Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year !!

Gong Xi Fa Cai everyone . I'm currently busy helping mom doing some last minute cleaning and cooking as well for prayers later this afternoon .

Well well . Went Jusco in Ipoh yesterday . Wanted to buy some sparkling juice for my uncle's kids in Taiping . Guess what . The queue was so damn long !!! Even the express counters .

Sigh . You know the problem with Malaysians ? The other day I was shopping for sundry at Giant Hypermarket near Tambun , Ipoh . The express counter says 10 items or less . I had just a pair of slippers and a bottle of yogurt drink . Know what ? There was this family in front of me in the queue with a trolley load full of things . They had 4 - 5 people there . So they each separated the items into about 8 - 10 items each . And each of them paid individually !!

I mean it is your rights to do so ... to pay individually with ten items at that express counter .

But to see you being one family and having a trolley load full of things , why can't you go to the normal counters ?? The queue was so long and everyone waited for this family to settle their bills for a couple of times . That was very inconsiderate I feel .

Hmm . Anyway , thanks dad ! Dad bought me something luxurious ... well at least to my moderate family . Haha ... knowing the fact that I'm obese :( .... he bought me an OSIM Uzap belt ... cool .... hopefully it helps me to reduce weight .. plus some exercise and some weight control pills that my specialist physician prescribed..... I WILL GET TO MY IDEAL 80KG ...

Haha... someone special out there challenged me ... hmph ... and I will do it ... and that will be the time you are marrying me dear !!

Haha .... all right . Hmm ... politically the country is kinda quiet nowadays except for some hero minister calling another ministers work 'BODOH' . I agree with Datuk Seri Shahidan . You are right . If you do not agree with another minister , just say it in a proper manner ... using the word BODOH on a colleague and respected minister's work ..... it is totally unacceptable .

Well . Visit Malaysia Year 2007 ?? Some minister was using the word BODOH !??!? Leadership by example some say .. :) you decide the consequences of your remarks , Mr Minister . Do not tarnish our country's image especially when Tengku Adnan is working hard (at least it seems so in the papers) to bring in tourists and ensuring things go smoothly . But then , wasn't Mr Minister Radzi the one who was alleged to be involved in Tun's election as a delegate in Kubang Pasu ? Remember ? Mr Minister Radzi and Mr Deputy Minister Johari ... the two knights who went all out against Tun ... and I do mean all out .

Now now . WHERE IS THAT INVESTIGATION OF MONEY POLITICS IN KUBANG PASU !?!??! GIVE ME SOME ANSWERS ALL RIGHT !? Datuk Zaid in Kelantan and Tan Sri Isa was swiftly investigated and punished . Compared to Tun's case , these are small flies . TDM was our former PM and he even made a press conference of the possibility of money politics in KUBANG PASU . Hmm ... the longer you wait ... the longer you feel suspicious ...

Haha . So much for that . CNY celebration starts tmr ! And I hope to see my relatives before I get back to Australia . All right . Let us put down all miseries , unhappiness , crises , anger or whatever negative side and join hands together to in a festive , cheerful mood to celebrate a Malaysian celebration , holidays and CNY .

To all my friends and readers , to A PIECE OF MY MIND , Happy Chinese New Year , Happy Holidays , drive safely if you are travelling . Happy CNY !!

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