Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dr Mahathir in the eyes of a Ghanaian

I have just checked into Sydney International Airport. I took the cab from my home here and my cab driver was a Ghana-ian.

Interesting man as he talked to me about Malaysia and especially our former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

This is the 3rd time I hear praises for Tun Dr M from foreigners myself, none against so far. The first time was in Japan where my teachers and host family envy the leadership
of Dr M.

The 2nd time was in Melbourne last year when a PhD student from Bangladesh stood up and told YABhg himself that he is more popular than his local politicians.

Today, I heard the reviews from a Ghana-ian (Ghana is an African country).

I was told by him that Dr Mahathir is indeed a smart man because Tun went to his country to see the palm kennel industry and "imported" the idea back to Malaysia.

According to him, Malaysia has far surpassed Ghana now all because of Tun Dr Mahathir. True or not, I cannot confirm because I am not a plantations man.

He also told me that Australians dislike Dr Mahathir especially during Paul Keating's era. Unfortunately, he didn't know why.

I explained to him about the capital punishment on two Australian citizens with drug possession and that caused the strained diplomatic relations between the Keating Administration and Mahathir Administration.

He took it as a knowledge and from there, he also shared with me how he respect Dr M for standing up on the right issues against Australia, the British and of course the United States of America.

If you think that is it, I have to say NO !

He even talked to me about Dr M's opinion on currency trading, derivatives and financial crisis - all recent articles and ideas from Tun himself.

Truly amazing and I am proud of my country Malaysia. It is in the international map and in the good books of people overseas.

Let us get down to business now. I strongly urge the Malaysian Government and the Tourism Ministry to scale down their extravagant expenditure on former Ferrari supremo Jean Todt or any other high end celebrity.

I humbly feel that they are people who will only sell Malaysia half heartedly and only to a handful of rich people. These people will prefer to choose Italy or Mauritius as their 2nd home, rather than the islands of Terengganu.

We should target the masses, not just celebrities and the rich which will come at a high cost. In the end, do we gain much ?

Since Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is already an international figure that commands respect from South East Asia, Arabian countries, the African continent and many other regions, why not appoint Dr M as the Tourism Ambassador instead?

That is all for now and I shall continue my blogging activities back home. Malaysia, Truly Asia.


  1. The palm kernel was utilized from the very day the oil palm fruit was pressed for its oil. SOCFIN started planting oil palm on a large scale 80 years ago and the palm oil extraction industry boomed from there. How old was Mahathir 80 years ago? Now we know the Ghanaian is bullshitting.

  2. you got it correct Mr Goh! the whole world especially the east asia people really admire tun, but some of us in malaysia never really hargai jasa2 tun, especially those who vote for the Pakatan Rakyat! Buta mata buta hati!

  3. 3 Swallows maketh a summer?

    How come he's so impressed with Mahathir that this Ghanian taxi driver works in Oz? Why didn't he apply to emigrate to M'sia? Perhaps he was from the wrong religion?

    Sure, go ahead with M as MT. Perahps all the taxi drivers and PhD's from Bangladesh will flock here for their summer hols!!

    And the Western world which is already pissed off with M's racism and 'self-appointed benevolent dictator' brand of corrupt crony politics will forever desert our shores for Thailand, Singapore, Bali and Phillipines!

    Man, what's it with you guys that you think M is God's gift to M'sia and the sun shines from his orifice?

  4. He chose to go into politics.

    He chose to become the PM

    He was paid a salary and allowances.

    He is at the moment drawing a government pension.

    HE, Mahathir should hargai jasa-jasa rakyat which made Malaysia successful.

    The rakyat owes Tun Mahathir nothing.

  5. i m strongly agree, Tun shud be appointed as tourism abbas. rather than mr ferarri..

    btw, u hav a smart wrtting!

  6. i've been working in Saudi for 3 plus years. even for the non english speaking saudi, when you tell him/her u r from Malaysia, the next word that comes out of their mouth is 'Mahathir Mohammad' (I came across an 'Anwar Ibrahim' once :) ) obviously, Tun M has left his mark here. It just shows how he has made an impact in the world arena during his tenure as PM. He might not be perfect, but he's done some good for Malaysia and that's a fact!

  7. i've been working in Saudi for 3 plus years. even for the non english speaking saudi, when you tell him/her u r from Malaysia, the next word that comes out of their mouth is 'Mahathir Mohammad' (I came across an 'Anwar Ibrahim' once :) ) obviously, Tun M has left his mark here. It just shows how he has made an impact in the world arena during his tenure as PM. He might not be perfect, but he's done some good for Malaysia and that's a fact!

  8. i've been working in Saudi for 3 plus years. even for the non english speaking saudi, when you tell him/her u r from Malaysia, the next word that comes out of their mouth is 'Mahathir Mohammad' (I came across an 'Anwar Ibrahim' once :) ) obviously, Tun M has left his mark here. It just shows how he has made an impact in the world arena during his tenure as PM. He might not be perfect, but he's done some good for Malaysia and that's a fact!
