Friday, July 03, 2009

DAP - Dramatically Active Party


We must give credit, at least a little, to Nusmetro Ventures. Legally, they need not provide compensation.

However, the developer made initiatives to offer between RM 140,000 to RM 260,000 as compensation to the Temporary Occupation of Land (TOL) title holders in High Chaparral.

Cattle owners were also offered RM 330,000 together with a 5 year rent free piece of land in Balik Pulau.

The residents must understand that the place they are occupying does not belong to them and since the beginning, they were only holding TOL titles.

Perhaps the State Government should have drafted proper housing schemes in High Chaparral and come up with a housing purchase scheme that will benefit all parties involved.

Anyway, Penang State leaders should stop pointing fingers at Penang Gerakan for the land problems.

After all, that was why Penang BN got voted out and that is one of the reasons why I call for the return of Penang BN leadership to MCA instead of being under Gerakan.

MCA have been open and transparent with the independent probe by PwC, MACC and PAC on the PKFZ project. When will Gerakan come out and tell their story ?

Pointing fingers at previous administration doesn't mean that Penang Pakatan need not worry about undoing the mistakes and solving the problems of the people.

I thought we have a lot of lawyers and constitutional experts as well as judges who side Pakatan - Tommy Thomas, NH Chan, Sankara Nair, Ngeh Koo Ham and many more.

How come NONE of you voice out anything on the High Chapparal case or come out with a point by point legal opinion like what they did with the complex Perak politics and Constitution ?

One thing is for sure, Guan Eng wont return to Malacca. He is unwanted there. Surely we all remember that he lost the party election in his home State ?

Makes me wonder why Penang DAP didn't appoint their own Penangite to lead the State Government.

Guan Eng is having endless problems. From PKR, PAS, councils, King of Tennis tournament, quarry inquiries, heritage, Aminah Tape and many more.

Something tells me, this won't end.


The abattoir has been in the site which belongs to the City Council for more than 30 years and the operators have been served notices to relocate since 1995.

Kedah DAP should have been better mediators between the operators and the State Government to come to a mutually agreeable solution.

Why didn't Kedah DAP bring the case up to the Pakatan Leadership Council earlier on but chose to walk out of the meeting between councilors recently and sulk over it ?

The sole Chinese Pakatan ADUN there should have placed more efforts in assisting the relocation of the illegal abattoirs.

This is exactly what DAP Kedah should do instead of saying "I QUIT" and just leave the coalition, only to be told by DAP HQ that their decision is not final and will need the consent of the CWC.

I also urge all operators in future to adhere to the guidance provided by State Governments to ensure that the sensitivity of the Muslims as well as the health and environment perspective are considered with concern and respect.

Just for the record, there was no sight of Tian Chua driving his Camry around the area or crashing his vehicle to make a point.

One surely will begin to wonder what will happen if they govern at the Federal level. Anyone care to ask what does Datuk Seri Nik Aziz think ?


  1. You fail to see that all this fights are good for the people.

    At least DAP knows that they are accountable to its supporters and have to take action when the need arise.

    Unlike MCA that will allows UMNO to do things as they like and will only seat on their rich fat S!

    If DAP had not done anything, they will loose their support!

    MCA should learn from DAP and dare to stand up to UMNO! Otherwise they are finish!

  2. I await to see what fights are good for the people. And what action DAP takes.

    Whether it is just a drama or it is "action", we can see in a few days time.

    MCA has consistently stood up for unity and to serve the Malaysian community in need of help be it in education, finances or health.

    MCA maintains the united front with UMNO and ensures negotiations between parties remain productive.

    MCA has also consistently shared their views on economics and finance with Barisan Nasional partners, thus resulting in the liberalisation by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on various finance and services sector.

    Thank you for your care and concern to our country. We can only hope for a better and stronger country in the future.

  3. MCA sacrifice too much for the sake of putting up a "united" front.

    This is why they are not getting the support form the Chinese anymore.

    I welcome Najib's liberalisation policies. However I take it with a pinch of salt all his "liberalisation" has been mere skin deep and not touching on industries that really matters.

    What is worst is that Najib has not shown the political will to really get rid of corruption(MACC is still useless), ISA or done anything to clean up the Police force!

    Economy is one thing but there is so much more important issues which Najib has done nothing about!

    How can I ever support a govt that is so evil! You have seen my website. You know all the various issues that has not been tackled by the BN govt!

