Sunday, February 25, 2007

From Canberra with love

All right guys .

Friends of mine , loved ones , family . I arrived safely in Canberra on 21st February and checked into Uni Lodge around 1pm .

It is a very nice place and comfortable but it was stressful in the first few days .

After about 2 hours spent at the queue of Melbourne International Airport and then checking in for another domestic flight to Canberra , we were all dead tired . But when we faced a slightly dusty Uni Lodge apartment , we had to do a lot of cleaning , shopping for kitchen and personal stuff .

The first three days was basically torturing .

Well well , I'll upload more details with pics of UniLodge for you all soon but till today , we've cooked 2 meals . And it was all right I guess . I've always wanted to eat out instead of cooking but then , decided to just join my nice housemates and neighbour to cook for meals .

Hmm . We had a Dialog session with the High Commissioner of Malaysia to Australia in the Australian National University today . There's this crazy idiot rude Chinese boy whom I would love to bash up . Not only me , but most of my friends felt the same .

This rude guy who's a freshie and enrolled in Actuarial Studies and Law , asked the High Comm Datuk ,"What is the PURPOSE OF THIS MEETING!?!?"


And sportingly , Datuk Salim answered with a story of a joke and said that it is merely a dialogue session to get closer with the students .

After that , something popped up in my mind . Datuk Salim raised a few points about Dr Mahathir who contributed a lot to racial harmony and to the success of our country all these years . So during the Q&A , I said ,"Datuk Salim , we will be celebrating 50 years of independence this year . And I believe Dr Mahathir has never (I think) been to ANU , Canberra to meet students . So can we have Tun here with us to celebrate and share with us his views ?"

To the blogosphere , you guys will like this . My question ended with claps and cheers from the students . Tun , you are still well loved by us students . Kami mengenang jasa Tun .

However , Datuk Salim gave a reply that we can always have Tun or even our PM or anyone here . Tun is a free man and anyone can invite him to come anywhere . But the High Comm will not do it . We will have to go through the channels of our Student Association , and probably bear the costs .

Well well , I've got many ideas to invite Tun over . But then , how many actually will help me out and work with me ? I might need to call Sufi (Tun's PA) , write letters to Tun , wait for Tun's reply (hopefully he will if I sent him a invitation) . And if he agrees , I have to consider the costs , accomodation , security , venue , etc .

But perhaps Petronas can help with his flight and accommodation . That was what I had in mind . A big project to ANU . Many students would love to hear Tun's ideas on future and current prospects , his visions and his knowledge of the historical side of building a nation , Malaysia .

Sigh ... I'm sad . I know Tun will never come to Canberra , Australia to meet us . It will be hard ... I guess ...

But if there are sponsors willing to help out , and if Tun is willing to come , I assure you . I will put it all my time and effort to make this event the greatest ever student event that Tun has ever been to . Not only the few hundred or thousands of Malaysian students will be there listening and waiting for every word of Tun . There will be thousands of East countries waiting to meet Tun . The Muslim Associations , the Arabs , the Japanese students , the Koreans and many more .

We all have a dream . To hear Tun's views in Canberra .

Sigh ... but it is just a dream .

Well , if anyone of you knows Tun and know any sponsors that are willing to help expense Tun's trip here , let me know .

I can be easily reached at or +61433786698 .

Call me . Text me . And I will be there for this project .

Well , nevertheless , I tested the ground . And Tun , we still remember what you did for more than 2 decades .

Lastly , before I continue with my Maths for Economics tutorial work , KAMI SENTIASA MENGENANG JASA TUN !!

Thank you ... and good nite ! Will blog more some time later ... having a bz period now to settle down with studies and my new student apartment .

1 comment:

  1. Just bash that freshie la, that's what freshie is used for :) especially those that think that they are doin the country a big favour by studying overseas.. bash em, break em ;)

    anyway, livin on $200 per month excluding food, and livin so far away, probably can't help much..

    Do hope that things work out for u, have a happY Chinese New Year and may the year treat u better than the last :)

    Ooh, and those who followed advise from that airhead guy to invest in the stock market, I only got one word for ya, SUCKERS ^^
