Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Perang Dalam UMNO

Sering dikatakan, isu UMNO adalah isu orang Melayu dalam UMNO. Orang asing seperti saya yang berbangsa Cina tidak patut campur tangan. Namun, percayalah. Pengetahuan saya tentang sejarah UMNO tidak cetek. Hormat dan penghargaan saya terhadap pemimpin UMNO bukanlah main-main.

Bacalah sejarah perjuangan pemimpin UMNO yang bermula sejak era Datuk Onn Jaafar. Walaupun Datuk Onn meninggalkan UMNO dan menubuhkan Parti Negara, namun kita semua tidak boleh melupakan detik-detik sumbangan Datuk Onn.

Selepas Datuk Onn, sejarah orang Melayu dan Malaysia serta masyarakat berbilang kaum mula berubah. Era Tunku Abdul Rahman memberi kebebasan, kemerdekaan dan kedaulatan kepada orang Malaysia. Tanpa Tunku, sumbangan orang Melayu dari segi kewangan dan perpaduan bersama dengan orang bukan Melayu, maka negara ini pasti akan terus berada di bawah telunjuk jari British, seperti Australia.

Tunku Abdul Rahman memegang jasa paling besar dan memang patut diberi gelaran Bapa Kemerdekaan. Setelah Tunku menghadapi pergolakan politik dan ketidakstabilan di Malaysia, Tun Abdul Razak mengambil alih. Pentadbiran Tun Abdul Razak membawa kepada perubahan yang besar dalam polisi masyarakat Malaysia.

Saya pasti semua rakyat Malaysia masih ingat polisi pecah dan perintah yang diperkenalkan oleh British. Monopoli ekonomi dipegang oleh orang bukan Melayu. Dan dasar pecah dan perintah menyebabkan budaya setiap bangsa berlainan sehinggalah wujudnya situasi yang tidak aman dan tenteram.

Di bawah kepimpinan Tun Abdul Razak, struktur masyarakat negara mula berubah sehingga kini dengan polisi Dasar Ekonomi Baru.

Tak perlulah saya mengungkit sejarah dan analisis tentang polarisasi kaum kerana saya telah membincangkan isu ini suatu ketika dahulu. Bacalah di sini http://manifestogwl.blogspot.com/2006/08/masalah-polarisasi-kaum-bagaikan-tiada.html

Kepimpinan Tun Hussein Onn melihat negara kita berpegang teguh kepada prinsip perpaduan. Tun Hussein Onn sering kali memperkenalkan polisi keamanan dan perpaduan kepada masyarakat Malaysia.

Selepas era Tun Hussein, tibalah masa Tun Dr Mahathir. Lihatlah apa yang telah Tun lakukan. Saya rasa tak perlulah saya mengulas panjang lebar. Adalah ramai yang menghantar mesej kepada saya mengatakan saya penyokong Tun Dr Mahathir. Ada sesetengah yang kata saya ini tak waras dan mengambil segala kata-kata Tun seperti kandungan kitab.

Tak benar langsung. Bacalah koleksi ucapan-ucapan Tun. Lihatlah sejarah Tun. Imbas kembali sumbangan Tun. Saya tahu ramai di luar sana yang mempunyai tanggapan tidak baik tentang Tun. Namun begitu, tanyalah hati. Siapa di dunia ini yang tak buat salah? Sekiranya Tun bersalah, tunjuklah bukti dan jangan hanya pandai kata di luar.

Saya menyokong Tun Dr Mahathir bukan secara membuta tuli. Kepimpinan, visi, minda dan pengetahuan Tun Dr Mahathir yang saya junjung. Ada masa, bacalah koleksi ucapan Tun dan sejarah serta sumbangan Dr Mahathir.

Ada juga saya membaca buku yang menganalisis secara kritikal polisi -polisi serta badan kerajaan di bawah pimpinan Dr M yang tidak popular dan menimbulkan masalah seperti isu Perwaja Steel, Dasar Otomotif Nasional, dan sebagainya.

Oleh itu, saya berharap para pembaca blog saya ini tidaklah sering mengatakan saya ini mengambil setiap perkataan yang Tun ungkap bulat-bulat. Ini hanya menunjukkan betapa ceteknya minda anda yang tidak membaca isu-isu, sumbangan dan sejarah Tun Dr Mahathir dari pelbagai perspektif.

Teras perbincangan kita kali ini ialah Perang Dalam UMNO. Ada sesetengah blog mengatakan Tun Dr Mahathir pantang dicabar dan kerana dicabar semasa menghadiri suatu mesyuarat di Kedah, Tun membuat keputusan untuk meninggalkan UMNO.

Namun, saya berpendapat ini bukan faktor utama Tun meninggalkan UMNO. Dah banyak kali Tun berjumpa dengan pemimpin UMNO. Semuanya mengangguk kepala kata betul. Ada juga sesetengah perjumpaan dibatalkan dan diharamkan oleh pemimpin tinggi UMNO. Tun memegang kad keahlian UMNO 0001. Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir, nafas Tun Dr Mahathir dan nadi Tun Dr Mahathir semuanya tentang UMNO.

Tangisan yang para hadirin lepaskan di Perhimpunan Agung UMNO selama 22 tahun itu setelah mendengar ucapan Dr Mahathir berkaitan pemimpin UMNO, kebajikan orang Melayu dan kemajuan negara, adakah semuanya palsu? Nampaknya semua masih tidak faham perjuangan Tun. Bahkan kini saya orang bukan Melayu pun faham apa yang Tun cuba lakukan dan mesej yang ingin Tun sampaikan.