    U harp on DAP and the opposition. The opposition has issues! I don't deny that! But compared that with BN's issue, the opposition issues are peanuts!

    U said that U are neutral and you are not being paid by UMNO.
    Maybe but I find that extremely difficult to believe when your statement are so bias!

    The last statement you made about Police doing a good job!
    Ha! You have been gone too long from Malaysia! Come back from Australia get in touch with me!

    I will show you the real KL!
    I may not be as highly educated as you but at least I am here in KL and see the real situation in Malaysia for myself!
    That is something no University can teach you! (no matter how high ranking your uni may be!)

  4. CAT to Guan Eng is not Competency, Accountability and Transparency but Complaining, Accusing and Twisting. Action speaks louder than word Mr Guan Eng.

  5. The comments in your blog are bias too MJ. Do you realise how many rings, criminal organizations and syndicates the PDRM have smashed over the past 10 years ?

    The liberty of our country is such that you can believe what you want. But my conscience is clear and I am not paid by any single person to blog.

    UMNO will never pay a blogger who was anti Tun Abdullah and pro DAP when this blog started for almost 2 years.

    Again, for your information, I return home every 4 months throughout my 3 years study in Australia, at the end of each semester.

    I have been in touch with Malaysia for a very long time since I was born, my friend.

    You should instead come to Australia where my University is situated. The housing area there has a higher crime rate than Malaysia and all unsolved.

    These crime include break ins and beatings. I will show you the real Australia.

    Anyway, I have lived in KL for two years also during my Pre University.

    And of course I have been to red zones like Pudu area.

    I can see that you are a strong man who wants to do your sincere part for Malaysia, especially in battling corruption and crime.

    I strongly urge you to walk the talk and serve with the Police. Perhaps you can even set up a blog Police Watch, just like how the insider of Sime Darby set up a Sime Darby Watch blog.

    I assure you that you have my full support.

    My last statement that the Police have been doing a good job was reference to the drug, prostitution and crime gang busts carried out by the Police force.

    They even busted the e-casino gambling way before it was reported by the Star Probe two days ago!

    Cheers to you, my friend. For the country !

  6. According to a NTV7 poll, 77% of respondents think that the Kedah DAP issue is a small one.


    I am confident that the great Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has found solutions to strengthen Pakatan Rakyat further by these small issues.

    Also, I solute the ingenious Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for finally declaring the long-awaited Shadow Committee Cabinet!

    Shows that Pakatan Rakyat is sincere and inching closer towards Putrajaya!

    I can't wait for our long destined leader to become the next PM since the RAHMAN theory is over!

  7. I am not interested in Australia!
    I am not an Australian and I frankly care to see about the real Australia!

    Maybe you should start bloging about the injustice in Australia since you are there more often than in Malaysia!

    You obviously don't know what is going on in Malaysia! Don't think you know Malaysia just because you visit Malaysia once every 4 months!

    I have worked with the Police for the last 5 years now! I have friends who are CID and my handphone are filled with Sgh h/p number!

    Let me tell you this! Even my own police friends do not think highly of themselves!

    I know how the police operate inside out! And I can tell you the only crime they really have to fight is hard drugs and murder!

    Everything else can be settled!
    Sometime I pity them! They don't earn enough from the govt and if they try not to be corrupt, they will be persecuted by their own superiors! I have seen this for myself!

    My issue is that the govt know this but dare not do anything about it because they are as corrupt as the police heads!

    I don't why you choose not to see this! If you are not paid by the govt than why are you bias to the BN?!?

    Actually you are exactly the type that the govt would use to promote their lies! A blogger who use to support the opposition! Exactly like Anwars's close aid who had betrayed him!

    This is BN's strategy!

  8. Speaking on unbias, why don't you give me a response of this piece of news? I would really like to know your "unbias" opinion on this!

    Pakatan reps bullied by Umno Youth 'thugs'

  9. That's true. We shouldn't be interested in Australia but instead focus in Malaysia.

    I did not choose to close a blind eye. There are many good things Barisan Nasional has done and brought great development to Malaysia.

    The formula in BN also ensures strong cooperation and unity.

    These are among the reasons why I support Barisan Nasional.

    Yes I agree that the pay structure of the police force and civil sectors are contributions to corruption.

    The level of wages we pay will determine the level of quality in the labor employed. This is basic economics.

