Thursday, August 24, 2006

Malaysia , Our Land , Our Home .

Dear friends .

Let me tell you a story . Ah Kau wants to be a Doctor . He finished his SPM , but he did not do well , or we can also assume he did fantastically well. However, he got rejected by JPA for a scholarship .

Ah Kau was so angry that he is determined to be a Doctor by all means . Thus , his parents who are business taukehs , gave him a scholarship called FAMA Sponsorship .

Ah Kau proceeds to Sedaya University College to read medicine with an option to go to UK for his final 3 years .

Ah Kau feels delighted and he scored well in his first two years in local studies . Ah Kau complains that he deserved a scholarship and he is angry with the Government .

From here , Ah Kau felt mad and started saying bad things and critisizing the problems of our democracy and Government .

Ah Kau goes to UK . He excels and is determined to serve in UK . Why ? Coz UK doctors earn 200,000 pounds per annum . Convert it into Msian Ringgit , it will be approximately RM 1.4 million .

Wow ! Huge sum . Ah Kau then spends the rest of his life serving UK folks and earning big bucks with a smile .

Dear friends . The End .

Are we to blame the government if you did not do well in SPM and fail to obtain a scholarship ?

Just because your dad doesn't approve ur application to buy a car for your use , you hate ur dad and never acknowledge him forever ?

To sponsor a student to study overseas , like me , it costs around RM400,000 at least . It is not easy .

Ask around which government in the world sponsors their students overseas . Not many , probably none . Just Malaysian Government who sponsors at least 1300 new students overseas in all fields .

Ah Kau is determined to be a Dr . So be it . But he stays overseas because he doesnt like Malaysian system and overseas medical personnel earn Millions .

That is true . I do not deny the fact that in overseas , you earn big bucks and the system is good .

But let us look at which country you are talking about . UK ? Australia ? US ? These are the countries with an established Medical System for centuries . These are the countries that are rich and developed !

How then can you compare them with Malaysia ? She is just 49 years old !

Being a Doctor , we must look at our mission and purpose . Are we here as Servants of God to help save lifes or are we getting a piece of paper from the Medical Faculty to earn millions ?

Where is the objective and direction ? Being a doctor is to save lifes , help the sick and needy .
Australia , US and UK .

They have among the highest Life Expectancy in the world and a chain of established Medical System .

Malaysia is different . We have so many sick , old and poor people who needs medical experts , medical knowledge and assistance of cure and care .

If all 10,000 doctors we produce in the private education sector thinks like Ah Kau ,


You walk right in front of my face and tell me !!

Do you expect some politicians who graduated in Economics or Islamic Studies or Agriculture to help revamp the Medical System ?

That will be pure bullshit . Its like asking a gardener to fly a plane .

I challenge you guys out there . If you think that Malaysia sucks till the limit where it is worth 5 cents , get back here in bulks and revamp it yourself .

Don't be hypocrites and go around critisizing the country that gave you a life till 20 years old , that gave you subsidized education till 20 years old , that fed you till 20 years old .

Be it you are a baby in Somalia , please do tell me how you are going to achieve your dream of being a Doctor . I doubt you will even make your 16th birthday .

Don't think that ,"Aiya , I one fella cannot make any difference la" .

If 100,000 of you think like that , Heaven knows where Malaysia will head to .
I am speaking here not only critisizing the many medical students .

I do target them honestly because they are the most critical of the medical system in Malaysia .

I agree with the critics but not their actions of not returning . The reason of bad system here and higher pay elsewhere is not an excuse that's appropriate .

There are many professionals in Finance , Agriculture , Science .

You laugh that Malaysia's Financial markets are badly formed .

You laugh that Malaysia can't have proper harvest . You laugh that Malaysia can't produce Rockets , Astronauts , Missiles .

You laugh all you want .

But I laugh at you for being a Graduate in Bachelor of Betrayal Studies .

You get the knowledge overseas with the foundation of 20 years built in Malaysia . You stay overseas and critisize Malaysia . You stay overseas and serve the Mat Sallehs .

How then can Malaysia change if 10,000,000 Malaysians go overseas and think like that ?

Do not forget that in times of emergency in wherever you are , our Malaysian Embassy will be the first to evacuate you to go home .

That time , you will cry and beg for our Government to help , you will beg and pray to live in Malaysia in peace .

Do not forget that one day , your descendants , your great grandchildrens might consider migrating back home to Malaysia .

Then , they will be a victim of your actions . All of you could have made a difference back then . You could have corrected a wrong system , you could have fixed a damaged system , you could have upgraded the system ... you could have . But you didn't . Ur descendants might be a victim .

So be rational . Success is not measured by money .

If it is , Mahatma Gandhi , Jesus Christ , Gautama Buddha and Prophet Muhammad would never have been our heroes and Gods .

Their sacrifices are examplary and should be adopted in our lifes .

Day in day out , you tell me money is not everything , money can't buy love , money can't buy you this and that . But yet you practise the Money Devils Code of Life .

This is reality . Think about it .

Happy 49th Birthday , Malaysia ( 31st August 2006 )

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Its much a cultural thing within the chinese diasporic community like one in Malaysia. What can reverse this situation is only through a revamp of the education system where 'success' is redefined. "success" from the eyes of a English speaking Chinese (banana), is different from "success" from the eyes of a New Village kid, and is different from Muthusamy or Ahmad. What we need is a shared identity that can transcend beyond our racial boundaries, to have a common vision and a goal for our country, to have a shared value and expectation, and to dream the same dreams.

    I have the privilege of sitting together with many African doctors and medical students in Sydney recently. Few decades ago, theres very little indigenous doctors in African countries. Many depended on Western doctors to work in hospitals. They thought that by building more local medical school, giving more scholarships for locals, and training more local workforce, they can solve the shortage.

    However, they couldn't. Those who graduate went to the US to seek greener pastures, even when their own country is facing great shortage. I guess this phenomenon should not be something shocking. Instead we should look into ways to encourage them to come back. One of the ways is by instill in them a strong conviction and love for the country, of which you, Wei Liang possess. I think you can be a motivational speaker overseas to encourage medical students to come back.

    However I am skeptical that in the future, the Malays will be willing to stay back in Malaysia. As values and culture change over time, I may see more Malays with "Ah Kau" mentality in the future. The many Malays that stayed in UK to practise medicine proved that. Its a chain.