Tun meninggalkan UMNO. Namun sejarah Tun, sumbangan Tun dan hati Tun tetap bersama UMNO. Tun letih dengan sikap orang Melayu UMNO dan pemimpin UMNO kini.

Kata-kata Tun Dr Mahathir memang benar. Sekiranya ini berterusan, perang UMNO pada akhir tahun ini semasa Perhimpunan Agung hanya akan melihat Pak Lah terus berkuasa. Saya tidak adalah kuasa ataupun hak bagi menentukan sama ada Pak Lah patut jadi Presiden atau tidak. Saya hanya ada hak memberi analisis.

Buat masa ini, Tan Sri Muhyiddin dan Tengku Razaleigh perlulah bergabung kuasa. Tan Sri Muhyiddin tidak berupaya berperang secara sendirian. Beliau memerlukan sokongan padu daripada "veteran" dalam UMNO. Sekiranya diminta memberi nasihat, saya berpendapat bahawa Tengku Razaleigh perlu menjadi calon untuk mencabar Pak Lah dan Tan Sri Muhyiddin mencabar Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Sekiranya menang, Tengku Razaleigh akan memegang jawatan Presiden UMNO dan Presiden Barisan Nasional. Walau bagaimanapun, Ku Li tidak patut memegang jawatan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Keenam (sekiranya menang). Ku Li patutlah melantik Tan Sri Muhyiddin sebagai PM baru. Lihatlah perkara ini dari segi kestabilan serta konsistensi pentadbiran dan polisi memandangkan usia Ku Li. Kata-kata saya ini adalah demi UMNO, Barisan Nasional dan Malaysia.

Maka akan berlakulah peperangan Team A dan Team B seperti MCA dalam UMNO pada tahun 2008. Memanglah pada masa ini, tidak dapat dinafikan. Tidak semua ahli UMNO berpuas hati dengan kepimpinan UMNO. Perang Dalam UMNO pada akhir tahun ini tidak dapat dielakkan lagi.

Dari segi perang saraf, Tun Dr Mahathir tidak patut keluar dari UMNO. Sebaliknya, Tun patut menghadiri Perhimpunan Agung UMNO. Namun, tidak apalah. Kini, percaturan politik UMNO berada di tangan Pak Lah - Najib dan Ku Li - Muhyiddin.

Tunggulah dan lihat. Percaturan politik UMNO bakal menentukan masa depan Malaysia.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Anyone ?

Thank you for all the support and comments I have received thus far. I appreciate it. Well, the best comment that motivated me all these while was SueAnn's. She left a comment at my chatterbox with the words "yay!! my fav blogger is back".

Sigh. Oh well, let's not touch about my personal life here. I have blogged many issues, predictions, analysis already. I am currently lost and dont know what to write. Hmm. Any suggestions?

Just to mention, I read BigDogDotCom and I am surprised to read many publications of Matthias Chang's articles there. I wonder why Matthias is not having a blog of his own, or does he? It is indeed interesting to read about Matthias Chang's ideas, and arguments.

I read somewhere that Tun Musa Hitam was silent right after the GE. But when Tun quit UMNO, he started to be in the headlines again. Hmm. During GE, many MPs or Ministers were unusually silent. For example? Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz. We can only wonder why.

Oh well, keep in touch everyone !

*Updated 23rd May 2008 8.26pm*
Pulau Batu Puteh goes to Singapore, according to ICJ.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Bad Run Continues

Well, my personal life is on a downward sloping curve. I just cant get past any day without having any problems or glitches. Sigh. I hope these goes away soon because I am getting tired.

I feel like I am standing at the beach and waves keep trashing me and make me fall. With each wave hits, I stand back up again. But as time passes, I am getting really tired of all these.

Sigh. Normally I dont talk about my personal life here, and I do it somewhere else. But this one seems special to me. I was in class just now for International Econs tutorial. Suddenly I felt something fell from my eyes. Haha. I thought it was the wax but it felt big.

So I looked down at my paper and saw my nose pad there. Damn. My nose pad broke. After class, I came home to leave my bag and went back to Union Court in Uni. I went to the optometrist. Walked in there and asked if they can change my nose pad for me.

"Well certainly. That will be 3.50 dollars for one". She took my specs and went behind the counter to get the nose pad and showed me. I agreed with the size and she went on to change it.

Suddenly I recalled her words. 3.50 for one. Haha. It is weird in Australia buy they do sell individual stuff, although normally it comes in a pair. I asked again if it is just ONE or ONE PAIR. She said she meant 3.50 for one and 6 dollars for one pair !

Do I look like I have a choice? Haha. I dont want to end up with weird different nose pads. So I took the PAIR. And I paid 6 dollars for it. In RM, it is 18 Ringgit !!