    You pay peanuts, you get peanuts. Countries like Australia and New Zealand, the policemen are among the highest paid worker based on incentives and pay packages in total.

    It seems that in Australia, the policemen do not work full time for 7 days but only a percentage of a week with a high pay packet.

    You can be assured that once I am a qualified Economist, I will attempt to structure and fight for higher pay structures for the public sector. This way, we can help to weed corruption, the same strategy that Singapore adopts.

    Well, I have my personal experiences with the police. My house was broken into twice before. And they police did their job to come and investigate, although not as good as foreign forces at that time (where finger print searches are necessary).

    Recently, my mom's Proton window was smashed and they took something from her car. We went to the police station and they did check for fingerprints.

    There was also once my dad's Proton Wira was stolen in Taiping. The police placed his car plates in the system.

    In the end, they found it somewhere in Kuala Selangor.

    As I said, good cops bad cops. I know the problems with the cops, but that does not mean we cannot support Barisan Nasional and that does not mean that I do not have my fundamental basic human rights to support BN.

    The reason why I pointed at Australia is because the Labor and Liberal party knows clearly that my area are filled with crime. Yet, the people still supported the political parties based on governance and macro policies.

    But we shall close the chapter of Australia as that has nothing to do with us.

  10. Instead, you can be assured that I will attempt to introduce higher pay schemes to weed corruption like Singapore in Malaysia if I enter politics one day.

    Again, allow me stress that I am not a political puppet or paid blogger.

    One reason why I went to Barisan Nasional is also because everyone seems to be shouting "Saya sokong" to Pakatan Rakyat.

    I then asked myself, who will scrutinise Pakatan Rakyat then ?

    I am merely providing check and balance to Pakatan Rakyat in an ocean with 99% bloggers supporting Pakatan Rakyat.

    If you ask me, I am still a supporter of YB Fong Po Kuan and YB M Kulasegaran, both of whom are very close to the people and have served with excellence and distinction.

    In fact, in March 08, I voiced my support to Fong Po Kuan and M Kulasegaran. I even slammed MCA's candidate in my area for his stupidity and ridiculed his services.

    I also contributed in blogging against the Abdullah Administration's policies and election machinery and gave my complete support to YB Batu Gajah, YB Ipoh Barat.

    In fact, I was also against DS Ali Rustam's shocking statements in Malacca's PPP Convention.

    Of course, the beauty of our country's liberties is that you can continue to comment and defame me that I am a paid blogger.

    I do not have any money now and my savings are all from my pocket money from parents and my ang pau.

    Once I start to work, do come to a lawyer's office with me and repeat your remarks.

    From there, only I can file a lawsuit and allow full fledged inquiry into my bank account, handphone bills and call logs, and many more necessary to investigate that I am a paid blogger.

    I can only do so next year when I begin working and afford to pay for the legal fees.

    I will be glad to invite an Opposition member's lawyer to sit in as a watch at that time.

    The discussion of me being a paid blogger, I hope, comes to an end in this posting as we have a country in dire straits and in need of our mature opinions.

    Again, my challenge to you to repeat your claims in a lawyer's office remains open.

  11. I was not born yesterday!
    Going to court to prove/disprove the question if you are paid to blog for BN is suicide!
    You know that as well as I do!

    So don't talk big when you know fair well who the courts will side in this country!

    You want you can come and debate with me anytime (with no legal implication) and I will show you how the real KL work behind what U think you see as a Pre-Uni kid!

    However your answers to why your statements are so bias/pro govt still does not hold water.

    You say that 99% of bloggers are pro opposition! That is not even close to being true! I can show you plently of pro-BN blogs or Anti-Anwar blogs! Just google it up yourself and you can find plenty lah!

    Do you want to go to a lawyer's office to be proven wrong for that statement?!?

    Your statement of check and balance for Pakatan is equally nonsense! Malaysia has TheStar, TV3, NST, Utusan does that much more efficiently than you!

    Opps! But you are not in Malaysia to see that huh! OK lah! That one I understand!

    But even online newsportal like Malaysiakini has been equally critical of PKR as well as UMNO!

    Hack they even did a hugh special on Khairy to boost his image!

    So where is your relevance!

  12. I was not born yesterday!
    Going to court to prove/disprove the question if you are paid to blog for BN is suicide!
    You know that as well as I do!

