Saturday, August 12, 2006

Unlock the Code of Life

Sue Ann arr .... haih.... where r u !?? Cant get ur mobile . Hope you are enjoying urself in Sydney .

You are always welcome in Canberra . My room will always be available for you to use . Sigh . So nice , can study with you and stuff , spend time with you and see you everyday . My life here abruptly ended by ur disappearance .

I have never felt so sad before . You cheered me up since Wednesday . Though I know you cried , and I just remained calm , its just becoz I do not want to make u feel worse .

Sigh . Each time I look at my wallpaper , I miss you and start crying . I need u beside me


I think if ever anyone sees me crying like tat , all respect for a big man like me will be gone .

I just talked to Lydia . At times I do not understand Heaven's destiny and fate . My relationship with dear is so complicated with parents and distance and stuff . Then God let me us meet again in Canberra for holz ... then fated for you to leave me on Saturday . And now I have been crying since morning .

Sigh . A sudden memorable joy with lots of memories but a great heart break in the end till God knows when .

Don't even try to make me happy , anyone . No one ever succeed .

You see . Israel and Palestinian war . Leaders have their principle and a clash means war there . But what about the pitiful kids and people who actually have a future ? They are trashed by the war . We see thieves grabbing lives of passerbys . We see robbers shooting at civilians .

Where is humanity may I ask !?

Is it difficult for us to live in a street of joy ? Where we can go to cafes and greet the waiters with a smile and be greeted with a happy sound and nice food ? Then have a nice cup of tea with nice people chatting ?

There are only two obvious questions .

Are these all destiny and plans of God ? If yes , why ? If the leaders are the ones God want to punish , then why the side effects on other people ?

Or are we created by God with a brain and left just like that to think and carry on on our own with no intervention from God ? If this is so , does this mean there is no such thing as fate or destiny ?

Which is right ? Sigh . Life is really full of mystery .

I'm not questioning God like a challenge . But I'm merely asking for signs and guidance , answers that will satisfy us all and give us light for the current and future .

Sigh . Never mind .

1 comment:

  1. Oitz wei liang :)

    Why so sad leh?? We're going back soon le, so so soon 3 more months only. And with all the tests and assignments and all, time will pass very fast le. I'm not trying to make you happy (since no one ever succeed anyway hehe), but yeah it's not that long. I wanna go back toooo!!

    And yeah, i think God has a wonderful plan for every single one he created. If he cares so much even for the trees and birds flying in the sky, it doesn't make sense if he doesn't care for us right. It's not that God has created us and left us to do everything on our own, it is us who chose not to let God intervene in our lives. That's why we have all these wars and all. And with all the earthquakes and tsunamis and wars affecting so many ppl around the world, instead of only asking why God would do such and such thing to these innocent ppl, perhaps we should ask ourself why God chose to spare us :)

    So becoming a politician ar haha. Well proud of you. Not many would give up steady jobs like you to become a politician, esp. smart ppl like you surely get to get highly paid jobs. Bahs so you wanna become a leader, make sure you be a good one lor!

    Cheers blingbling!

    -lichen visited weiliang's blog, read the many many manyyy posts, and wrote some stuff as well-