Doesnt matter .... sigh .... I wonder what is next for me tomorrow :'(


From the UK, MPs back hybrid embryo research

And the most amazing one this year Tasmanian tiger DNA 'resurrected'

Check it out ...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Thank you

Your suggestion of a possible team up of Tan Sri Muhyiddin and Ku Li seems fascinating. However, you do seem to contradict yourself a bit there. Your case of them challenging pak lah n najib for umno leadership is clearly against your earlier blog entry of "Ku Li for President of UMNO?" earlier u mentioned that pak lah do have his own supporters and now u are questioning that issue because umno mps arent united enough to show their loyalty towards pak lah? hmm... apparently your stand is quite subjective, only based upon tun mahathir's opinion. as recently tun praised tan sri's courage of speaking up, your opinion of tan sri immediately alter. hmm...

i believe tun mahathir cannot dictate the terms when appointing the next leader after his successor, pak lah. he shd understand that it is up to the umno as a whole to decide who would b the leader, not his own personal opinion!

don't get me wrong, i'm not an advent supporter of pak lah or any other politician. he has been quite ineffective in leading the country. change is req for the sake of the nation, however one muz always take note that it shd b incrementally as adopting a "big bang" approach does have its drawbacks. too much change in a short period of time hav negv effects on the country's stability n economy. political instability would eventually lose foreign investors to the nation thus leaving us all back to square one! bad leadership, bad economy and bad future

The above comment was written by an anonymous person. And I wish to clear whatever doubts you have of my blog entry with regards to your wordings "Your case of them challenging pak lah n najib for umno leadership is clearly against your earlier blog entry of "Ku Li for President of UMNO?" earlier u mentioned that pak lah do have his own supporters and now u are questioning that issue because umno mps arent united enough to show their loyalty towards pak lah? hmm... apparently your stand is quite subjective, only based upon tun mahathir's opinion. as recently tun praised tan sri's courage of speaking up, your opinion of tan sri immediately alter. hmm..."

My case of them challenging Pak Lah still remains. I suggested that they team up to challenge Pak Lah. Because that is the only team possible now. But Tengku Razaleigh did not acknowledge the "presence" of Tan Sri Muhyiddin for the fight. Only Tun did. And as I said, Tan Sri Muhyiddin is no hero in UMNO. He needs the backing of a superpower.

My opinion of Tan Sri has not changed. He is still suitable. But as I said, he badly needs a powerhouse of UMNO to support him. Tun voiced his support and praised Tan Sri. However, circumstances have changed. Tan Sri does not have the support of UMNO Member 0001 anymore. Why?

Because Tun left UMNO. His words still count, but Tun cannot meet UMNO members anymore for the meantime when he is outside UMNO. And my opinions of Tan Sri still remains the same. That he can challenge for higher levels. He needs a superpower.

And the only powerhouse left is just Tengku Razaleigh. Ku Li needs to make his offer on a running mate now. And Tan Sri Muhyiddin, for his sake, needs to grab the support of Ku Li. Otherwise, Tan Sri Muhyiddin will not move up.

I said Pak Lah and Najib have their supporters. And I did not question at all about UMNO MPs not united enough to show their loyalty. In fact if you read the news, UMNO MPs pledged their support. Read what I wrote carefully.

I question not the loyalty of UMNO MPs to Pak Lah. I am wondering the about the support of the whole UMNO party. Read what I wrote, before you attempt to hammer me. There were many branches of UMNO who wanted to press for an EGM. And we all know, the greatest influence of UMNO comes from UMNO Johor. Is UMNO Johor fully behind Pak Lah?

And please. I am a grown up mature person. I do not sing the songs of Tun Mahathir's words all the time. I can make my own decisions and thoughts. Pak Lah has his supporters. UMNO MPs except Datuk Mukhriz have pledged their loyalty. But these are just the words of the MPs. What about the members of UMNO? What about the Supreme Council of UMNO? What about the Supreme Council of Barisan Nasional?

I am questioning that. And what I write till now, have been consistent. I believe you need to be clear and read through what I wrote all these while.


As we walk down the memory lane of UMNO, one cannot forget the Grand Old Man of Politics - Dr Mahathir Mohamad. His name began in the whispers of the people as the Great Doctor in Kedah. Soon, his name went on the national stage when he challenged the leadership of Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Many have different opinions about Dr Mahathir vs Tunku Abdul Rahman. I personally know people who hated Tun for disrespecting Tunku. But when we weigh the ounces of RESPECT and GOVERNANCE, we cannot deny that Tunku was at fault for spending his time at the comfort of a Hill and enjoying his card games while May 13 was taking place in our history leaflets.

Nevertheless, I respect greatly the struggles of UMNO led by Tunku. If not for him either, Malaysia would not gain Independence in 1957. With that, I thank you, Tunku, and your struggles will always be remembered by me.

And as we progress with time, we cannot skip the legacy of Dr Mahathir for 22 years. Well, Tun's policy was rapid development. And as we know, if we rush things too fast, we are bound to have some problems in steering the country. Looking back at his administration at the state of the economies of the world, I personally have to praise Tun.

Look at the economies of that time. Tun adopted rapid development not for his own joy and satisfaction. It was really a foresight. The world was rapidly developing with massive industrialization progress. Tun realised that he needed to spend every Ringgit he had. Government spending caused a significant budget deficit.

Again, didn't we enjoy the riches? Aren't our kids now studying in overseas? Do we not have Government sponsored students overseas? Do we not have Government agencies located globally?

We did reap in a lot of benefits from there. His Look East Policy, was amazing. And was it just a mere mention and policy? No. One of his sons had to sacrifice his ambition and Tun sent his kid over to Japan to study. Lead by example.

Of course with rapid development, there are bound to be troubles. Asia developed too fast. And the financial speculators caught Bangkok off guard in 1997. In fact, there were excess housing in Bangkok. The Bangkok building boom had produced enough space by 1997 to meet its residential and commercial needs for 5 years. Amazing isn't it? Of course we had the chaebol issue in South Korea and the problem of governance in Indonesia. All these contributed to a meltdown of the economy and the speculators took their opportunity to send Asia crashing down !