    So don't talk big when you know fair well who the courts will side in this country!

    You want you can come and debate with me anytime (with no legal implication) and I will show you how the real KL work behind what U think you see as a Pre-Uni kid!

    However your answers to why your statements are so bias/pro govt still does not hold water.

    You say that 99% of bloggers are pro opposition! That is not even close to being true! I can show you plently of pro-BN blogs or Anti-Anwar blogs! Just google it up yourself and you can find plenty lah!

    Do you want to go to a lawyer's office to be proven wrong for that statement?!?

    Your statement of check and balance for Pakatan is equally nonsense! Malaysia has TheStar, TV3, NST, Utusan does that much more efficiently than you!

    Opps! But you are not in Malaysia to see that huh! OK lah! That one I understand!

    But even online newsportal like Malaysiakini has been equally critical of PKR as well as UMNO!

    Hack they even did a hugh special on Khairy to boost his image!

    So where is your relevance!

  13. TheStar, TV3, NST, Utusan continue to show claims of police corruption, abuse of power and political dramas even in Barisan Nasional.

    These mainstream media consistently provided headline news to Pakatan Rakyat's policies and provided news space for leaders like Lim Kit Siang, Sivarasa, Anwar Ibrahim, Haji Hadi, Nik Aziz and of course Lim Guan Eng to voice out.

    Allow me to share a piece of article with you that I wrote sometime ago.

    Do not stray aside from the topic on my offer MalaysianJustice.

    I again reiterate my offer this time with as many Opposition linked lawyers as you want.

    I am willing to take this up in an Opposition linked lawyer or any lawyer you wish to appoint.

    Also, I am willing to invite any retired judge or internationally respectable judge to hear my case out.

    I urge you to take up my offer and I am willing to even have an Independent internationally appointed panel of judges to hear me out.

    My offer remains and I am not talking big. Why fear my offer to be investigated and allow me my fundamental rights to file defamation charges against ur remarks when you continue to claim I am a paid blogger ?

    My offer remains open to you, Malaysian Justice.

    Please also refrain from questioning my life in Malaysia. I have lived in Malaysia since the day I was born and have only lived overseas in 2002 when I was sponsored by the Japanese Govt to study in Japan.

    I was away for two months at that time.

    I lived in Malaysia from then until in 2006 February, I left Malaysia for Australia.

    From 2006 - 2008, Immigration records will show that I only stay in Australia from February-June and July-November each year.

    The rest of my time, unless stated above, I live in Malaysia and I have travelled to every state in Semenanjung Malaysia as well as Sarawak. Sabah is the only state I have not been to in my Cuti-cuti Malaysia holiday with my family.

    I am as much a Malaysian as you are.

    Again, I repeat my offer above and hope to see you repeat your words that I am a paid blogger in a law firm to be heard by independently appointed judges and sitting watched by independent lawyers of your choice.

    Since you see how the real KL work, I am interested to know what profession you are in.

    Perhaps you can set up a photo blog to take such pictures ?

    I will be glad to publicize your blog to my readers and highlight them about it.

    I apologize for my unacademic and unprofessional claim that 99% of bloggers are pro Opposition.

    I advise you to be calm and compose like me when we discuss matters also.

  14. Allow me to stress also that I equally know very well about the level of crime rate in Malaysia as well as the mechanics of the authorities.

    I have posted before that I am willing to take up the quest to urge the Government to elevate the civil servants pay structure that will boost up the corruption battle and reduce greed for "external" income that are illegal by law, i.e. corruption

  15. But Ok I don't really want to waste time getting too into a personal fight!

    I don't think you can change my mind that I think you have been bought but that is just my personal opinion! I don't have plans to prove it! So I agree with you to close that chapter!

    I would much prefer to debate with you on non-personal issues!

    For example you said "There are many good things Barisan Nasional has done and brought great development to Malaysia."

    "The formula in BN also ensures strong cooperation and unity."

    I agree that BN has done some good things but overall they have screwed this country up more than fixing it!

    I totally disagree with you with that BN's formula ensures strong cooperation and unity.

    Actually I should ask you which formula first?!? Their ideal formula or the actual formula that they practice??

    Whatever it is, it still comes down to this!


    I believe the answer is NO!
    It is good to change Govt once a while to make sure that corruption and complacency are kept at a minimal and that the Police Force/Army/and civil servant are not bias to any political party!

