Saturday, March 10, 2007

Skyfire , meetings , shopping

The day is 10th March 2007 .

Today I was kinda busy . Went to Brand Depot in the morning . Wanted to check out some badminton racquets . But nothing there suits me .

Sigh . And yes , my racquet and umbrella was spoiled on Tuesday night . Have to get a new one asap !! I'm thinking either Yonex Muscle Power or Yonex Armortec .

After Brand Depot , we had some lunch in Godori Kitchen . And it was all business after filling my stomachache . Had some JPA meeting with juniors and my year's students .

During the meeting , pointed out some issues . And I'm shocked many did not know the JPA website to check for allowances . If any of you are reading this , it is

And please submit your email address , name and course including to me ASAP if you are affected by some errors in the allowances , whether you received less or some other issues . Just send it to me stating those details together with some description of your problems . Send it to my email at and I will compile and send it to Cik Lin via EMAIL as soon as possible .

Well . It is also in this meeting that I brought up the possibility of having Tun Dr M in ANU sometime soon . Some then raised the issue of whether the email used by Encik Sufi was a fraud or was it authentic .

To me , I defend the authenticity of the email . I dont think anyone would go through the trouble of giving me pointers and stuff . Only those who have read the email sent to me by Encik Sufi will understand . No one else would do that . Except probably Special Branch Agents who might want to confuse us . But I stand firm to believe it . And it is with this believe that I urged the Malaysian Students Organization of ANU and MASCA to proceed with their meetings and discussion with this . If some parties in MASCA and MSO decline to work on this , then I believe there are many other individual students who are willing to work with me . And I have already received interests expressed by a few students .

To those who are pessimistic or wonder why the hell I get contacted by Tun's PA cause I'm just a student and a nobody , I dont care , you see . I don't care what you think . In fact , I've received comments from a few other bloggers who are damn famous with their political blogs .

And miracles do happen . And it is because I expressed my interest in inviting Tun over , perhaps that is why I get contacted .

At least I had the guts and courage to suggest this idea to invite Tun . And I've offered my services to the MSO and MASCA to be their representative to talk to Encik Sufi . I will be back in Malaysia in June and November . So there are plenty of time for plannings , be it via phone , emails , or face to face . We might not be able to invite the man who led us for 22 years this year , but perhaps the path is still open next year . It might not be successful this year , but perhaps next year . So we are keeping our options open .

To say more would be suicidal on this issue . I leave it to MASCA and MSO to decide .
Now . . Compare this to (my daily supplement - one of them) .

Just because this website writes about Datuk Johari's alleged corruption crime , this created a big hoo-haa in the mainstream media , involving the IGP , the DPM and the PM now !?

Wow . Helo . If I'm not mistaken , we have other issues raised by Raja Petra as well !??? For example the RM 600million thingy tabled in Parliament !? Halo ? The Kubang Pasu money politics which in a disgusting fashion that dumped Tun out of the General Assembly of UMNO meeting ? I mean halo !?

Malaysia-today has millions of readers and this blog is updated daily , if not frequently . And this new blog southeast-wind comes up with this , the mainstream media creates a big hoohaa !?
Should we even talk about credibility ? There's only one posting there !And then , suddenly from somewhere I read , COULD THIS BE SOMEONE'S SCHEME?!?

Some one in the forums of KMU wrote about the possibility of Saad Man being the man behind it because some say he will receive the pardon to re-enter UMNO if he joined forces with two other retired high profile heroes and some government high ranking officers to campaign against Tun in Kubang Pasu . But this guy mentioned that he did not receive the permission to reenter .

How far this is true , I don't know . But of course undeniably , criminals must be prosecuted . However , if investigations are done based on this blog , then I suggest everyone start reading Jeff Ooi's Screenshots , Rocky's Bru , Kickdefella , Malaysiakini and MalaysiaToday , many more . Read them . Investigate whatever they expose . And of yes . Read as well . Cause to me , I think they are more credible .

Skyfire just ended . Haha . The cost could probably feed a poor African nation . Probably . I don't know . It was so magnificent and beautiful that I'm lost for words to describe it .

Good night . But tonight , I will wonder how Proton is doing . I'm proud of my national carmaker . And all Malaysians should . For we stand tall and proud among the few car producing nations . But some comments were posted once that a nation should not enter the automobile industry until it has a certain population amount ... which I think is around 70million ? I can't remember that . Have to browse through the comments in my blog again . It is indeed interesting to hear that theory .

That is why I always say to my relatives . What I learn in Uni are all theories . Slight practicality . But then , people dont equate Mahathir with Economics for no reason . Heard of Mahanomics ? Haha . I have . In fact , I think it is interesting and daring . That is why the Japanese have high regards for Tun . At least , that was what my host father told me . A mighty Japanese nation , having the greatest respect for not the man in the White House , but the man who led Malaysia for 22 years .

Sugoi . Tsubarashi . Minna san , oyasuminasai . Good night .

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