Friday, June 05, 2009

Tenets of Pakatan - Intimidation, Defamation, and Affirmation

Blogs nowadays have turned into a warzone. None are fence sitters and we can safely say there are two sides.

Next time when you read blogs, try reading the comments also.

The alternative side tends to sow the seeds of hatred, intimidation and seek only affirmation. When criticised, they rise like thugs against the critics.

In Barisan Nasional, I see problems like abuse of power and perhaps corruption.

No matter how endemic the corruption level is, it is still corruption and can be fought with proper laws and leadership.

After all, I feel that Barisan Nasional is still better than a party headed by a leader who was once jailed 6 years for corruption and with a pack who act like hooligans with blooming petals of hatred, intimidation and defamation.

It is undeniable that when someone blogs and criticises Pakatan Rakyat's policies, these bloggers will be called lapdogs, cronies, fools and all kinds of profanities and foul words that you can imagine.

A PIECE OF MY MIND has been at the receiving end of these for a long time.

If my comments are so hurtful to Pakatan's image till the supporters are so riled up and can only resort to hooliganism instead of intellectual arguments, then my comments must be true !

Spend some time at pro Pakatan websites. We can see that whatever these people write, the comments will be "That is true" and "You have my support on this".

Has it become a cronic disease among Pakatan supporters that they are now "Yes-Men" of their leaders and they subscribe to whatever their leaders or Pakatan bloggers say with full agreement ?

How ironic when I am called a lapdog but they tell their masters "Yes boss. You are right".

The trend these days is that whoever speaks against Pakatan leaders or policies, they are to be intimidated, ridiculed and name callings as part of the script.

If this continues in the free and least regulated blogopshere, one can imagine what will happen if Pakatan Rakyat leaders become our Federal Government and their supporters come out in droves daily to support them.

Read more at Dr Zambry - Menyemai Kebencian.

If we say the Police and the current Government leaders are abusing their powers and depriving Malaysians of their basic rights and freedom, can you imagine what Malaysia will become under Pakatan just by reading the comments posted by their supporters in blogs?

Will Malaysia evolve into a street mob State and will the essence of basic rights and freedom flourish under Pakatan Rakyat and the troops of supporters that they command ?

I am very worried about the future of Malaysia for one day if we allow this "bulldozing" mentality to govern our country, this mentality will be imparted in the minds of every Malaysian.

p/s Maybe 1Malaysia can offer free tutorials to Pakatan Rakyat on the 8 Values of 1 Malaysia

(Credits to Bloomberg, Dr Zambry's Blog, 1Malaysia for the photos)


  1. bro wei liang goh

    satu artikel kemas dan cukup pedas, kena batang idung pakatan.

    kau ada sebut tentang 6 tahun anwar bebas..

    betul, selepas 6 tahun anwar bebas, malaysia menuju ke puncak huru hara.

    aku ada ramai kawan cina dan india. dulu aku boleh kutuk dan boleh dikutuk. takde masalah..

    tetapi game politik yang dimainkan oleh pas,dap,pkr dan anwar telah 'mencabul' persahabatan aku dengan rakan2 bangsa lain.

    kami kini agak sensitif, tetapi masih boleh dikawal..

    pepatah cina ada mengata ' ikan busuk bermula di kepala'... dan kepala segala kerosakan anwar ibrahim haruslah disimpan semula kedalam syurga asalnya, penjara sungai buloh.

    50 tahun kita bina keamanan, dan 6 tahun anwar membawa kita kepada kehancuran.

    tepuk dada tanya selera, mana satu pilihan untuk kita berikan 'cahaya masa depan' kepada anak cucu cicit kita, yang melayu cina dan india ?

    adakah kita mahu letakan kesengsaraan atau meneruskan tradisi kebahagian ?

    salam sdr..

    ps : sdr wei, tak mengidam sambal belacan ke ? hehehe

  2. Salam bro GAP. Apa khabar di sana? Memang rindu sambal belacan bro. Tu sebab lepas belajar kat sini, jamin balik msia.

    Haha. Saya hanya ada satu frasa dalam ingatan saya.

    Perjuangan Belum Selesai.

    Terima kasih bro. Harap sebarkan juga artikel ini.

  3. The same goes to pro BN bloggers. When a piece of news that are pro-BN or anti-PR appear, we'll have comments like above supporting it.

