Friday, June 19, 2009

Dr Mahathir on new industries

Dr M on new industries (excerpts from Chedet)

1. Keju Susu Kambing

Malaysia bukannya terkenal sebagai negara yang mengeluarkan keju. Tetapi saya fikir, setelah melihat pengeluaran mozzarella cheese dan keju susu kambing, tidak ada sebab kenapa kita tidak boleh adakan industri baru ini.

2. Langkawi International Shooting Range Malaysia

Saya terfikir ramai pelancong datang ke Langkawi. Di antara dua juta pelancong tentu ada sebilangan yang berminat dengan sukan tembak-menembak.

Jika disedia jenis-jenis alatan menembak di Lisram dan disewakan kepada peminat sukan ini di antara pelancong yang datang ke Langkawi, ia bukan sahaja akan memberi pulangan kepada pelaburan yang besar yang telah dibuat, ia juga boleh jadi satu tarikan untuk pelancong datang ke Langkawi.


Although the former statesman is not an official advisor to the Government, DS Najib must be open to suggestions and views from Dr M.

Langkawi can potentially be a great place of tourism in Malaysia besides the various highlands (Genting, Cameron, Fraser), nature parks (Taman Negara) and historical towns (Malacca, Penang, Perak).

As an introduction, a blogger wrote a piece about Friendly Farms (Langkawi cheese production). Read it more HERE.

The Government can consider not just the goat's milk cheese but also a whole dairy (milk butter cheese) industry.

If Malaysia intends to adopt and develop this sector, we already have a Malaysian market of consumers who enjoy a simple breakfast of bread, butter, cheese and milk besides the growing love for Italian food that circles around cheese.

We can also see a potential market in the Asean region, if it becomes successful.

Giving birth to new industries and assisting in the development of them surely bring along many benefits - employment growth, additional Government tax revenues, domestic money circulation and economic boost, increase in education and technological level.

It is indeed a considerable project, since we see our country's economy as dull and not progressing.

The LISRAM proposal for it to be a tourism destination is also a viable project. I heard that Vietnam also attracts tourists who want to get a feel of firearms like machine guns, rifles and many more.

We might be able to add something special to the itinerary of international tourists with this proposal. It will also boost domestic travels - Cuti Cuti Malaysia - since I am sure many Malaysians especially youths will be attracted to that range.

Malaysia's economy can be interesting. The MoF, EPU and the PM's Dept surely can consider these two suggestions from our former Prime Minister.


  1. mana industri telor ku, tauke?

  2. The current "lines" prefer the "down-south emperor" than the "doctor", so, what advice are you talking about? You think they give a damn! Has anyone of them ever shown any gratitude since the "doctor" left the "field"? As the "doctor" said, who cares what he says, he is nobody.

  3. Yes, great idea. When Mahathir started Proton, we ended up subsidizing the project and still is. Please lah.

  4. Mahathir's goat cheese empire..?

    hmmmmmmmmmmm no thanks.