At that time, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim showed signs of love for IMF prescriptions. Tun disagreed. And according to Tun, there were disturbing police intelligence reports on his desk at that moment about Anwar's personal life. Time have shown that IMF prescriptions are not flexible and the economists there do not understand at all the cultures and economies of Asia.

Should we all not thank Tun for pegging the Ringgit and adopting strict financial regulations in our local economy and finance sector? Otherwise, you and me will be so trashed up that we might be owing the Ah Longs of the West huge debts. Ah Longs of the West here of course refers to the World Bank and the Western financiers.

I thank you Tun, for what I have today. You saved the economy. Tun was not a qualified Economist, nor was he an accountant or financier. He was a Medical doctor. So great was his mind that Economists called his style, Mahanomics. Mahanomics were frequently in clashes with neo classical economic ideas. But didn't he show to the world, how great Mahanomics was?

Mahathir's Economics deserves the name of Mahanomics. Like it or not, he had his massive share of contribution.

Now, back to rapid development and we now look at the drawbacks. Yes, I do not deny Mahathir was a tough politician. He sacked many deputies, and he is not happy with his successor now. He had draconian laws too. If one wants to implement rapid development and the people are skeptical of your visions, at the same time you are so confident of meeting success, won't you hammer on and act bossy?

Yes. Tun showed to Malaysia - Boss Sini ! Tun needed not only financial stability but also political stability. Nevertheless, Tun had his fair share of contributions too. And we all cannot deny that Tun has dedicated an amazing portion of his life to Malaysia. In that sense, I would like to thank Tun Dr Siti Hasmah too. For behind every man's success, is a great woman. Thank you Tun Dr Siti Hasmah.

Today, we see UMNO under the leadership of Pak Lah. We cannot deny Pak Lah led BN to the biggest victory in his first term and the biggest lost in the second term. Let us all look back. Some say the problems are spilled over effects from Tun's era. Is that true?

Then, we look further back. Didn't Pak Lah's administration and his team had policies of dismantling the achievements and portfolio of Tun's visions ? Yes they did. Inconsistency of policies and governance there, created a big mess of what we have today. Pak Lah did not want to live under the shadows of Tun. And his team came up with the grand idea of dismantling Tun's legacy.

And this is what you get. A messy economy, surging prices. If I am not mistaken, we face spiraling inflation. The price of rice goes up, price of chicken, price of cooking oil, price of flour etc. One after another. Put it into a basket of commodities, we cannot deny that inflation is getting severe in Malaysia.

When inflation occurs, do we not expect for rising wages at the same pace or perhaps at least the a near similarity of percentage changes? No. We do not see our income boom like the inflationary pressures. And our top two leaders even decline Unions wish for minimum wages policy that are beginning to be inevitable in times of economic difficulty like this.

I am surprised Malaysia is not affected by the global credit crunch crisis. Could it be just an issue for developed countries? Developing countries seem unaffected and they face only the pressures of oil prices. One can only wonder.

Yesterday, Tun Dr Mahathir decided to quit UMNO. He has done all he could. Going around to country with roadshows. UMNO members will shout "Ya betul, KAMI SOKONG TUN !" in those events. The next day, it will be back to normal and nothing is done. Tun is mad. Tun is angry. He wants a change of leadership. He expected Pak Lah to stay for a term only.

It was so clear when Tun announced publicly to force Pak Lah to appoint Najib as the Deputy at an official function. At that time, Pak Lah showed signs of wanting to appoint other people as his Deputy. Tun made the first move and gave Pak Lah the checkmate there.

As time passes by, we see the Altantuya case lingering in the Court of Law. Najib's name was linked to it, although we don't know the truth and we can only take Najib's word that he has nothing to do with it, for now.

Tun recently praised Tan Sri Muhyiddin for his open offer to challenge for higher posts, the Presidency and the Deptuy Presidency. Hmm. Now Tun has left, and showed his power and influence. UMNO Supreme Council must act. Pak Lah is sensing something is wrong. The UMNO MPs say they are united in support of Pak Lah. But is the whole of UMNO especially UMNO Johor, all toughened up and shouting "Kami Sokong Pak Lah" ?

Mmm. We can hear the warlords pounding their drums. Tan Sri Muhyiddin has lost the "superpower" which I told you all about. Tun has pulled out of UMNO. But he can still throw his weight behind Tan Sri Muhyiddin although during campaigning time, Tun cannot be there as long as he stays outside UMNO.

Tan Sri needs Tengku Razaleigh badly now. Form the tag team. Datuk Seri Najib will play safe as always. And with him taking over as PM, can we expect him to win the next election? As RPK said, the Court of Public Opinion has their own verdict of Najib.

For the sake of our country, we either continue on Pak Lah's administration with him forming a new team of advisors. Or we can all opt for a team up of Tan Sri Muhyiddin and Ku Li with Ku Li leading the charge in UMNO. If he wins, I do not agree that Ku Li becomes the PM of Malaysia. I would suggest Tan Sri Muhyiddin due to age factors and consistency of policies as well as governance.

So far, I have not heard or read anything bad about Tan Sri Muhyiddin and that is why I say he has the best chance. Perhaps I am wrong about him. But considering all options, only Ku Li and Tan Sri Muhyiddin will have their chances shining brightly for a challenge of Pak Lah - Najib leadership.

What will happen tomorrow or in the near future? We don't know. I personally did not expect Tun to make this move of quitting UMNO. It caught me by surprise.

Let us all hope and pray that Anwar Ibrahim sits down quietly and respects the rakyat's choice of Government. It is clear - 5 states for Pakatan, the rest for BN and the Federal Government for BN. Respect it, Pakatan Rakyat. And please don't take advantage of this for the sake of stability, democracy and the country !