    I wouldn't say BN's problem is "perhaps corruption" as it is a very chronic corruption. I don't mind my MP sucking the money out of the coffer. At least perform and show some progress to the people. I wouldn't shout or accuse at Mahathir even if he is involve in some form of corruption, he might embezzle 1 billion, just might, but he brought more in more than 1 billion for the people.

    But for the rest of those in BN, I'm not too sure about that. Just would like to add 1 more thing to it, utter arrogance. That's the problem of BN.

    Anwar, I thought he is jailed for sodomy? Maybe I miss out on that part perhaps.

    APOMM was bashed up pretty badly in the previous few posts while I can just stand by the side and watch for fear of getting bash up as well *grin* and the author laments, what are friend for.

    The same can be said to pro-BN bloggers too, if I don't agree with their piece of post, I'll be called naive, short sighted, pendatang, or other nasty name even I tried to rebut the post point by point with fact.

    I some how find the reason why they have those sort of name calling symptoms is because they have bottled up their feeling for far too long and it turned into hatred.

    So finally Najib has came up with proper definition of 1M. He is right in saying 1M is not about equality. My dollar is on Tun M starting to get pissed off with Najib already =) When asked to comment, Tun M said, no comment.

  4. You are probably still living in wonderland with your comment that perhaps corruption is BN's problem. Everyone knows that it is the main characteristic of UMNO and to a lesser extent MCA. You may not have much opportunity to deal with the public sector currently, but please come down from your high horse and ask the man in the street what they think of the police, ask your friends what they think of JPJ during their licensing test, ask the transporters what they think of Puspakom, ask your friends how easy it is trying to get their imported car out from the customs, ask your father's friends how easy it is to get their building plans for a new bungalow to be approved by the local coumcil. BN clean? You must be out of your mind. You are either a clueless idealistic person who is totally out of touch with reality or you have some hidden agenda with underlying intentions to promote yourself within the current establishment. But let me remind you that your self conscience would come back to haunt you later should you still have any left. By the way since everything is so wonderful back here, what are you doing in Australia? Why not come back and experience the quality courses offered here. I am sure they are much cheaper and is of no lesser quality. But I do sincerely hope that you are not studying there on the tax payer's mony cos there's just so much you can contribute to BN if you are back home. But hey, its always good to lay some groundwork before you come home right. Will be watching out for you when you come back OK.

  5. That's true. Corruption is still corruption that can be fought. Just take a look at Hong Kong. With proper machinery like ICAC, corruption can be combatted in a shorter period than the Anti - Triad Department's war against the gangsters.

    As I said, it is better to fight corruption than fight the "thugs" mentality in politics. Thank God I found someone in you who do not resort to intimidation and defamation.

    I have never said BN is clean. That is why BN is facing problems now. But neither can you stand out and publicly say "Pakatan is clean".

    Remember the Aminah tape, the Fairus case and of course the Thiruvenggadam expose in Selangor which were all buried strategically ?

    Malaysia is not that ideal yet but there is still hope to change the country.

    Let me remind you to keep your eyes on me because I surely am coming home after graduating. And yes, I am sponsored by the Malaysian Government to study in Australia, couldn't have afford an overseas education on myself given my family's income.

    Be assured that I will be home and fight. You won't believe how dirty even Pakatan politicians and councillors are.

    Only time will tell my friend. See you soon and glad to hear from you.

  6. "No matter how endemic the corruption level is, it is still corruption and can be fought with proper laws and leadership."

    You don't sound concerned with the problems that has be pulling back the country's progress. The problem is that even with proper laws, corruption still occurs on many levels in the administration and BPR and MACC are only capable enough to attack small 'fishes' like Kasitah, and sometimes become so excited when the opposition is suspected of corruption. How about the big ones? What about Mahatir himself? Do they even dare to touch him? Ex-President Roh Moo-Hyun of Korea was on the receiving end of this and jumped to his death due to the shame, whilst our ex-PM is barking in the blogosphere, alive and kicking.

    "If my comments are so hurtful to Pakatan's image till the supporters are so riled up and can only resort to hooliganism instead of intellectual arguments, then my comments must be true !"

