Wednesday, January 17, 2007

3 Most Expensive Values That Your Platinum Visa Card Can't Buy

Days have passed and reading articles of teenagers having consensual sex and rape cases are disappointing .

I would prefer to use my buddy's phrase "sexually frustrated" . Teenagers these days have no control over their emotions and have an extreme urge to explore something they have never done before .

Probably it is time that we teach our children and voices of tomorrow the true meaning of responsibility and integrity .

I have listed 3 most expensive items that not even your Platinum Visa card can buy , not even your bank book can buy , not even our US$50 billion loans through suspicious companies to finance our 9MP can .

1. Integrity
2. Patriotism , nationalism
3. Responsibility

I remember Dr Ismail , Director of Psychology Department for Public Services Department telling me the most expensive trait is integrity .

I was surprised by his comments on Malaysians . We Malaysians require highly gated communities , we require the best alarm system , we are afraid of snatch thefts , we are dirtying our toilets etc . Good analysis and advice from Dr Ismail . Thank you .

The Japanese were not afraid of these . I was a exchange student to Japan in 2002 . When I was in Tokyo for a meeting , my fellow student from Phillipines left her hand bag in the washroom . The whole bag , with cash and mobile phones and identity cards in it . Guess what ? The Japanese citizens were so good that one of them sent the bag to a police station and the police promptly returned the bag to the girl . With nothing missing .

That is why we must really learn from the East . The West ? They are good in researches and technology . Probably we can adopt their ideas , but we have to be wary of their values .

Japanese have many positive traits and ideas as well as knowledge that we can adopt into our culture and lives . Dr Mahathir did not blindly choose South Korea and Japan as a role model for us . He even set up a Look East Policy . And if I'm not wrong , there was a Look East Department as well !!

Let us not disappoint our future generation and work on what was laid down for us to walk through . We should instead look forward to learn from the East .

Going to Europe for a holiday ? Try Japan . And you will know what I mean . I'm not babbling , I'm not senile , I'm not old .

I'm being honest and sharing with all of you my experiences over there .

Reading about it won't make you trust me . Experiencing it will . So have fun :)

If only all of us can harp upon the 3 values I listed above , if only we preach these 3 points to our friends , to our families and to our kids , I am sure Malaysia will have an environment of peace , harmony and more importantly , UNITY .

Let us all package these 3 values into a common 'religion' , a common meal , a common topic and a common education .

We should and we must . 50 years of independence have passed . And here I hear about some people are still discussing about our National Economic Policy ( previously New Economic Policy ) in facing globalization . It is good to discuss topics and policies .

But I would prefer to harp upon topics that are good for all races , multi faiths and for the betterment of our country .

I love you Malaysia . I love my country and my people .

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