As for BN component parties, give UMNO a chance to fix their sinking ship. Let them repair it. Give them the space, chance and opportunity. And UMNO, please make full use of whatever chances you have left. Repair yourself and stand back up. Do not let the founding fathers' efforts go down the drain !

Berkhidmat Demi Negara !


I have built Rome for me and her. Rome was besieged. Rome was battered till what I have today, the remnants of this Rome called Memories.

All these while I view myself as an amazing strategist and predictor. I always thought I am great. Reality struck me when the Rome I have built was burnt and crushed down.

At this moment, I admire the great minds of the ancient civilization. Their words of wisdom can hold true and withstand the test of time to remain relevant even today. Waves of challenges and condemnation have been pouring in every single day, every single hour of my life from my allies, from my beau, and from the world.

Nothing seems to go right. I seek refuge only at the place I have built with my own bare hands together with my beau. I sit there in a small corner. Looking around me, I see darkness and not a sparkle of light.

Looking at myself, I see the once great man in rags and torn clothes with bare feet. Smelling the air, the burnt smell of the great walls of Rome still lingers. Stretching my ears out, I can hear only the sound of nature.

It is now nightfall. On several occasions, I can hear the cries of the battle that I lost in protecting and upholding the Rome I built. Most of the time, it is just the sound of my teeth clattering, my body shivering, and my tears rolling down to ground.

I feel cold. I am all alone. I bend my legs, sitting in that dark corner, hugging my own body to keep myself as warm as possible. There is neither fire nor light around me.

Surprisingly, I see the chess game I used to play with my beau in this beautiful Rome I built. Mmm. The memories of the chess game we played. I was the knight and my beau was the Queen of this place. We explored every corner below the Sun. We passed streams, mountains with great pain and sorrow but the powers of joy and happiness of our lives and experiences overruled them.

The pieces are all over the garden now. Yes, the Rome I built was a beautiful garden, with her favourite flowers. The pieces are now lying on a garden, covered by a bed of burnt roses and tulips.

I approached the board and the pieces. Rearranging it on the board with my weak and shivering hands. The board is now well placed. I no longer have a sparring partner. My Queen has left the Rome we built.

The game can still move on, a voice inside my heart whispering to me. My hands are still firmly beside me.

Voices kept going inside my heart, in my doldrums. "Go on, make the move, play the game again ...".

My hands are rooted at my side. I dare not make any moves. Looking back at what I have done all these years, it was all driven by my love for the Queen of Rome. I have protected the walls of the Garden in Rome so well. I have given everything under the Sun that my beau wanted.

When Rome was burnt with a hand from my beau, it was something I never expected. I sit and stare at my newly placed pieces. The first move I make, will surely be driven by the dark side of me.

I ask myself. What is the feeling of the creator of Rome now? I feel sad, lonely. I ask myself also. Am I angry and is there hatred for my beau? That question, took me sometime to ponder and answer.

It turns out I am disappointed, shocked. Perhaps a mixture of anger and confusion. But that anger soon disappear when flashes of her smiles and laughters filled my mind. I wasn't even angry of my beau. I am angry of myself and my Protectors in the end.

What have I done to deserve something like this, I question the skies ! I calm myself down again. The night is getting colder. I need to rebuild the walls and the beautiful Garden.

Allies started to pour in help to make me stand up and join them. I refused to leave this Garden of Rome that was so beautiful. My allies are now mad. I know there are many roses out there beyond this Roman Garden I built. But there is only one rose that I want. If I had not found the rose I wanted and kept so dearly in this Garden, I wouldn't even have built solid walls to protect the occupants of Rome.

I built the walls. Every tree and flower plant in this Garden, I planted them with my own bare hands with my beau around, preparing tea for my breaks, wiping my sweat and blood off with love and care.

The special rose was planted in the middle, cared for so dearly by me each day. The rose, is now burnt along with all the other flowers.

I leave the game of chess in front of me, and walk towards the middle of the Garden, picking up the once large, red and beautiful rose. The roots are still there. The plant is still alive. But the rose, is all burnt.

I hear the whisper again. The voice of my heart. "Pick it up, and let your tears and sweat revive the plant".

I fear not the large thorns, I fear not my bleeding hands. I cleared the area around the Rose. Tears and sweat and blood began to drip. Mmm. A smile is crafted at my lips.

I can smile once again. Messengers have been flowing in and out to tell me to leave. But what is it that I want? I want to rebuild the Garden and revive the Rose.

I put in efforts day and night. Till I realise, the Rose is alive again. The chess board still sits there. I have revived the Rose. What about my beau? My chess game?

I cannot and will not play my first move. For I know, if I make my first move, I will be so scared and skeptical till I make my second move, where I know I will be motivated by the dark side.

Looking around me, still in rags , my hands with fresh blood from caring for the Rose, bruises from rebuilding the Garden, I feel cold even at daylight now.

I have nothing left to do. As I sit in this Garden, I await the return of my beau. The chess game still not played. I sit there day and night staring at the board. Only the whispers of my heart know what I want. Only the whispers of the winds know whom I want. Only the whispers of nature know what I need to be the great man once again. Only the whispers of my Protectors know the scrolls of Fate.

I am sitting here. Feeling cold. The chess game of life placed on a raised platform. Looking across it, I see an empty space. Mmm. Visions of my beau smiling at me suddenly appear. It lasted a while only. I smile as I await for my beau to return, to a stronger wall of Rome, to a once again beautiful Garden of Rome, to give me the blanket of love and warmth, to give me the tearful kiss and cure all pains and wounds. I smile as I await.