    BN must be kick out first and if they prove themselves than maybe we can vote them back in first!

    I am not pro PKR! If they are sh!t as a govt, than we must kick them out too! But if this 2 political alliance do not fear the people's power, than we will suffer under their abuse of power!


    (p.s. I do enjoy sparing with you. Not many online BN goons can do it without using profanities and racist remarks to defend themselves!)

  16. OK maybe I should not have attack on how Malaysian you are?

    I apologize for that.

    As I mention I have agreed to close the chapter on weather you are paid by BN to blog.

    But like i said what I personnaly believe will not change!

    But your challenge must be more practical and snart then what you are doing now.

    For example you ask me to take photos and reveal my profession.

    If I do that, I am finish! Both police and gangsters will KILL ME!
    And I mean that literally!

    Have you seen personally Police putting suspect in a bag hang it up and than beat the suspect like it was a punching bag?

    I tell you a story! A beautiful Sabahan form 3 girl was taken our of her boarding school in West Malaysia and quickly rush home to her kampung just because a royalty's son had order his people to bring the girl to his room so that he can rape her! The warder who help the girl was fired and the whole family was "buang negeri" for doing this courages selfless act! Did the authories and govt knew about this?!?
    100% YES! I know personally know that the DPM then knew about this case!
    Was anything done about it?!?

    Do you know we leave in a country where a 15year old VIP son without license can bang you and if you report it you will be fined and threaten!

    What you have done in the pass is nothing! I was a BN supporter in the pass!! But I become disillusion because I believe they are not capable of change!

    You said
    "I am willing to take up the quest to urge the Government to elevate the civil servants pay structure that will boost up the corruption battle and reduce greed for "external" income that are illegal by law, i.e. corruption"

    Put your money where your mouth is!
    Let see you be critical of the govt in a constructive way!

    If you can bring positive change to the current govt than I salute you!

    I really like to see you try!

  17. That is why I continuously reiterate my gentleman offer to you to prove that you are a man of your words too.

    It will also allow me to come clean and transparent to any suspicions which you have that I am a paid blogger.

    Legal procedures will allow complete search and investigation into my bank accounts and telephone records that will prove whether or not I am a paid blogger.

    As I have said, if you are willing to restate your comments in front of an independently appointed lawyer like perhaps in Zaid Ibrahim's company, I will be glad to be present and appoint lawyers to file compensation and defamation charges.

    If I can bring positive changes to the current government, I surely will be the most powerful Minister or leader in Malaysian politics.

    I am but a small fly now but you can be assured that if I step foot into politics, I will be do all that I can do bring positive changes.

    By the way, your word "pass" is wrong and it should be "past". Perhaps that is why it is also a good idea to support Barisan Nasional in implementing the PPSMI, instead of Pakatan leaders who claim that those who support PPSMI are celaka people (can be found on youtube).

    Actually you need not expose your identity when you blog. Take for instance the anonymous blogger Sime Darby Watch.

    I have never seen or heard about what you said. Be assured that I am totally against such things but I am not the first hand listener on such case.

    I will leave the responsibility of you to highlight such issues because I cannot claim that I heard a woman got beaten but end up telling people I have no evidence.

    Just like how Sivarasa, Nuraidah Mohd Salleh and Anwar Ibrahim claimed that the Eli Wong case was a BN conspiracy but had no evidence, or also Khalid Idham Lim ADUN in Perak who claimed that there was bomoh activities in the State Assembly but had no evidence.

    You have my full support to publicise such matters, be assured.

  18. That is why I continuously reiterate my gentleman offer to you to prove that you are a man of your words too.

    It will also allow me to come clean and transparent to any suspicions which you have that I am a paid blogger.

    Legal procedures will allow complete search and investigation into my bank accounts and telephone records that will prove whether or not I am a paid blogger.

    As I have said, if you are willing to restate your comments in front of an independently appointed lawyer like perhaps in Zaid Ibrahim's company, I will be glad to be present and appoint lawyers to file compensation and defamation charges.

    If I can bring positive changes to the current government, I surely will be the most powerful Minister or leader in Malaysian politics.

    I am but a small fly now but you can be assured that if I step foot into politics, I will be do all that I can do bring positive changes.

    By the way, your word "pass" is wrong and it should be "past". Perhaps that is why it is also a good idea to support Barisan Nasional in implementing the PPSMI, instead of Pakatan leaders who claim that those who support PPSMI are celaka people (can be found on youtube).

