Saturday, March 24, 2007

CNY Spectacular .... yeah right

On the 21st of March , I went to Canberra Theatre for a performance . It was a Chinese New Year performance presented by the Divine Performing Arts group . According to the emcee , the crew was mainly from Northern America .

The performance was average , though I believe many Australians love it that night . Perhaps we Chinese would have required a more classy performance .

But it was all right to me . Jimmy and Chee Yeong thinks it wasn't . Haha . Anyway , yeah ... they had dances , beautiful costumes , nice props , nice soprano singers . However , the soprano singers were political with all of their songs .

Their songs sing about "longing to return" , "Falun Dafa Hao - Falun Dafa is Good" , "do you remember how many were massacred" , "Tiananmen Square you are the witness" and many more . Of course there are good phrases but it sounded a little political as well . The following are extracts from one of the songs :

So vast is heaven and earth
We use the compass of truth

When disaster descends
It favors neither rich nor poor
But there is a way out
Quickly find out what is true

Well . I don't understand why an evening of relaxation and a moment to appreciate art needed political elements especially Falun Gong factors .

Now . I'm not very well versed in Falun Gong but I'm reading on it . Will comment more about it . But that night while watching that performance , it made me wonder . If one country supports Falun Gong , there will be the whole CCP and the whole 1 billion pure China population to face (they will be angry...haha) .

Or we can support CCP and object the whole Falun Gong community . We would then be making those overseas China Chinese angry , we will then be making the so called "100million" practitioners angry ... hmm . Which side are we to take ?

I don't know . I leave it here for now . Anyway , that show cost me $43 after a student discount . Damn . That's expensive .


  1. I have read all the posts at the official site and even some media reports like Australian Associated Press who have raved about the talent, exquisite costumes and the sets. I only wish could have taken the whole family to go and see it but we live in Perth.

    If it comes to Perth next year we will all go and see it. Its important for my family to understand the Chinese culture so that we can embrace the future knowing that it will be a safer world. Even in Australia we fear the Ccp (as most people do) because they still hurt many people whose only wish is to have a good future and be good people.

    Their suppression of all good people is worrying and I sincerely hope that as in Europe in the 90's communism will fall and the Chinese people will embrace their culture once again and return to a peaceable and good way of living free of corruption, suppression and wiping out masses of people.

    The NTDTV Spectacular is a show not only for the brave Chinese people to remember awaken and rise up to but also for the rest of humanity to do likewise.

  2. I am from Adelaide. I am extremely proud of my Chinese heritage. As the Spectacular Gala wasn't coming to Adelaide, I actually went to Melbourne to attend the show. This weekend I am taking my daughter to Sydney to attend the show as I was so impressed with it. Maybe if you had stopped being so flippant, you would have been able to truly appreciate what the show was all about. It had depicted true traditional Chinese culture spanning several dynasties, the Tang, Song, Yuan, Chin etc. Falun Gong so happens to be a very ancient Chinese qigong practice. If you deemed that as political, so be it. What's truly politically is the contents in the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party published by the Epoch Times. It had spurred nearly 20 million Chinese to officially denounce any doings with the Communist Party in China today. Check it out on Meanwhile good luck with your studies here in Australia.