"What a fool you are", messengers of my Allies tell me. The return might not come at all.

But the truth is the smiles I have now are driven by the hope of the return each day when I open my eyes. Let me smile and carry on. I have not lost it all. Take my kingdom, but do not take my Rome.

For it is only Rome, that makes my life, that defines my life, that drives my life. When I get my life back, with the return of my beau, I shall reclaim what I have lost in a flash of a lightning, with the sound of thunder. I shall conquer what I believe is mine.

Mmm. The pleasant feeling of my Rome ...but is now nightfall again. I feel cold. I am all alone. I can hear the clatters of my teeth, the shivers of my body and the tears rolling down my cheeks to touch the ground. I see raindrops suddenly ... Heaven cries along with me. But I am getting colder as time passes by ....

It is ... so ......... cold ...

Someday, people will realise something - my beau and my allies - what they are all missing, what they have all missed, what they have all overlooked in me. Someday, the Garden of Rome will be lively again. I can hear the whispers of the Guardians of Scroll of Fate. "Be patient, my child and follow the whispers of your heart, and someday ....."

Someday :'(

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tun Dr Mahathir

Ahli UMNO Baru yang memegang nombor 0001 dalam kad keahlian hari ini membuat pengumuman untuk keluar dari parti UMNO.

Isu ini tidak boleh dipandang remeh. Majlis Tertinggi UMNO dan komponen parti Barisan Nasional perlu mengkaji isu ini dan memberi penjelasan kepada rakyat jelata yang selama ini setia menyokong bukan sahaja Barisan Nasional, malah Tun Dr Mahathir juga.

Diharapkan Tun dapat mempertimbangkan keputusannya semula kerana kehilangan Tun dalam parti UMNO dan Barisan Nasional pada masa ini, memanglah akan membawa padah.

Diharapkan juga Pakatan Rakyat tidak mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menimbulkan huru - hara. Hormatilah undian rakyat dan keputusan yang telah diwartakan. Izinkanlah Barisan Nasional menangani isu ini dan janganlah bermain dengan api, wahai Pakatan Rakyat.

Berkhidmat Untuk Negara !

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cukuplah, Pakatan Rakyat

In March, the people gave you your chance to show what you are worth. The results of the GE were clear - 5 states for Pakatan Rakyat, the rest for BN and the Federal Government stays with BN with a simple majority.

I hope the results were clear and the wishes of the people are in the minds of Pakatan Rakyat leaders too. The message sent out by the people was strong and stern to BN. But it is also for you, Pakatan Rakyat. You have 5 important states to prove your worth. So prove it to the people your election promises and what makes your team different from BN.

Why are you showing your greedy and power hungry side? Your actions of now wooing other BN components and their MPs are just disgraceful. First of all, it is a mockery of democracy. The people voted for the particular MP together with the party they represent in their respective seats. The people did not vote for BN just to have them crossover and see Pakatan woo them over. The people did not vote for Pakatan on that day just to see them crossover to BN.

The people exercised their democratic rights on that day to vote for the individual and the party they want to be represented by.

Secondly, the public exercised their rights in March in the General Election. What were the results? 5 states - Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor and Kelantan - for Pakatan Rakyat, other states for BN and the Federal Government stays with BN.

The people voted for BN to continue ruling Malaysia under a simple majority. Respect their people's decision. Just because the people say they are willing to give you a chance, it doesnt mean they are giving you the whole country.

So stop the wooing of MPs all over the country. Do not mock the people's choice. The people voted only 2 months plus ago ! Respect the rakyat. Perform in those 5 states first. Why show the power hungry and greedy side of you now?

Pakatan Rakyat is finally showing the true colours. Ambitious but greedy and power hungry. You have 5 states to work and perform. So do it and the people will decide in the next Election whether you are fit for Federal Government or not !

More importantly, respect the Rakyat's decision in March 2008 !! I am so sick and tired of all these paper-wasting and time-consuming news publishing and reading of crossovers, Anwar as the new PM soon, something exciting will happen by Malaysia Day, etc.

Now, to comment on Barisan Nasional in Sabah. Hello Sabah MPs. Please tell me why your rakyat is so indecisive. Please tell me why did the rakyat vote for you happily in March only to feel unhappy now. Just two months, mind you.

Are the people angry of BN in Sabah or is it just the lot of you Sabah MPs unhappy that you are not getting enough seats in the Cabinet? You have the position of Speaker of the Noble House, and various Cabinet posts. Sabah is well represented and the Ministers and Cabinet members can voice whatever they want in the Government. Do you actually need 20 Sabah Ministers to make your point clear and loud? All it takes, is just at least one.

The other solution is that Sabah MPs can form a united association, a caucus or whatever it is they see fit. That way, you can also meet the PM and the Government line up anytime you want to voice it out.

The election is just over for 2 months. Dont give me the nonsense that the rakyat is so angry now. If the rakyat were so angry, they wouldn't have voted for BN MPs in Sabah because all these while, the representation of Sabahans in the Government was never an issue. Until recently, the Sabah MPs show to Malaysia that they are opportunists.

It might be true that Sabah needs more money for development. But what do you expect the Government to do? Right away approve the Budget after two months of Election and allocate billions for Sabah? That will be so nonsensical ! It will show that BN uses the budget of the Government of Malaysia to play politics. And that is exactly what Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is doing by offering the 'carrot' and dangling it in front of the Sabah MPs.