    Actually you need not expose your identity when you blog. Take for instance the anonymous blogger Sime Darby Watch.

    I have never seen or heard about what you said. Be assured that I am totally against such things but I am not the first hand listener on such case.

    I will leave the responsibility of you to highlight such issues because I cannot claim that I heard a woman got beaten but end up telling people I have no evidence.

    Just like how Sivarasa, Nuraidah Mohd Salleh and Anwar Ibrahim claimed that the Eli Wong case was a BN conspiracy but had no evidence, or also Khalid Idham Lim ADUN in Perak who claimed that there was bomoh activities in the State Assembly but had no evidence.

    You have my full support to publicise such matters, be assured.

  19. Eh you want to prove you are not paid by BN you go right ahead lah!

    Don't need to wait for me!

    Actually I read throught my own statement and I see more mistake then just that one!

    And I agree with you on PPSMI part!

    I am not a pro blind opposition!
    I just hate the evil done by BN govt!

    Opposition not really in power yet. Can't do much damage! You can be sure I will shoot them as well if they do!

    Nothing is fully annonymous! If "they" want to, they can still track you!

    Why should I risk it!
    I am talking about real life and death!

    In Malaysia, if you are a nobody, you can be made to "disappear" or an accident will happen to you!

    Like slip in the bathroom of the police toilet, or drown from drinking water or falling down from the Police window while "trying" to escape!

  20. I do agree with your posting about Penang High Chaparral Saga. At the latest, LGE asked goverment to acquire the land for the sake of villagers. What the heck?

    This definitely shows that CM don't want to settle the problem but asked other people to clear the mess. Previous BN State Government knew that not much can be done within their authoritative power because there are legal owners of that land (Numestro & Penang Coop) and the limited fund to give high compensation. But the DAP for sake of acquiring Penang in the last GE provided too many unrealistic promises to the villagers.

    From my opinion, the main issue that made the villagers pissed off is the failure of DAP State Government to fulfill their election promises to settle the problem.

    At the same time people of Penang started to talk about other empty promises like promise to abolish toll collection at Sungai Nyior. This will definitely haunt the state government.

  21. GWL:Do you realise how many rings, criminal organizations and syndicates the PDRM have smashed over the past 10 years ?


    i stopped reading this blog on reading the above. shows how naive you are.

    In Msia the PDRM is the king - polis raja di malaysia.


    ah miaw

  22. Ah miaw. Am I wrong to say

    Do you realise how many rings, criminal organizations and syndicates the PDRM have smashed over the past 10 years ?

    Which part of this fact is naive ? Note that I am also not against any efforts to clear corruption and abuse of power from the police force.

    But we cannot hide from the fact of the efforts of the police force where good cops, detectives and investigative officers continue to bust criminal organisations and syndicates.

  23. For the rest of Mr Goh's constant,harsh,ungentlemen mannered,shows some mettle man.He blog with real name,peppered with some of his personal life details.
    Hardly from being arrogant,I think he is sick of typical malaysian idolizing the political-superhero.

    Politician are not saints.

    If dare enough why dont you be open like him with real name then get recognized and respected be me.
    Hell,even I dont feel comfortable exposing my full name due to my nature of work.Here , Mr Goh got my respect.

    Titan ( Adam )

  24. If you an economic person, then you should also realise that when the whole country resources is used to provide privilieges to certain race is not usual but when the race is a majority, it will be a very imbalance situation. The minority is suffering to feed the majority. and the worst part is under the pretext of looking after the race, who actually benefits? only certain elites.

    i stay in Australia for years too so please dont even compare Malaysia and Australia.

    Malaysia have higher crime rate, it is just that petty case, people dont bother to report as sometime doing a report can take few hours to make and mostly they will be unable to catch anyone.

    Australia might have those certain high crime area but if you are to compare the totality, Malaysia have more crime district than Australia anytime.

    I really wonder do you actually even stay in Australia.

    I can say Australia government is not perfect but please dont even compare them both as they are of different scale. Education level, ethics, and others. of course i am not saying all, but on average comparison.

    i am not in master. but i do have double major in economics and finance.

    Seriously, if you are to be politician, i can only say one thing, i do have doubt on your economic analysis on things.

