Saturday, August 12, 2006

Life With Sue Ann in Canberra

Sigh . Good things first . Sue Ann arrived in Canberra on Wednesday , 9th August . Her relatives picked her up at Jolimont and then we all met for lunch at Hidden Dragon (nice duck noodles and fried rice) .

Then Sue Ann came over to my place .

We studied Maths together as I had a test on Thursday ( EMET 1001 ). Anyway , Sue Ann joined me for lecture in ANU ( fun) . Then dearie went Pancake Parlour with Abi and Elaiza .

Hmm . After that , the best part , we went Parliament House . Security was high as they were in session !! We were so lucky and manage to get seats in the Chamber . We saw all the big shots from Govt and Opposition quarreling and shouting .

John Howard answered well but did not really answer . His style of answering is by attacking . As Art of War says , the best defense is attack . But as a politician , I feel that when questioned , an honest and sincere answer must be given .

Anyway , we saw the Lord Speaker used Standing Orders to remove the MP of Lily from the Floor . So cool .

Hmm . Was so happy . Sue Ann had fun there listening too . They were debating on AWA and stuff .

Then , we went City for shopping . Ish . Dearie was so picky on clothes . But at last found one black top which look elegant on her . I bought it for her . So happy . Then went Boost and got some mango smoothies . Yummy .

Then we did something that I will never do alone . Went Happy's Restaurant . Ordered Crab Meat & Chicken Soup , Lemon Chicken , Beancurd with Mushroom and Pork . So nice . Can eat Chinese dishes with Sue . Normally we just eat Western when dating .

Then came back AIHS , took a rest , played some cards , supper with gang . After that , it was all oink oink sleep sleep . We were dead tired .

Friday was nice . Haha . Sue was so tired . Woke up late . Went National Museum after breakfast of eggs and pastries . The Museum was not at all good .

Then went with Sue Ann , aunty Bee Khee and their relatives to Cockington Green Gardens . Superb ! It is a 5 star recommended place . Haha . I like these miniature garden and greenery . So happy . Then went eat Burger and Nuggets and Chips with them . Yay yay yay .
After that where I went ?

Hmm . Let me see . Oh yes ! We went Dickson , then City . Bought some fruits for Aunty and Uncle Vong , and some strawberries for Lydia . Sue Ann bought one for me too . Haha . Then went back to AIHS .

Sue Ann said she must stay at Uncle Vong's house for the night . We went with Lydia to their house for dinner . Nice yummy food . Superb house and friendly , food was amazingly wonderful .

Tsk tsk . The food for that night was way so much better than a 4.5 Star hotel's kitchen in AIHS . Haha .

Then , thanks to Aunty Bee Khee , Sue Ann was permitted to come back AIHS to spend time with my friends . Played some cards , ate some strawberries .

Hmm . Not bad right . Then sleep sleep . So fun fun fun !

1 comment:

  1. hey dear..i reply yr blog thru blog postings la..go to my blog.. long time no blog adi
    sigh..i so sad oso now=(