I critically slam this action of "Election Budget" - be it pre or post election. I totally disagree with this. And please, Datuk Yong Teck Lee was once disqualified in the Gaya by Parliamentary seat election due to corrupt and illegal election practices. Why is his words even so credible now? I thought we all hate people like these with tainted profiles.

As for now, we know what Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is offering as "crossover benefits". We also know what the Sabah MPs want. We also know what Pak Lah can give. I hope Barisan Nasional or any Malaysian think-tank can start modeling this game theory. Check if this crossover threat is credible or not. And publish the results. So that once we know about that, we move on either to take the threat seriously, or we move on to ignore a non-credible threat.

I believe we can safely assume that the component parties of BN will not attempt to leave BN. If they are, where is the loyalty? If they join Pakatan now and Pakatan loses the next Election badly, we can be assured opportunists like these will jump back to BN. It is a highly disgraceful act, in my opinion, if there exist such opportunists.

Again, I have blogged about the UMNO matter. To me, I dont really believe there are any threats at all of a crossover. The Sabah BN MPs know their game well and what is best for them. But as I said, I hope some expert in game theory modeling can review this matter. I have studied in depth game theory before but I am not good enough to model a threat like this.

I also wish to highlight the attention to RPK's previous articles about the Sabah corruption matters. I dont know how true these are. But suspicions are always alive in all of us. Especially on my part, I am beginning to feel suspicious of whether the rakyat is angry, or the MPs there in Sabah are greedy.

Back to UMNO matters, Tan Sri Muhyiddin needs another "superpower" backing if he is to offer himself for highest posts. For now, Tun Dr Mahathir will be busy with the Government and the Royal Commission who will investigate him. I suspect this matter might even be brought to a Court of Law. Tun has my full support because it is his right to select the judges and this power bestowed upon him is written clearly in his portfolio of Prime Minister-ship, just like how Pak lah decides on the judges in his tenure now.

So, Tan Sri Muhyiddin really needs to search either for a running mate or a superpower backing. To be honest, I believe Tengku Razaleigh will be able to work hand in hand with Tan Sri Muhyiddin. That is the best bet now. Datuk Seri Najib has a noose hanging around his neck with the Mongolian case. The friend of Altantuya said in the Court of Law that she knows of a picture of the meeting between someone in the Government that has similar name with Abdul Razak Baginda, the accused himself, and Altantuya. It was linked "vaguely" to Datuk Seri Najib. Perhaps, that lady gave a false statement in Court? And what picture is that? We should actually press for that picture.

Nevertheless, we shall not comment much on an ongoing case in Court. But politically, Datuk Seri Najib is facing some rough times with the Altantuya case still around. That is why I say, the best team of challenger in UMNO now has to be Ku Li and Muhyiddin.

A Piece of My Mind.

Monday, May 12, 2008

I Am Surprised

I am surprised to even read that I have a reader from Singapore. Haha. That makes me feel a little "international". I mean I am not a famous blogger like Ktemoc, Rockybru, Screenshots or Kickdefella. But still, haha, I guess I am the "famous" small fly.

Well, thank you for the comments I received via this blog, MSN and other avenues of communication on my most recent blog entry. I realised that some do not agree with me blogging about the girl I loved and loves always here in this blog.

But the reason I do this, is to share with all readers and friends of mine, whether I know you or not, my private life all these while. Also, I have a hope inside me. I hope that all of you can say a prayer for me and hope that I can be together with the girl I love so much. For now, I know I have lost her and I know what she wants. But the ball is round. All that my friends and readers can do for me now is just what I can do also. To pray and to hope that one day, we will be reunited.

Many of you might think that I should move on. But put yourself in my shoes, I doubt you all can let it go too. I found someone whom I think I want to spend the rest of my life with. When you realise that, dont you feel that you really want her?

Sigh. I say all these not because I am possessive. But I know my abilities that I can give her the best and no other can. All these while I have been giving her the happiness she needs and she knows perfectly well if things work out between us, as she says, I am perfect. However, circumstances of distance and time have changed her confidence in this.

To say all these, I might be shedding too much light. And yes, by now, you all realise that she is my weakness. My emotions for her, is really my weakness. Some might say that I am emotional. But no. I am only emotional when it comes to her.

Do not scold my weakness if you see her. Take care of her, love her and protect her. This is a request coming from a blogger called Wei Liang Goh. Let me serve the people one day. I hope for nothing in return except happiness in the people's daily lives and also, to help the girl i love forever whenever she needs it. Care for her, help her.

And I will be grateful to all of you. To blog about my personal life with her, perhaps it is wrong to do it in A Piece of My Mind. I shall only summarize it one day instead of writing chapters like I initially planned. I of course will write the chapters in another blog. I shall post that link later.

After completing the summary, I guess I want to continue blogging here in my political world if I can. Give me time to recover. To my buddy in Japan, Amzar, he understands me well. Read his comments in my statement of "Retirement" and you will know what I mean. Thank you pal for encouraging me to take the necessary break.

I will be having visitors over here in Canberra perhaps end of this week or next week. Yes my pal Eileen from Sydney is coming over together with another of my pal Shalini. Sigh. After summarizing about the Girl I Love Forever, I shall move on to blog about my pals' visit to Canberra. And then I will be having exams I guess. After which, I have a month's break where I have some plans to walk down memory lane.

