... could be cancelled or maybe I didn't get it...sigh) . I was asked the difference between Dr Mahathir and Pak Lah's economy .

My answer was ... I liked Dr Mahathir's expansionary style ... Mahanomics . But Pak Lah's budget balancing might be beneficial to us perhaps . We might be able to pay off debts without compromising on growth and development . I would say Pak Lah might be looking at a "house keeping" style .

However , today I read the Iskandar Economic Region ( Ampun Tuanku , bukan salah Patik nak guna dan panggil nama Tuanku sebegitu ... I maintain my position that we at least put a title Sultan in front as a mark of respect) and the NCER are all running into hundreds of billions of ringgit . It sparked questions in my mind . Are we already balanced in our budgets ? Are we already having budget surpluses like Pak Lah wanted ? What is happening ?

These are really mega huge large gigantic projects . I hope the institutions of economists have tabled it with financiers as well with respect to these projects . Or should it be the other way round ? Yeah . Economists have a different way of calculating finance . Haha . A world of conflicting ideas and propositions .

Sigh ... budget constraints ....

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