Saturday, October 07, 2006

Current Issues in Politics (Posted in Malayantigers also)

Read the book “Ousted” by Patrick Keith . You will get a grasp of Lee Kuan Yew’s political style . Lee Kuan Yew is a man who always fight for political grounds on racial grounds .

There is no point we fight over the words of Constitution . Why harp and attack on the rightful Malay special rights when it is carved out in the Constitution ?

A Malaysian Malaysia will definitely mean that Malays will be at equal par with the Chinese . And will the Malays be willing to see the Chinese carry the economy on their shoulders up the hill and consuming the Cake ?

Of course the Malays will be glad to see Malaysia climb up the hill to greater heights but they will want a piece of the Cake and participate .

This is where Tunku and Dr Mahathir saw the reasoning to put a “weight” on the economy . They can provide a win-win situation for all with the Malaysian wagon still moving forward towards the peak . But this wagon will definitely slow down a little . Slowly but surely they will move forward . And this is where the Malay rights come in .

The Malay rights were placed to help the Malays to walk and stand on their own while slowing down the speedy Chinese . This way , we will all progress forward but of course the economic growth will be dampened .

From here , I personally agree with this formula . But then again , we recently have a think tank which revealed that Malays already have an equity of approximately 40% in Malaysia .

Here we call upon the Government to be truthful and transparent as the figures of the think tank were obtained from a credible source called Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur aka KL Stock Exchange figures .

Anyway , the formula is a fair one and no one should raise the issue anymore I believe . Why raise it and cause tensions in the country of multiracial cultures and face the risk of a volcanic eruption of emotions that will see bloodshed ?

We have ultras of the day that do not reflect modern thinking but of those in the pre independence days like Khairy Jamaluddin , the Penang UMNO guy who wanted the CM post so much and Ong Tee Keat .

Ong Tee Keat need not raise such an issue at a function . He could have been more diplomatic and political with his answers but he chose to fling the stone into UMNO’s court . Again reviewing the scene backdating it to months before , wasn’t Khairy the one who started everything and began to act like a hero to champion some support ?

Khairy started on the racial line . Gerakan defended and attacked . MCA threw in some pebbles . Are we gonna face ethnic wars ?

I don’t know .

We have a huge piece of rock called DNA in Parliament . He shouted the word racist 40 times in Parliament , more or less . His attitude were so much of the upper class in the Underworld which some labelled him as Samseng .

A leader in charge of a Parliamentary Portfolio is certainly not a King without laws in Parliament . But the Speedy Gonzales attitude of rounding up the 9MP debate and attacking the already wheel chaired Karpal Singh are attitudes which I believe many Malaysians feel unfit and so not Malaysian .

Well well . Elections are upcoming soon . Not far away . Many say that we should maintain stability by voting for the National Front .

True true . I do support the ruling party . But then again , do we need ministers with a “certain attitude” ? Leaving them will do our country a good deed as we are here to reflect ourselves as Malaysians who have cultures and customs , not gangsters and rudeness .

The National Front’s victory can still be in the books without the individual victories of Cabinet members that do not go in line with our country’s vision , cultures and image .

Looks like there is a need to do some house keeping , don’t you think so ?

Leaders are meant to lead .

To go up on national TV and say that “My son did not receive any government contracts” was indeed courageous and commendable .

To come up to papers again and say “I will apologize if my son’s company did receive government contracts” is a greater bravery than before !

And to end up saying “My son received the contracts the proper way” ?

What was that , mate ? What was that , SIR !!?

I do not understand to which extent are we Malaysians ignorant of the words .

Where is the apology ? Was there a lie told ? Was it another “I don’t know” incident ?

In today’s political scene , domestically , we see chaos . And only the champion of chaos will be the victor , just like Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms era . We see racial sentiments being brought up with increasing risks boiling up in the pot , we see a respected leader attacking the current administration , we see newspapers cooking up news and making high level mistakes without apologizing them , we see many things .

Yet we , if not many , remained ignorant .

This is our identity . Ignorance is Malaysian .

This post is manifestogwl's personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect Harimau Malaya's view.

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