Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tun Tewas Di Kubang Pasu , Terkuburlah Jasa 22 tahun

Haih . Dr M lost in Kubang Pasu .

Haha . I think Datuk Johari can sleep well that night . Tak payah menangis lagi Datuk .

Anyway , it is disappointing . 3 former strongmen of Dr M had a last minute campaigning against Tun when they were giving their speeches in the hall .

And guess what ... Dr M was sitting in the front row , right in front of them .

I guess it is a culture and it is all right to have no manners at all . Moral Education should be extended not only to students in school but to adults like these .

Dr M appointed them as MB , political secretary etc . Yet this is how the fight back against Dr M in Kubang Pasu .

We used to see the great support for Dr M in Kubang Pasu .

Haih . Tengku Razaleigh used to challenge Dr M in every UMNO election for the presidency .

Did Dr M send his men to make sure Tengku Razaleigh fail to become a delegate or even to contest ?

I certainly did not read or hear any of those stories .

And yet , here we read that Dr M's strongmen was offered a ban lift .

Read the following remarks by Tun Dr M and many bloggers wrote this piece of information too before Tun said it yesterday .

" .....Saad Man (bekas Setiausaha Politik Dr M) yang disingkir dari UMNO…dia kempen menentang saya sekalipun dia bukan ahli UMNO…tapi dia diberi peluang bercakap kerana dia dijanjikan selepas ini dia akan diterima semula masuk UMNO ..."

And that is not all . Dr M claimed that money politics is involved in this delegate election . Apparently a lady shooked Tun's hand and manage to slip a small piece of paper to Tun .

Tun received further info that there are brown envelopes going around with RM200 or so in it and a "menu" of delegates to be voted for .

You are so gonna like this . All 6 out of 7 in that list were elected among the top 7 . Only Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir , who is not in that menu , was the "odd" one .

Fishy things ?

You think about it . The "menu" is in the picture above .

Interestingly , there was a Chinese lady at the UMNO meeting singing praises for Tun but was ticked off by a UMNO member .

Haha . And amazingly , some UMNO members defended the Chinese lady .

You see . Support for Tun does not come only from some UMNO people . This is because some UMNO people have the "mudah lupa" syndrome .

Not only some UMNO people , I can say some other parties like MCA and MIC too .

Nevertheless , there are many more multi racial support out there for Tun .

We are grateful that Tun has brought many things into our lives .

Here today , we can go overseas watching TV telling us about magnificent engineering in Petronas Twin Towers , KL Tower and sports LIVE ON ESPN like Malaysian Motor Grand Prix , Malaysian F1 Grand Prix , Lima De Langkawi etc .

We can go out telling the world that we have certain things which countries like Indonesia and Singapore do not . This is Malaysia , my friend . A Malaysia visionized by Tun and which we all hand in hand worked with Tun to develop .

Do not let it fall out of track !

Malaysia was put on the map because of Tun . So let us not shut him up . But attempts to do so will only trigger more "evidences" of wrongdoings to be "leaked out" by Tun .

Haha . Sun Tzu's Art of War at work !!

Tata .

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