    Again, this is a blind assumption. Again as I had my debate with the anonymous few weeks ago, I chose to keep silent as I find him being rather shallow and pleaded that he argue with more substance. The attacks he then shoved upon me made me very dissapointed with him. Then again, you were unwilling to post one of my comments on the blog as well. Why? Was it so undebatable that you have to remove it? I do not support his attacks, but not that yours is any better, you run instead of making a stand, hurling shallow assumptions that people are not happy with you and therefore must attack you. I'm not, and I think I'm proof enough that PR is not all hooligans.

    I must say that your concerns aren't as bad as they seem, why do the people pick the opposition? Why not stay the same after 50 years? Was it something the Government did? All the street protests, all the abuses hurling at pro-government bloggers, are voices of dissent from the grassroots where people are at the epicentre of oppression. You and I are lucky to not be in the country right now. But every day I worry about the safety of my family members who are in the hands of a Government that does not care about the people, and are only obsessed by steamrolling its way into power. Zambry might be your MB, but he isn't mine. His comments on hatred incited against him only serves to show his ignorance towards the people's will. There's a reason why people hate him, why not listen and go to polls?

    The internet is a place where everyone can share their views and opinions with everyone, and that doesn't mean only people who agree with you would only come visit you. You are entitled to your thoughts, and them theirs. If you can't bear the brunt of some shallow comments, I don't think you are mature enough to post such matters on the blog. There are people like you, them and me all over the internet, the question is, who would you listen to?

    I hope you don't erase this and go on ranting that everyone who supports change is shallow. There's a reason why we do so, and understand why we want so.

  7. One question is your father a mca chap as my daughter couldn't get a scholarship even with 11a's.Today at least she doesn't have to beg to get her respect as her adopted country gave something you will never get dignity cappish.

  8. Well it depends if your daughter applied for Economics scholarship, the cheapest course sponsored by JPA.

    And in my year, there were only about 6-8 people sponsored for Economics. 3 to Australia 1 to New Zealand, the rest to US and UK.

    My dad is not a party member of any political party. Neither does he own any businesses.

    This can be verified under the Registrar of Societies and Companies Commission Malaysia.

    I suggest that your daughter bring the plight to political parties or the press. If you need help, I can give you a place in my next blog article for you to highlight the appeal.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

  9. Thug mentality is also prevalent among UMNO members. I just realized when there's some hotshot politician insulting women and other races, it's usually an UMNO guy, or someone from the component parties.

    And the first picture in your blog.. UMNO hooligans did the same to Koh Tsu Khoon's pictures after the Ahmad Ismail incident. Imagine doing this to someone on the same team as you!

    Btw, you don't have to come back to prove how dirty PKR is, however dirty they are, the current govt is dirtier. We just choose the less dirty of the two.

  10. I don't have degree and pursuing master but the way you are thinking is not like one..I totally agreed about some comments from the reader in pro PR blogs and same also in pro Bn there are just the same..supporters usually support and they tend to think everything that done by their parties is correct..that a side..but corruption is fucking's a can you want to wipe the corruption if the body who supposed to wiped it is fucking corrupt..don't tell me you don't know this fact..ask anybody in Malaysia..sometime even the police in the police force agreed that they are corrupted..come on dude in terms of being jailed or not..a lot of great leaders around the world being jailed..some even more than 10 years..and I really confident that Anuar Ibrahim is jailed due to sodomised not because of corruption..

  11. Chots, my degrees have nothing to do with my political thoughts as I dont study political science but economics.

    IF Hong Kong can wipe it out through ICAC and the Australian Federal Police can clear it out a few decades ago, then I am sure it is easier to weed corruption than thugs or even the thugs mentality.

    As we all know, triads still go on and on in Japan and Taiwan. But corruption has long been gone from these countries or at least, being battled efficiently.

    And I can assure you, Anwar Ibrahim was jailed 6 years for corruption, the rest for sodomy. The sodomy jail charge was overturned by the court of appeal, so that was why he wsa released.

    So it depends what kind of confidence you have.

  12. Asalamualaikum kepada semua pembaca,

    DSAI adalah manusia dan semua manusia melakukan kesilapan.

    yang penting mestilah insaf.

    PR yang kuat akan menyebabkan BN
    berkelakuan baik tetapi malangnya BN tak insaf lagi (rampasan kuasa di Perak).

    InsyaAllah tak salah nya bagi peluang kepada PR menjadi kerajaan Persekutuan.

    kalau persembahan tidak memuaskan boleh di tukar kembali kepada BN.
    rakyat yang menguntungkan sahaja.


