Saturday, October 07, 2006

Are You Not Embarassed ?

My support for Dr Mahathir will never dim .

Take some of your time and visit websites like , and . And perhaps as well .

These websites will broaden your political views . Some even reveal news of certain 'top flight' people in the country . Some even bring news quicker than any media in Malaysia .

Most of these websites carry news and analysis with facts that you will never read in the papers or the mainstream media's website . The news you get are normally edited and some end with a simple reply . But these online news portals carry on revealing truths , provide analysis and many more .

I pity Dr Mahathir at times . But I would say my level of pity for those who fight him are even higher .

Tsk tsk . Shame on you . I pity you that you have such characteristics .

Dr Mahathir fed you and made you Ministers , Chief Ministers , gave you the opportunity to lead and do something proud .

Now not only you vote him out , you campaigned against him , you made lodging reports on money politics tough .

Are you sincere in going against Tun ? Tsk tsk . If it is , and if I am you , I would feel shy . Malulah kamu , malulah seisi keluarga mu . Sepatutnya bersyukur kepada Tun kerana Tun tak kira kawan atau musuh , Tun memberi peluang kepada mu semua .

Namun kini , anda membaling pinggan yang digunakan sekian lama untuk makan dan menjamu selera . Melawan Tun pula kini .

It is indeed embarassing .

1 comment:

  1. Can't really that Dr. M has my full support like yours, yet I think that his contribution to Malaysia cannot be belittled.

    Yea, he made some serious mistakes in the past, whether it's all his fault or not, we never know since the info are all classified, but he also put Malaysia on the map of the world.

    Malaysia would probably end up like Indonesia now if the 22 years of Dr M administration was taken up by some incompetant fool. (well, someone is trying to make up the lost time of makin it so rite now anyway)

    Still, I gotta mention something here. Malaysia is a "democratic" country, where the leaders are "voted" by the people, and not by Dr. M. It is the obvious autocratic ruling of Mahathir which pissed many people off, and he being held responsible for many wrongdoings whether it is his fault or not because of the way of his administration.
    (Note: the "..." is meant for sarcarsm and not to emphasise)
