Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Year 2007 and memories

Chinese New Year is coming soon huh .Sadly , my university term starts on .... 19th February this time . Haha . But I will be skipping a few days of classes . Nothing to worry . I'm not the type who plays truant . First week of lectures are not important normally . They just tell you about the evaluation and course structure for the term .

Hmm . Sigh . Summer holidays are ending soon and I have to go back . You can imagine how I feel now . Sad , lonely and going back to Canberra for studies . Leaving my family , pets and my dear back home .

Sigh sigh sigh . Thankfully theres Internet and I can read alot from many websites . My heart is with Malaysia and I always make it a point to keep in touch with home and the news in Malaysia .

I really hope 2007 will be a good year for me , my studies and my life .

Haha . I miss those days of being a leader and giving speeches . Winning debates , winning speeches after speeches . The fun of being on stage and talk . Making people listen to you and spread your knowledge .

Let me share something with you .

Know anything about Official Secrets Act , Printing and Publishing Act ?

Haha . I talked about Freedom at a free speech corner . It was held in International Education Centre (INTEC) , UITM .

I shared my knowledge of my research at that point with my friends who were there . I fired to the air and to those ears who paid attention that the newspapers and anything published go about only with the approval of the Minister of Home Affairs first . Tomorrow's paper ? The Minister gets it FIRST :)

Approved ? Printed , delivered and you read it .

Guess I was too fired up that time . What the government wants you to read , what the politicians want you to know , that is what you will know :)

Anything more you wanna know ? Almost impossible a long time ago . But definitely possible now with the Internet and the ever intelligent invention of Blog .

The Blog . God's gift according to Sheih . How true it is . Knowledge for all . Be it politics , conspiracies , world and local news . You have it online through news portals and blogs , websites .

How true :) Selamat menyambut Thaipusam to all my friends and readers .

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