Thursday, May 03, 2007

Coin Merchant , BTN and many more

I can almost guarantee that I have more coins that any other rational students in ANU . Irrational cases are of course coin collectors . Haha .

Man . I have too many 5 cent coins . Maybe I will bank in those coins after I graduate . Haha .

Lets see . Congratulations to AC Milan ( my Italian league team that I support ) ... but sadly it wont be an English final . So yeah ... and of course not forgetting Mr Parthiban of BN for winning in Ijok .

I guess it will be bad to say that the Chinese voted against the BN ... let me stress that this does not apply to all Chinese in Ijok . And secondly , why are we doing the racial composition again ?

In this blog today , I shall reveal and speak the truth of BTN . Biro Tatanegara . INTEC students went for this camp .

And I asked some questions that weren't sensitive of racism but they were questions of leadership and history issues like Dr M vs Tunku , why the government provides a small amount for students to purchase books that cost RM 100 per copy at the PRE U level , etc .

But there was this friend of mine . He asked questions like Tongkat Melayu that Dr Mahathir wished to see removed , the issue of army taking over the country's leadership (junta style) . The then Deputy Director of BTN attacked us the students and created a racial commotion in Kem Ulu Sepri Negeri Sembilan .

He said that the question was trying to instigate the possibility of Malays killing Chinese etc . I even had a Malay friend who challenged the chances of success in Vision 2020 where there will be one united race . The Special Task officer and Deputy Director hit back saying that will Malays go to a Chinese restaurant to eat , will Indians or Chinese go to another race's stall to eat etc . The issue of pork etc comes up again . And many other examples of racism brought up .

And my pal raised up from his chair annoyed and said that does that mean our Vision 2020 will never be achieved ? I had the same idea .

The BTN course was bad enough . I had friends telling me that their group briefings ( we were separated into groups ) had issues as well . There were cases where the officer in charge ask a Malay student whether she is happy that the Malays will not get special rights one day , that the Social Contract allows non Malays to stay in their land ... there were instances where the officer even provoked non Malay students asking whether they were happy with the special rights issue .

Come on . We should utilise BTN to promote loyalty to the nation as united group . You can call it a multi racial society or one united race ... however you like . But please use BTN as the proper channel to promote unity among students and forge together ahead in bringing success to our Contender Country status ... improve it into a developed nation .

Racism should be dumped out of BTN . Sack all officers that are racists . A camp full of tension is not a camp . It is a war zone .

So again . The issue in Ijok where the ruling party BN wants to know why the majority Chinese populated areas voted against Mr Parthiban . We should look at the whole scene as a picture instead of racially segregated matters .

Here I call upon the government to not only sing the tune of unity , multi racial success and developed nation . The upper echelons should send in spies into BTN camps . Recruit students . Let them report to you the hell in BTN camps .

Do not blame the students for asking questions in BTN because it was a free for all to ask session ... it was a forum . I even heard that students can ask about the tudung issue though I will not touch on that due to various opinions and I'm not a Muslim . But to be fair , I'm all right with tudung or no tudung . All are friends to me .

So yes . Whoever is in Parliament , whoever walk the corridors of power ... check on certain organizations and department . If this goes on , I believe my explanation of "Dynasty of Racism" in one of my blog entries will continue for years to come ... perhaps for the infinite time .

Well then . That's all for now :)


  1. Damn, why didn't I have officers like that for my group session...

    Anyway, I have to disagree that what those racist pigs are causing disunity. Matter of fact, I remember the conversations that I had with some Malay friends after that talk. Somehow, I felt that we were more united than before.

    It is probable that not all might react that way, but least we forget the Chinese proverb “what that can move the boat can sink also sink the boat”. We may still have hope

