Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Safely back in Canberra but sadly still thinking of Malaysia

Took a flight from KL to Sydney on 14th July night 10pm . Reached there around 7 plus . When me , CheeYeong and Jimmy went to the counter , the MAS assistant told us that we might face some problems because the Aussie flights are overbooked . And at that point , I heard a lady (I think she's an Aussie) saying "What do you mean I don't have a seat !!?" .

Well in the end , the MAS assistant told us our seats were already confirmed by our agents from whom we purchased our tickets from . Thankfully .

But our problems did not stop there . In the airplane , I think I sat there for an hour before it really took off ground . There were many cases of seats overlapping , and there's this guy who refuses to get off the plane because the immigration officers would like to see his passport again . In the end , things went all right and we took off around 11pm I think .

After arriving at Sydney Airport , well things went smoothly at the Customs checkpoint . It took us less than 30minutes to get out of the international arrival hall all together .

So we went straight to the QANTAS counter (There are counters for check-in at the international flights terminal ... and they will provide a QANTAS bus to take you to the domestic side ... the bus travels inside the airplanes area ). And there were two officers standing there asking whether we are Malaysia Airlines passengers (there were stickers on our bags by MAS) . And I said yes . They told us to board the free bus shuttle outside the international airport to go to the domestic terminal . I said why can't I check in here at the International Airport and use the QANTAS bus to take me to the domestic airport (I did that last year) because QANTAS busses are allowed to drive inside the airport bay (similar to our Aero Train in KLIA ... just that they use busses by QANTAS) . They told me MAS is not our partner airline ... so you can't check in here .

That's bullshit !! I could have just been a normal passenger and go straight into the QANTAS check in counter at the international airport ... I recheck-in just like any other passenger . What has it got to do with MAS ? This is really bullshit . I had my luggage etc with me ... such shameful discriminatory practices by QANTAS . I don't see the point in directing me to take a bus and ride the bus outside the international airport to go to the domestic airport to check in . Wastage of resources and discriminatory !!

Anyway , when we try to check in at the self check in machines ... we couldn't ! I was abit surprised . And when we went to the counters ... the lady told us " You guys know why you can't check in ? It is because these 3 tickets are for yesterday , 14th July !" .

I was stunned . How could Jimmy book the wrong date !?!! At that point , I told myself ... there goes my $150 into the drain and I need to rebook another flight that might cost more !! We were referred to the sales desk . Sales desk staff told us they can change it for us if our tickets are still valid and not suspended by the system . Thankfully our tickets were still safe and we just had to pay another $38.50 . QANTAS gave us the 1.35pm flight .

So we roamed around , chat for some time and slept till 1pm . When we went to the gate , we were told that the 1.35pm plane is cancelled !! OMG . I reached Sydney Airport at around 8am , passed the customs around 8.30 am and waited till 1pm . And they told me the flight was cancelled , they put us on 3.40pm's flight . They also placed us on the standby list for the 2pm and 2.25pm flights . CY was worried about our luggages and we have important stuff inside . So we decided to just take the 3.40pm flight with the condition that our luggages arrive with us in Canberra at 4.25pm . The flight assistants agreed and gave us our new boarding passes .

So yes of course I arrived at 4.25pm . So did Jimmy's luggage .... but not me and CY's !!!! I had to approach the baggage service counter and lodge a report for my luggage and CY's !!! Nothing seemed to go well on Saturday and Monday . Sigh .

QANTAS staff told me that they don't know where our bags are and there were no messages received on late baggage arrival . So they will need time to hunt for it and deliver to our hostel . Sigh ... I waited till 7 pm and gave up . Then around 9.30pm , QANTAS called to deliver my luggage and I was glad at last to see my stuff . Haha .

Sigh . Not a very smooth trip back to Canberra ... but nevertheless I am safe and sound . Quite happy with my subjects except for Mathematics for Economists B .

I was already seeing stars with Maths A . Now Maths B !? Sigh ... I just pray and hope I can do well this time with Maths B ...

With regards to Malaysia , I can sense a growing racial tension . Politicians are as usual gearing up for the coming elections with their racially chauvinistic remarks . But do they never think about the citizens ? I believe our country's constitution is designed not only based on the Social Contract . But at the back of this paper and of course the backbone , there were words written with invisible ink .

The words of peace , trust , friendship , harmony , unity .

If politicans and leaders keep making remarks that are religiously disrespectful to others , or ideologically crazy in wanting racial segmentation for political gains , or perhaps you guys are really nuts , then one day in the nearest future , our beloved home called Malaysia will crumble .
Perhaps enough of our leaders . Today is the day I attack BTN once again . BTN officers once attacked my group during our camp . They targetted the Chinese (I'm not being racially biased but merely telling the truth) . They criticized the Chinese for being not patriotic , betray the country's financial systems and stability especially during the crisis in 1997 ... and running off overseas to places like Singapore etc .

Now I believe NST has revealed that 70% of emigration were Malays who left the country since a decade or two ago . Who then is at fault , BTN ? I hope someone in the admin can revamp BTN's courses to promote unity and not separation , segregation and tensions .

These days whenever I open up the newspaper , websites , blogsites , online news portals etc , I see at least one politician making religiously biased statement , I see at least one leader making racially biased remarks , and what I refer to here are not just UMNO , MCA , MIC , DAP , PKR or PAS , but also even from normal working class people .

When are we to realise that we are heading down the path to Hell ? When are we to understand what unity means ? When are we to live together as Malaysians ?

It will only happen if politicians and leaders lead by example . Because their remarks hold a high level of influence on the mindsets and thoughts of Malaysians . Otherwise , I think only time will tell what Malaysia will turn into . A graveyard of people due to racial riots ? Or a utopian society ?

You decide . The people cannot decide . You ... politicians , leaders , Members of Parliament ... will decide our course in the future . Do it not for your sake ... do the right thing ... not just to fulfill your desire of power and wealth or perhaps maintaining your seat ... but do it for your future generation .

For we all loved Malaysia ... and we always say "Berkhidmat Untuk Negara" , don't we ?


  1. Selamat kembali ke Canberra!

  2. I share your frustration with the flight problems, and also with Malaysian politics.

    Lets continue to pray for God's mercy to be upon our country and leaders. With men the future may be gloomy, but with God, nothing is impossible.

    "Kami mohon doa, Malaysia berjaya. Semboyan telah berbunyi, menuju medan bakti!", Berjaya.
