Tuesday, May 05, 2009

MAS Advisory Role for Tun Abdullah ?

Well of course.

How can we forget about the role for our former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Badawi as contribution to Malaysia after stepping down graciously?

When Dr Mahathir Mohamad stepped down, he ensured that his successor inherited a Government that is strong and dynamic not only economically but also political stability.

Malaysia enjoyed a 22 year administration which brought us excitement with sports events, major facelifts to Kuala Lumpur and many other cities, strong foreign policies, and of course a peaceful and united Malaysia which houses a multiracial community.

Tun Dr M also ensured that the Government had sufficient funds and the systems were in place for Malaysia to grow, develop and mature.

Malaysia was one of the few countries in Asia that depends mostly on local debt (not external debt) and that is remarkable only made possible with the existence of EPF and Petronas funds together with strong financial institutions engineered by Tun Dr M and his advisors.

Upon retirement, Dr Mahathir was given the following roles based on his merits and level of respect which YABHg commands domestically and internationally :

1. Chairman of Perdana Leadership Foundation
2. Petronas Group Advisor
3. Proton Holdings Bhd Advisor
4. Langkawi Development Authority Advisor

When Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was Prime Minister, many controversies took place. For example,
  • the Malaysian sand & airspace for Crooked Bridge deal with Singapore

  • Gerbang Perdana was paid RM 270 million for the cancellation of the Scenic Bridge and subsequently rendered the CIQ Complex as "white elephant"
  • MV Augusta's 1 Euro sale to Gevi Spa which was later restructured and sold subsidiary Husqvarna Motorcycles to BMW Motorrad for a sum of approx 90 million Euro in July 2007
  • Scomi received many contracts during his tenure and there was once a report that a relative is holding a food supply contract with MAS

  • a small ECM Libra that tookover the way larger firm Avenue Capital but was later "cleared" by PAC

  • embroiled in claims that Government was controlled by the Fourth Floor, spin doctors (Group Editors-in-Chief at that time whom were largely Abdullah's men)

  • a team of "yes-men" Cabinet existed under his Pak Lah's Government (currently a culture practised by Pakatan Rakyat under Anwar Ibrahim)

  • controversial Monsoon Cup with a big budget that does not seem to benefit any of the locals but tycoons only

Now, news are out that Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has been appointed as

  1. Malaysia Airlines Bhd Advisor
  2. Malaysian Islamic Understanding Institute (IKIM) Advisor
  3. Economic Growth Corridors Advisor

source : Pak Lah made MAS advisor as Najib avoids potential minefield

I don't know about you, but I just want to set things right. It doesn't mean that after a new Prime Minister is sworn in, the previous Administration's controversies will follow along into oblivion.

I hope DS Najib Tun Razak hears the opinions of the many who have voiced out their support for a revival of the Scenic Bridge.

An inquiry should also be held and ensure that everything was done accordingly and with accountability in Proton's case.

1. Proton Holdings Bhd executives
2. Khazanah Nasional (largest shareholder of Proton)
3. Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (former PM and Finance Minister)
4. Datuk Azlan Hashim (former Chairman of Proton)
5. Credit Suisse (consultant to Proton for this deal)

I think the next appointment in line will be Ambassador of the Monsoon Cup. Perhaps a role in AirAsia too?

Lately we see many steps taken to improve transportation, religious conversion row and now a review on ISA to make it an Anti Terror Act.

All these are respectable reforms done by the Barisan Nasional Government. However, any mistakes will be costly and risky in view of the next Election.

I hope the Government remember the words of advise from Dr M :

“After the defeat there will be no Prime Minister, minister and other positions. No more contracts, APs and licenses. Everyone will suffer, and be insulted by others. And that is the end of Umno"

(Credits to TheStar for the photos)

1 comment:

  1. no more contracts , AP and licenses...is it a good thing?