    People now support BA not because they like BA but just they are sick and tired of BN which until today reluctant to change. Even after losing so much in the last election, people think that this will teach them to change or face losing out. But BN still refuse to wake up and only keep telling people BA is bad. Whether BA can do better than BN or not, nobody knows, but one thing people are sure is that if BN keep doing what they do now, we are all going to bankrupt the country faster. Moreover, when i dont like you (e.g. BN), you keep telling me the other guy (e.g. BA) is a loser, it will only make me more determine to go along with that guy to kick you. Human nature. If BN are mature enough, they should realise people dont want them all talk, they want action, reform of face 'boot' out. It is only that simply.

    Your right to govern is depend on your respect you earn from the people, it is not given, it is not free.

  25. If you an economic person, then you should also realise that when the whole country resources is used to provide privilieges to certain race is not usual but when the race is a majority, it will be a very imbalance situation. The minority is suffering to feed the majority. and the worst part is under the pretext of looking after the race, who actually benefits? only certain elites.

    i stay in Australia for years too so please dont even compare Malaysia and Australia.

    Malaysia have higher crime rate, it is just that petty case, people dont bother to report as sometime doing a report can take few hours to make and mostly they will be unable to catch anyone.

    Australia might have those certain high crime area but if you are to compare the totality, Malaysia have more crime district than Australia anytime.

    I really wonder do you actually even stay in Australia.

    I can say Australia government is not perfect but please dont even compare them both as they are of different scale. Education level, ethics, and others. of course i am not saying all, but on average comparison.

    i am not in master. but i do have double major in economics and finance.

    Seriously, if you are to be politician, i can only say one thing, i do have doubt on your economic analysis on things.

    People now support BA not because they like BA but just they are sick and tired of BN which until today reluctant to change. Even after losing so much in the last election, people think that this will teach them to change or face losing out. But BN still refuse to wake up and only keep telling people BA is bad. Whether BA can do better than BN or not, nobody knows, but one thing people are sure is that if BN keep doing what they do now, we are all going to bankrupt the country faster. Moreover, when i dont like you (e.g. BN), you keep telling me the other guy (e.g. BA) is a loser, it will only make me more determine to go along with that guy to kick you. Human nature. If BN are mature enough, they should realise people dont want them all talk, they want action, reform of face 'boot' out. It is only that simply.

    Your right to govern is depend on your respect you earn from the people, it is not given, it is not free.

  26. Most importantly, the goverment is too obsess in slicing prices and pieces of the non-bumi pie (assuming the economy is a pie) and give to the bumi.

    is it right? if you really know your economic, this not a sustainable situation.

    The goverment should concentrate of getting the pie bigger so everyone will have their proportion increase in size.

    This is what they being neglecting in their quest to cut into others proportion.

    Now, FDI drop, export drop, domestic consumption drop. Pie are shrinking to make thing worst.

    BN is so obsess in crushing BA that they are neglecting the most basic thing that cause them to lose. The economy.

    If people got enough to spend , why people want to change goverment.

    It is the ever-rising cost, limited wages increase driving people to the edge. especially with politicians living in big bungalows, spend like no tommorrow which upset the general population when they are suffering.

    People dont care you are corrupt as people understand that everyone are selfish, will always take care of their own pocket first. Human nature. But you must also earn people respect to be corrupt too.

    how? you must do your job properly. Like business, i dont care if my partners make some private money out of the company into his pocket as long he keep the business growing. But if he makes money and neglect his responsibility in growing the business, then he should be 'boot'.

    Mao famous saying, regardless you are white or black cat, can catch mice is a good cat.

    People know even BA go up, corruption will not be zero. There is no such thing as zero corruption in any place on Earth. It only exist in fairy tales.

    If you have a money making scheme, who will you give to first? your son, your wife, your friend then others. If you own a private business, it is not corruption. but if you are a goverment servant, it is corruption. But in reality, anything wrong?

    you can make money as long as you dont burden the people in the process.

    People only care as long as BA dont do worse than what BN is doing, which the latter is proven numerous times neglecting the people wishes. BA have not proven themselves yet, so we cannot comment whether they are better than BN or not. However, the changes that people would like to see will never be achieve with BN in power. It is a gamble where you have nothing to lose, but you might win big.

    This is behaviour analyses, economics is all about behaviour. i might not pursuing a higher academic than you but i think you still dont understand the most basic thing about economic which is a social science of human behaviour.
