Thursday, September 07, 2006

DAP - A Tiger Waiting

This might be DAP's best chance to shine in Penang .

Barisan Nasional must understand that Penang is highly populated with Chinese .

If UMNO Youth keep on pressing to rotate the Chief Minister seat , my prediction is that sooner or later , UMNO will win Kelantan from PAS and lose Penang to DAP .

Do not only look at the sentiments of a side . When we speak , we speak with care and caution .

If one day , I go out and tell MCA delegates that we should close ranks and be united , otherwise the Malays will take further advantage of us .

What will Datuk Seri Hishammuddin say ? YOU ARE A RACIST !

What will Datuk Seri Nazri say ? YOU ARE A RACIST !

What will Bung Mokhtar say ? YOU ARE A RACIST !


When UMNO was declared illegal in the late 1980s , MCA took over the Chairmanship of Barisan and could have taken over the whole government .

But MCA held it firmly FOR UMNO .

We did not want any further racial riots and we wanted peace , that was what the rakyat wanted .

If rotation is what UMNO Youths want , then I also would like the rotation of a few other MB posts in other States .

What will BN leaders say ? YOU ARE A RACIST !

Come on . We do not need Racial Chauvinists and REAL RACISTS .

We can do anything through discussion and not going all out to attack other races .

If we want , we Chinese could come out with Statistics as well to say that we are marginalized and that we want the Prime Ministership to be rotated .

Guess what , many contracts are UNTUK BUMIPUTERA SAHAJA . Did we make a noise or fuss over it ?

Nope . We try to find other means to fill our rice bowls .

There are property discounts for BUMIPUTERAS ONLY . Did we complain ? Some did but many non Bumis learned to live with it .

In Biro Tatanegara camps , at least the one I went to , there were racial sentiments . We non BUMIs held our anger and frustration and endured all the racial stings and remarks that BTN officers brought up . Thankfully , we youths are not as racists as you adults are now . Many of my Malay pals knew that these people are so racist and we remain united in our colleges .

In Biro Tatangera camps , again at least the one I went to , the officers showed Statistics that Malays are not competent enough .

And guess what , luckily I saw the asterisk and the Note at the bottom of the table .

It goes like this "Statistic ini dijalankan di Pulau Pinang" .

Something like that , it was longer .

What is that suppose to mean ? I could have done the same in Kelantan , Pahang , Selangor where non Bumis are probably in the same position as the Bumis are in Penang .

Come on . Do not be racists . Penang is highly populated with Chinese . That is undeniable . Other States are populated with a mixture of multi racial Malaysians and Bumiputeras are the majority .

Why then do we need racist officers to instil racism culture in our youths ?

I do not know .

For all I know , at least for this instance , I agree with Pak Lah's comments in cooling the temperature down in Penang .

But again , Khairy raised the remarks .

Each time Khairy raised a thing , they are normally extreme remarks and Pak Lah has to cool it down .

I wonder what is going on .

But UMNO must not bring us back to the days of racial riots .

I want to live in peace in Malaysia .

Be sensitive .

So must the non Bumis . Never ever make racist statements and let us carry on our beautiful lives in peace and harmony with prosperity in our hands .

I respect the Constitutional Special Rights of the Bumiputeras without a single doubt .

But when we sing the song of peace and multi culturalism towards a united Malaysia , we should practise it as well .

I certainly do not want to see extremists of Chinese political parties get more powerful .

I certainly do not wish to see extremists of any political parties get too powerful .

I certainly wish to see the Weighing Scale of Barisan Nasional remain in our eyes as our leaders that promote peace , harmony and give us wealth and health for many years to come without any hiccups or bumpy rides .

Discuss it , straighten it and ensure satisfaction of all parties .

That's what it should be like in the spirit of unity and independence .

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