Sunday, June 11, 2006

Comments on My Article(Not To Be Bias)

It has been my nature to respond to every comment I get on my remarks and on Dr M's policies . Haha . It is educational to discuss issues with others and I find it fun though at times there will be an outbreak of argumentative diseases .

The direct comments made by Tun Dr Mahathir was indeed too direct and even Datuk Zainuddin Maidin , a loyal strongmen of Dr M , commented that Tun might have been too direct and hurting . How can Dr M be not direct when NSTP's Chief Editors like Datuk Kalimullah and company are all Pak Lah's men ? News are chopped and writers write the articles in a manner that made a mockery out of Tun . How then can Dr M respond or bring up issues ? If he goes on being nice and speak out in a 'gentleman' way , will he get responses ?

When Dr M brought out the letters of bilateral communications with regards to the bridge issue , there were parties who called for Dr M to be slammed behind bars as the letters were classified premier information protected by the Official Secrets Act . Can Dr M give more hints that what he say is true ? Should he bring out more evidences ? Should he risk it ?

Letting your Ministers go wild by calling the Tun an old man and should stay out , letting your Ministers have the freedom to go around critisizing Tun in the media , are these actions justified ? Do not argue that Tun was too direct.Look at the way Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz responded to Tun's AP queries . Look at the way Datuk Seri Nazri answered Dr M and said Dr M was wrong . It is not the 'wrong' part that we do not accept , it is the way they put it that kicks dust into Tun's face . Can you expect a statesman to be patient and let the Mahathir era be discredited as days go on ? He has been patient and every patience has its limits . That is why Mahathir erupted .

And know why Mahathir said he expected gratitude ? Pak Lah was one of them who opposed him during the 1980s Umno elections . Pak Lah indirectly supported Tan Sri Musa and Tengku Razaleigh who then formed Parti Semangat 46 . Was Mahathir revengeful ? Indeed as we know , politically it will be unwise to bring back a thorn to your side and you should ensure the impossibility of the return of this thorn . But Dr Mahathir did not . He brought back our PM to the Cabinet and today , installed as the Prime Minister . That is why Dr M used the word 'gratitude' in his outburst .

Look at the day Datuk Seri Rafidah said that Dr M was old and he might have forgotten his stuff when Dr M raised the issue of the government . Calling Dr M old and forgetful ? Was there respect shown ? Datuk Seri Nazri had said the decision to build the bridge that was supposed to link Malaysia with Singapore was Mahathir's alone and the Cabinet was not consulted during his leadership . He even said Dr Mahathir was “wrong on all points” in his comments on the scrapped bridge project. And he then added “My Cabinet colleagues and I hope that Tun will keep to his promise when he said that he would not interfere in the government administration when he retired,” he added.

Hmm ... does this mean shut up ? No idea , you decide . Are these rude comments ?

The Tun has no friends these days . Not many . How can he push forward his ideas ? Maybe he should knock on the offices of the Ministers and say "Hi , can you answer this ?" . Can he go up to the media and ask them to bring this issue up ? He certainly can but the way news are reported will always favor the current administration . I might not be in a position to answer government related decisions , but I think the Tun knows more than we do on the issues he raised . Dr Mahathir's patience limit has been breached and he can no longer stand people giving him standard answers . Read the responses , the papers . Answers are all standard . Answers will range from "Tun , keep your promise ; Tun , you interfered ; Tun , we have collectively decided ; and the list goes on" . The answers ?

What Tun said is logical you see . Where did Tengku Mahaleel go wrong in Proton ? The APs issue might be a corrupted one but I think Tun has moved on . He is now demanding answers for why his capable pal , formerly head of Proton , was removed when he managed Proton to save up an amount that is respectable ( at least RM 2 billion ) . The bridge issue might be complicated , with the Tun arguing on the basis of our sovereignty being smacked , while the Ministers say that Singapore wanted sand and air space permission . Tun came back and said that sand and air space permission was not even discussed when he was PM and when the bridge plan was given the green light . Cabinet came back up and say they have explained and Tun shouldn't interfere , the bridge was only wanted by Dr M . Dr M went to the media again and the story goes on and on till today.

What confused Malaysians is that Dr M's plan was a crooked bridge , a bridge that is linked from Johor , to the Causeway of our side . But it was replaced with another plan and now , all plans shattered . That is why Dr Mahathir wants to know why and he is demanding answers .

The following are part of an article from Asiamedia dated 3/3/2005

- What is known is that during their first meeting on Dec 13 last year, Malaysia put forward a proposal to replace the Causeway with a straight bridge as opposed to its previous plan for a 'crooked' structure it began to build, but put on hold, last year. -

And this was what Tun Dr Mahathir once responded on this bridge issue :

- The Singapore PM, Goh Chok Tong in his letter to me clearly stated that " ... if you wish to proceed immediately to replace just your side of the Causeway with a bridge, I shall accept it, though I think this is not ideal." -

- Talks about the possibility of Singapore refusing to allow the bridge to connect with the Singapore half of the causeway is sheer nonsense. The Malaysian bridge will land on the Malaysian portion of the causeway. The only way Singapore can prevent traffic from the bridge from passing through from the Malaysian portion of the Causeway into the Singapore half is to put a barrier across the causeway border. This would certainly constitute an unfriendly act. It would be Singapore cutting its nose to spite its face. The damage to Singapore businesses would be at least as bad as that which Malaysia may suffer. But in reality, Singapore needs Malaysia more than Malaysia needs Singapore. We have our ports and airports to replace Singapore ports, airports and other services. -

I let you judge over the issues . There is nothing against anyone , no hard feelings , just that the issues raised by Tun has too many puzzles and mysteries . I personally have nothing against the current administration , I'm happy with what has been done , but issues raised cannot be waved away . I have nothing against people who write comments in my blog . Discussions are always welcomed and let there be more discussions among youths for progressive purposes . We support peace , not war . As for the moment , many answers are needed to address the queries . Do not focus too much on the Tun's outburst . But if you insist , I guess Dr Mahathir is running out of patience with a hide and seek pile of answers sent to him .

Have a nice day , will be blogging about Proton soon .

1 comment:

  1. walau, brother..u sure u not being bias ar?! the arguments sound quite 1 sided to me!! however, i believe it ur rite la..change topic wei..enough of politics dy!!