After that, I will try to blog bit by bit as usual on Socio Political matters. For now, all of you out there. Please, say a prayer as often as you can. For me, and for the girl I love. I thank all of you in advance.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Girl I Love Always

Dear readers of A Piece of My Mind, I shall do something that I have never done or perhaps rarely done in A Piece of My Mind. It has become inevitable that I have lost her for the moment, or perhaps in the long run.

At this moment, as recent as 10th - 11th of May, the words of my love still ring in my head, and I cannot believe what she said in this day. It is in stark contrast as compared to the words she uttered on May 4th. Perhaps, there are several reasons she said certain words that really stunned me.

However, dear readers, let me do something that I want to do now. I would like to blog all about this girl I love always. Let me share with you the sentimental side of me. Perhaps some say this is not the place to blog about her, but let me do it. Let me make myself proud of her. And let her know how important she is, that I can tell the world about us and our stories.

For now, I can say that she is not mine anymore. The future is still far ahead. Many things can still change. These are all within the powers of God and the decree of Fate. I shall talk more on this later.

The time now is 6.17am and I have not slept for 26 hours I think. My record was 39 hours straight. Haha. I want to retire to bed for a while soon. This blog entry at this odd hour, is to inform my readers that at this moment, I am really at the lowest and darkest point in my life.

I do not know why, but my luck throughout the month of April hasn't been good and now it extends to May. I took my relationship with my first love seriously. And I had plans of the future with her. However, circumstances changed not on my side, but on the other side. That made me helpless, stressed, and frustrated.

I shall blog about it later. To blog about politics, I need some time. Because I want to write out all I have been through, about this marvellous girl whom I love so much even now despite all these. My love for has never faded. Even at this moment I am typing this. This girl I love, deserves a place in this popular blog called A Piece of My Mind.

That is all I want to say now. Do look forward to read about my life story here soon. After that, I will decide whether to blog on about politics, or really take some time off to map my life once again. Because all these while, I have done everything for her till I map my life with her as a significant variable in my equation.

Some might say I need to get over it and move on, but my dear friends, after reading so many of my blog entries, I believe you all know I am the loyal, confident, loving, caring and emotional type. To suddenly see all our sweet promises being forgotten and overlooked just like that, I have a weird feeling. Some call it betrayal, some call it hurtful. But to me, it is neither.

It is pure sadness. It is as though I have a baby child. And this child have grown up with freedom. But tells me that she wants to leave home to experience something new, something fun and nice. To me, I will wait at home. I will go out in search of my kid. To make sure she is fine and be with me again one day. Because I know, I am the only one who can give her the happiness that she wants.

All these years, I can see the sincerity of our love, the laughters and cries. It was all so beautiful. So beautiful that this sudden change shocks the people around us. I shall leave it for another time to talk about the details.

For now, take care everyone till we meet again.

Wei Liang Goh,
Editor of A Piece of My Mind

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Hey all readers of A Piece of My Mind. First of all, I would like to thank all those who reads my blog frequently and almost daily. I realise that there is an increasing number of readers too recently.

Thank you all for your comments, your support and your arguments. Be it pros or cons, A Piece of My Mind has never been bias in publishing those comments you made.

Now, I am currently having some problems in my personal life. No, dont worry. Let me handle my personal life myself. I know I have many supporters out there. Thank you for all your support and I know there will be messages flowing in to ask me about it.

I am sorry I cannot tell what is happening. Because I know I am Wei Liang. And I am the type who gets what I want, and I will fix things.

For now, I need some time to fix my personal life. I need to fix back the bridge that has been abruptly destroyed. So, give me time. I wont be blogging here for a long time. This is a political and social blog.

So I do not believe that whatever I comment from now on will be credible or rational analysis. Due to that reason, I will only blog here again until I get back what I have lost. I want to maintain some level of professionalism, no matter how crushed my life is.

Thank you for being understanding. A Piece of My Mind is not shutting down. It will be back. But the time line, will depend on when I get back what I have just lost. It could be a week, a month, a year, or 10 years or even lifetime.

Sigh. I want to serve the rakyat. I want to serve the community. All these while I have been a person who wants to dedicate my life to public service and to the rakyat as a politician. But if I cannot even have a stable mind, how can I serve you all well ?

I am sorry to all of you who had high hopes on me. Allow me time to get back what I have lost. This thing that I have just lost, is more valuable than any other thing in this world.

Thank you.

Wei Liang Goh
Editor of A Piece of My Mind.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Selamat Datang, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad

Yes. The title really reads welcome to Tun. No no, Tun is not coming to Canberra. The student councils here and I believe the local UMNO Club are not allowing this to happen. My proposals have been shot down time after time even with the new President and committee in place.

I have repeatedly said I have the contact of Tun's PA and can make things happen. But yet, it is still brushed aside. So anyway, I am not here to slam the Malaysian students in Canberra. Everyone has their opinion and decisions. I will leave this issue closed for now. But, I have been told by Encik Sufi that Tun might be coming to one of the cities on Australia. If I have the time, I might consider going there.

I dont know much of the details or whether it is confirmed or not. I was told about the name of the city but I shall not mention anything out for certain reasons. I shall not talk too much on that.

But yes. Welcome Tun. To the world of blogging ! Finally, we have Tun Dr Mahathir voicing everything out via the web. I remember reading Tun doesn't like technology stuff. I remember also reading that Tun dislikes typing out his speeches. He prefers to handwrite them. And he dislikes using mobile phones.

Haha. So it is quite interesting to see Tun join the community of bloggers although I believe there is someone who helps him enter all his points and opinions online. For those interested, please visit http://www.chedet.com/ .