  13. Wei Liang,you are very naive, HK is
    very different to Malaysia. When HK say something they do it just like Singapore. In Malaysia, with
    BN, Money talks, were you just born yesterday young man? BN is beyond redembtion, all of them are there for the money they can grab for themselves. Stop kidding yourself unless you too have the same intention when you return home, I have a guts feeling you are


  14. erm maybe what you said that Anwar was jailed because of corruption is correct but at least he got jailed for it while there are so many BN goons that not only corrupted but so fucking arrogant about it and there are nobody can put them in jailed..see I'm not a PR or BN supporter and I totally hate PAS..but dude I can see change when PR can challenge BN..first at least I can say there is check and balance..and maybe when PR take over the country..I'll not hesitate to vote for other party if PR is full of corruption like BN that we all know right now..even the BN supporter can't deny that there are a lot of corruption in it..anyway one thing is true that we don't need extremist..I mean the so called die-hard-fan in any of the political we must remember they supposed to serve the rakyat..not the other way around..

  15. Actually if you were really honest with yourself you would see that the Pro-BN blogs are more extreme and act more like gangster thugs than the pro-opposition blogs.
    For example:
    Anti PKR Blog

    I see a greater openess and transparency among the opposition as they are able to openly disagree among each other.

    Can BN component parties do that?!?
    For example, Utusan Editor shoot MCA one time and the MCA president must straight away take down their poll survey! Ha!

    You said, "In Barisan Nasional, I see problems like abuse of power and perhaps corruption."
    Perhaps Corruption?!?!
    Are you kidding me!!!
    Are you blind or just plain bias?!

    Eh the only thugs I see are from UMNO and their goons!

    Who murdered Kugan?
    Who bullied Kapal Singh in Parliament?
    Who are the ones that arrest peaceful gathering while allowing the real thugs run free!

    Who raise his keris and vow to drench it with the blood of Chinese?

    And you have the odacity to call pro-opposition comments/blogs thugs!

    Common just come clean and admit that you are proBN, bias towards BN or at the very least being paid by BN!

    If you come upfront and be honest with regards towards your real intention, at least that would have been respectable!

  16. Actually if you were really honest with yourself you would see that the Pro-BN blogs are more extreme and act more like gangster thugs than the pro-opposition blogs.
    For example:
    Anti PKR Blog

    I see a greater openess and transparency among the opposition as they are able to openly disagree among each other.

    Can BN component parties do that?!?
    For example, Utusan Editor shoot MCA one time and the MCA president must straight away take down their poll survey! Ha!

    You said, "In Barisan Nasional, I see problems like abuse of power and perhaps corruption."
    Perhaps Corruption?!?!
    Are you kidding me!!!
    Are you blind or just plain bias?!

    Eh the only thugs I see are from UMNO and their goons!

    Who murdered Kugan?
    Who bullied Kapal Singh in Parliament?
    Who are the ones that arrest peaceful gathering while allowing the real thugs run free!

    Who raise his keris and vow to drench it with the blood of Chinese?

    And you have the odacity to call pro-opposition comments/blogs thugs!

    Common just come clean and admit that you are proBN, bias towards BN or at the very least being paid by BN!

    If you come upfront and be honest with regards towards your real intention, at least that would have been respectable!

  17. MalaysianJustice

    "Who raise his keris and vow to drench it with the blood of Chinese?"

    I also would like to know who. Karpal Singh raised this question in Parliament and DS Najib Tun Razak said he never uttered such words.

    Also, to do so, he has to do it in Malay.

    Read this article and I will be glad to hear from you again.

    As I said, corruption is a matter that can be chopped off the block with proper systems and machinery. But thugs and the mob culture cannot be kicked out of the house easily.

    Are they able to openly disagree ? I dont think so in Pakatan. After someone fires a shot, a senior leader will come in and talk to that person.

    After that, problem closed. In fact, some Pakatan parties even warned their members to "Stop talking".

    This is something Pakatan Rakyat learnt from Gerakan Penang, I guess.

    You can only name GAP as a blog which contains the elements I described in this blog entry. However, I can name you at least 10 just within seconds.

    As for the poll, after you do the statistics, and the results are announced, do you still put it there ?

    There is no reason why we must put a survey that has been polled already for life.

    Be honest with yourself. Compare your comments and mine. Don't you think yours are emotionally charged ?

    You have the answers.
