Sunday, December 24, 2006

I'm Home . Tadaima , minna !

Hi guys . Hi Blog . Hello A Piece of My Mind .

Sorry for not writing over the past 2 months . I sincerely apologize . Was busy with my sister’s student exchange programme to Japan and had some activities here and there .

Yep yep . These are mere excuses . Have been lazy and thought of ignoring A Piece of My Mind . But sadly , the project of ignorance failed terrible .

Today I was badly disturbed . Badly disturbed with the fact that a blogger disappeared for two weeks .

This blogger is famous for creating movie posters filled with sarcasm against our politicians , especially Pak Lah . He even led a petition against our Prime Minister .

He disappeared according to some . But today , I read a posting by him . A very disturbing one .

Ini adalah posting terakhir saya di blog ini. Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kesemua pengunjung dan juga rakan blogger di atas sokongan selama ini. Semenjak posting saya pada 17 November yang lalu, berbagai pengalaman baru saya tempuhi. Alhamdulillah, saya sihat sejahtera. Maaf kerana saya telah menimbulkan kerisauan kepada rakan-rakan sekalian. Mulai hari ini, saya memulakan blog baru di Kickdefella - Return of The Prodigal Son. Laman baru ini akan mengenengahkan nota-nota tutorial saya, pandangan saya tentang pengajian perfileman dan juga sedikit cetusan rasa terhadap keadaan semasa di negara Malaysia. Saya berjanji, tidak akan ada lagi tumbukan 'below the belt' buat menantu Perdana Menteri sekarang dan juga terhadap Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang amat prihatin membela bangsanya. Insya Allah. let bygone be bygone. Ikhlas, Sheih

What does this imply ? What is the meaning of this ? The blogger of the ever famous

Was he given trouble and warnings by the Royal Police force of Malaysia ? Malaysia a police state as claimed by Dr Mahathir …. hmm …. was it a wild shot or was it a fact in one of our chapters of current affairs ?

I wonder . Bloggers , beware . But my disappearance for two months had nothing to do with the Police or the Special Branch agents .

I am who I am . Currently on holidays till a later date which some of you know .

This time , A Piece of My Mind will be told almost as frequently as the good old days . I am back and I will vent my anger and fury , at times gentle and nice , with a chunk of what is worrying and troubling me , with a piece of my mind that I believe is still sane and rational .
I will talk more on what Raja Petra wrote with regards to our Auditor General’s report . Sigh . Malaysians , my fellow countrymen . Lend me your ears . For it is time we become more knowledgeable and invest our time in our money , in the public funds that we have entrusted into the hands of our elected representatives and governments .

The news report on Architecture Imperialism in the The Star by UTM’s Professor was good . Get hold of it , get hold of the meaning behind the story . The true meaning of democracy .

What is in your mind ? Share it here with me .

I am not afraid . Why must you ? I’m not ignorant . Why must you ?

Stand up , my true countrymen . Fight for your believes , share a piece of sweet cake called unity with all races . Love your country .

Will be back with more blog entries .

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