Sunday, June 21, 2009

Penang BN must return to MCA's Leadership

Gerakan's warlords are truly unbecoming. The outspoken leader who holds a Vice President post in Gerakan has just been suspended for 3 years.

Datuk Lee Kah Choon and Datuk Dr Tan Kee Kwong have both left the party. Will Gerakan send Huan Cheng Guan packing as well ?

Honeymoon is over Gerakan.

Gerakan must learn from MCA and UMNO where leaders who speak out against the leadership and being frank are not threatened with expulsion or suspension.

If Gerakan refuse to learn, then Barisan Nasional cannot place Gerakan in the priority frontline for the leadership of Penang. The taskforce must be returned to MCA - as it was before the 1970s.

From time to time, I read about the ridiculous land problems in Penang.

The articles seem to vaguely paint a picture of mismanagement by the Gerakan-led former State Government that benefited developers and sadly, at the expense of the people's welfare.

The debate organized by between Lim Guan Eng and Dr Koh Tsu Koon was less than impressive.

Read : Debate on Penang Land Issue Falls Short

Yes, as much as we are BN supporters, we do not kow-tow and be yes-men like Pakatan supporters and their second string leaders.

The yes-men days were all finally buried in the days of Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's administration led by vocal calls for reform by Tun Dr Mahathir, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Datuk Seri Rais Yatim, and many more.

Gerakan was an Opposition party before joining Barisan Nasional. In fact, this party was a shining star under Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu and Tun Dr Lim Keng Yaik's leadership years.

Penang was well managed since the 1970s by Gerakan in terms of development, industry growth, investments and the welfare of the people.

When Penang was handed over to Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon and Dr Teng Hock Nan, Penang continue to be governed with excellence in terms of their economy (Penang contributes about 30 percent of Malaysia's GDP today).

But to read from time to time about the land scams in Penang, it puts Barisan Nasional in the spotlight for the wrong reasons.

What more to say about the suspension of a leader who has recently spoken out against the lack of reforms in Gerakan ?

Read : Land scam case - Penang to deposit RM 14.7 mil

Penang is definitely not governed by the Chief Ministers and the EXCOs only as they all depend on their thousands of civil servants there.

Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon and Dr Teng Hock Nan must step forward to offer a proper explanation once and for all that will make it to the frontpages of our mainstream media.

The people of Penang wants to hear answers and solutions, not excuses or vague replies. As much as we know that CM Lim Guan Eng is sensationalizing issues, but that excuse does not justify mismanagement by the Gerakan State Government.

Are the Gerakan leaders directly involved in the land problems or were they misguided with information from the State Economic Planning Unit as well as the City and District Councils which caused what we have today ?

Read : Why Tanjung Bunga residents are protesting

Not only Gerakan must provide answers but the team of civil servants directly involved in the approval of these development projects have a responsibility to tell all.

Again, if Gerakan has no answers, then Penang's taskforce must return to the leadership of MCA and UMNO.

p/s MCA must now welcome Huan Cheng Guan into the party as he is still a man with a Barisan Nasional ideology.


  1. BN most certainly has a place for you Mr. Huan Cheng Guan.

    San Peng

  2. Dal,
    I support ur comment.Malaysians to ensure BN is getting strongger support to take over Penang in PRU 13.Regards

  3. Have anyone of you stay and blend into Penang's society before?
    Well, any changes in the main party will not take over Penang from Pakatan in the PRU 13. It doesn't matter at all. Just a fact.

  4. Take Penang away from Gerakan and there's no incentive for them to stick with BN =)

    Penang might contribute a big chunk of GDP for Malaysia but it has stayed stagnant for quite some time now. Some said, engine dah sejuk, susah nak start balik ni.

  5. 'Mr Yes Man' is the thing of the past....let's see if there is any yes man in Najib's leadership....

  6. Since you are not a yes-men like the Pakatan supporters, I want to know what is your reaction over this issue!

  7. yeah .. I agree that MCA should lead BN in Penang rather than Gerakan. It seems that Gerakan is no umphh anymore and too weak

  8. I give it to Dr Koh. His Bahasa is better. Well not by much but definitely better than mine, but hear the "r" pronounciation.

    Anyway, the people in Penang don't want to know who or what was responsible. They know the answer.

    They want solutions, they want their money back and they want action. Get the damn money back or find a way to sue the money back. No point saying "its all my predecessor's fault" every single day and continue to pay for the mistakes of others. Find a damn solution which is what Mr Lim mentioned as 1 of 3 important points but doesn't seem to be doing anything to make it happen.

  9. I give it to Dr Koh. His Bahasa is better. Well not by much but definitely better than mine, but hear the "r" pronounciation.

    Anyway, the people in Penang don't want to know who or what was responsible. They know the answer.

    They want solutions, they want their money back and they want action. Get the damn money back or find a way to sue the money back. No point saying "its all my predecessor's fault" every single day and continue to pay for the mistakes of others. Find a damn solution which is what Mr Lim mentioned as 1 of 3 important points but doesn't seem to be doing anything to make it happen.
